TPZStepSolver< TVar > Member List

This is the complete list of members for TPZStepSolver< TVar >, including all inherited members.

ClassId() const overrideTPZStepSolver< TVar >virtual
Clone() const overrideTPZStepSolver< TVar >inlinevirtual
Compare(TPZSavable *copy, bool override=false)TPZSavablevirtual
Compare(TPZSavable *copy, bool override=false) constTPZSavablevirtual
CreateInstance(const int &classId)TPZSavablestatic
Decompose() overrideTPZStepSolver< TVar >virtual
EBICGSTAB enum valueTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
ECG enum valueTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
EDirect enum valueTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
EGMRES enum valueTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
EJacobi enum valueTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
EMultiply enum valueTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
ENoSolver enum valueTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
ESOR enum valueTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
ESSOR enum valueTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
fDecomposeTPZStepSolver< TVar >private
fFromCurrentTPZStepSolver< TVar >private
fMaxIterationsTPZStepSolver< TVar >private
fNumIterationsTPZStepSolver< TVar >private
fNumVectorsTPZStepSolver< TVar >private
fOverRelaxTPZStepSolver< TVar >private
fPrecondTPZStepSolver< TVar >private
fReferenceMatrixTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >protected
fScratchTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >protected
fSingularTPZStepSolver< TVar >private
fSolverTPZStepSolver< TVar >private
fTolTPZStepSolver< TVar >private
GetTolerance() constTPZStepSolver< TVar >inline
Matrix() constTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >inline
MSolver enum nameTPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
NumIterations()TPZStepSolver< TVar >inline
PreConditioner()TPZStepSolver< TVar >inline
Read(TPZStream &buf, void *context) overrideTPZStepSolver< TVar >virtual
ReallocMatrix()TPZMatrixSolver< TVar >inline
Register(TPZRestoreClassBase *restore)TPZSavablestatic
RegisterClassId(int classid, TPZRestore_t fun)TPZSavablestatic
ResetMatrix() overrideTPZStepSolver< TVar >virtual
ResetSolver()TPZStepSolver< TVar >
SetBiCGStab(const int64_t numiterations, const TPZMatrixSolver< TVar > &pre, const REAL tol, const int64_t FromCurrent)TPZStepSolver< TVar >
SetCG(const int64_t numiterations, const TPZMatrixSolver< TVar > &pre, const REAL tol, const int64_t FromCurrent)TPZStepSolver< TVar >
SetDirect(const DecomposeType decomp)TPZStepSolver< TVar >
SetGMRES(const int64_t numiterations, const int numvectors, const TPZMatrixSolver< TVar > &pre, const REAL tol, const int64_t FromCurrent)TPZStepSolver< TVar >
SetJacobi(const int64_t numiterations, const REAL tol, const int64_t FromCurrent)TPZStepSolver< TVar >
SetMatrix(TPZAutoPointer< TPZMatrix< TVar > > Refmat)TPZMatrixSolver< TVar >inlinevirtual
SetMultiply()TPZStepSolver< TVar >
SetPreconditioner(TPZSolver< TVar > &solve)TPZStepSolver< TVar >
SetReferenceMatrix(TPZAutoPointer< TPZMatrix< TVar > > matrix)TPZMatrixSolver< TVar >inlinevirtual
SetSOR(const int64_t numiterations, const REAL overrelax, const REAL tol, const int64_t FromCurrent)TPZStepSolver< TVar >
SetSSOR(const int64_t numiterations, const REAL overrelax, const REAL tol, const int64_t FromCurrent)TPZStepSolver< TVar >
SetTolerance(REAL tol)TPZStepSolver< TVar >inline
ShareMatrix(TPZMatrixSolver< TVar > &other)TPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
Singular()TPZStepSolver< TVar >inline
Solve(const TPZFMatrix< TVar > &F, TPZFMatrix< TVar > &result, TPZFMatrix< TVar > *residual=0) overrideTPZStepSolver< TVar >virtual
Solver() overrideTPZStepSolver< TVar >inlinevirtual
TPZMatrixSolver(TPZAutoPointer< TPZMatrix< TVar > > Refmat)TPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
TPZMatrixSolver()TPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
TPZMatrixSolver(const TPZMatrixSolver< TVar > &Source)TPZMatrixSolver< TVar >
TPZRegisterClassId(int(T::*)() const)TPZRegisterClassIdinline
TPZStepSolver(TPZAutoPointer< TPZMatrix< TVar > > refmat=0)TPZStepSolver< TVar >
TPZStepSolver(const TPZStepSolver< TVar > &copy)TPZStepSolver< TVar >
UpdateFrom(TPZAutoPointer< TPZMatrix< TVar > > matrix) overrideTPZStepSolver< TVar >inlinevirtual
Version() constTPZSavablevirtual
VersionHistory() constTPZSavablevirtual
Write(TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const overrideTPZStepSolver< TVar >virtual
~TPZMatrixSolver()TPZMatrixSolver< TVar >virtual
~TPZSolver()TPZSolver< TVar >virtual
~TPZStepSolver()TPZStepSolver< TVar >virtual