![]() |
This is the complete list of members for TPZTensor< T >, including all inherited members.
Add(const TPZTensor< T1 > &tensor, const T2 &constant) | TPZTensor< T > | |
Adjust(TPZVec< T > &sigIJ, TPZTensor< T > &result) const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
AreEqual(const T &val1, const T &val2, const T tol=T(1.e-9)) const | TPZTensor< T > | inlineprotected |
ClassId() const override | TPZTensor< T > | inlinevirtual |
ClassIdMap() | TPZSavable | inlinestatic |
Compare(TPZSavable *copy, bool override=false) | TPZSavable | virtual |
Compare(TPZSavable *copy, bool override=false) const | TPZSavable | virtual |
ComputeEigenvalues(TPZDecomposed &eigensystem, const bool compute_eigenvectors=false) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
ComputeEigenvector0(const T &eigenvalue, TPZManVector< T, 3 > &eigenvector) const | TPZTensor< T > | protected |
ComputeEigenvector1(const TPZManVector< T, 3 > &eigenvector0, const T &eigenvalue1, TPZManVector< T, 3 > &eigenvector1) const | TPZTensor< T > | protected |
ComputeEigenvectors(TPZDecomposed &eigensystem) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
ComputeEigenvectorsInternal(TPZDecomposed &eigensystem) const | TPZTensor< T > | protected |
CopyFrom(const TPZFMatrix< T > &source) | TPZTensor< T > | |
CopyTo(TPZTensor< T1 > &target) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
CopyTo(TPZFMatrix< REAL > &target) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
CopyToTensor(TPZFMatrix< T > &Tensor) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
CreateInstance(const int &classId) | TPZSavable | static |
dDet(TPZTensor< T > &grad) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
Det() const | TPZTensor< T > | |
DeviatoricDiagonal(TPZVec< T > &vec) const | TPZTensor< T > | private |
DeviatoricDiagonal_T(TPZVec< T > &vec) const | TPZTensor< T > | private |
DirectEigenValues(TPZDecomposed &eigensystem, bool compute_eigenvectors) const | TPZTensor< T > | protected |
dJ2(TPZTensor< T > &Tangent) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
dJ3(TPZTensor< T > &deriv) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
EigenProjection(const TPZVec< T > &EigenVals, int index, const TPZVec< int > &DistinctEigenvalues, TPZTensor< T > &Ei) const | TPZTensor< T > | protected |
EigenSystem(TPZDecomposed &eigensystem) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
EigenSystemJacobi(TPZDecomposed &eigensystem) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
Eigenvalue(TPZTensor< T > &eigenval, TPZTensor< T > &dSigma1, TPZTensor< T > &dSigma2, TPZTensor< T > &dSigma3) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
EigenVector(TPZVec< TPZVec< T > > &eigVec) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
fData | TPZTensor< T > | |
HaighWestergaard(T &LodeAngle, T &qsi, T &rho) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
HaighWestergaard(T &LodeAngle, T &qsi, T &rho, TPZTensor< T > &dLodeAngle, TPZTensor< T > &dQsi, TPZTensor< T > &dRho) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
I1() const | TPZTensor< T > | |
I2() const | TPZTensor< T > | |
I3() const | TPZTensor< T > | |
Identity() | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
Identity_T(TBASE &) | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
IsDiagonal(T tol=1.e-9) const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
IsZeroTensor(T tol=1.e-9) const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
IsZeroVal(const T &val, T tol=1.e-9) | TPZTensor< T > | inlineprotectedstatic |
J2() const | TPZTensor< T > | |
J3() const | TPZTensor< T > | |
Lodeangle(TPZTensor< T > &GradLode, T &Lode) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
Multiply(const T1 &multipl, const T2 &constant) | TPZTensor< T > | |
Multiply(const TPZTensor< T > tensor, TPZTensor< T > &resp) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
NeoPZVersion() | TPZSavable | static |
Norm() const | TPZTensor< T > | |
operator TPZFMatrix< T >() const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
operator()(const int64_t row, const int64_t col) | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
operator()(const int64_t row, const int64_t col) const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
operator*(const T &multipl) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
operator*=(const T &multipl) | TPZTensor< T > | |
operator+(const TPZTensor< T > &source) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
operator+=(const TPZTensor< T > &source) | TPZTensor< T > | |
operator-(const TPZTensor< T > &source) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
operator-=(const TPZTensor< T > &source) | TPZTensor< T > | |
operator=(const TPZTensor< T > &source) | TPZTensor< T > | |
operator[](int i) const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
Precondition(REAL &conditionFactor, TPZTensor< T > &A, TPZDecomposed &decomposition) const | TPZTensor< T > | protected |
Print(std::ostream &out) const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
Print(std::ostream &output) const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
Print(std::ostream &output) const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
Read(TPZStream &buf, void *context) override | TPZTensor< T > | virtual |
Register(TPZRestoreClassBase *restore) | TPZSavable | static |
RegisterClassId(int classid, TPZRestore_t fun) | TPZSavable | static |
RestoreClassSet() | TPZSavable | inlinestatic |
S(TPZTensor< T > &s) const | TPZTensor< T > | |
Scale(const T2 &constant) | TPZTensor< T > | |
SetUp(const TPZVec< REAL > &Solution) | TPZTensor< T > | |
TPZRegisterClassId(int(T::*)() const) | TPZRegisterClassId | inline |
TPZRegisterClassId()=default | TPZRegisterClassId | |
TPZSavable() | TPZSavable | inline |
TPZTensor() | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
TPZTensor(const T &Init) | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
TPZTensor(const TPZTensor< T > &source) | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
TPZTensor(const TPZDecomposed &eigensystem) | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
TPZTensor(const TPZFMatrix< T > &input) | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
Version() const | TPZSavable | virtual |
VersionHistory() const | TPZSavable | virtual |
Write(TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const override | TPZTensor< T > | virtual |
XX() const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
XY() const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
XZ() const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
YY() const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
YZ() const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
Zero() | TPZTensor< T > | |
ZZ() const | TPZTensor< T > | inline |
~TPZSavable() | TPZSavable | inlinevirtual |