![]() |
This is the complete list of members for TPZYCSandlerDimaggio, including all inherited members.
AlphaMultiplier(const T &A, T &multiplier) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
CheckConv() | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlinestatic |
ClassId() const override | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | virtual |
ClassIdMap() | TPZSavable | inlinestatic |
Compare(TPZSavable *copy, bool override=false) | TPZSavable | virtual |
Compare(TPZSavable *copy, bool override=false) const | TPZSavable | virtual |
Compute(const TPZTensor< T > &sigma, const T &A, TPZVec< T > &res, int checkForcedYield) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
ComputeD2F(REAL L, REAL &D2F) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
ComputedF(const T &L, T &dF) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
ComputeDL(const T &L, const T &A, T &DL) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
ComputeEpsp(const REAL L) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
ComputeF(const T &L, T &F) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
ComputeTangent(TPZFMatrix< REAL > &tangent, TPZVec< REAL > &, int icase) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
ComputeX(const T &A, T &X) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
CreateInstance(const int &classId) | TPZSavable | static |
D2Distance(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL L, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
D2EpspDL2(const T &L, T &d2epspdL2) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | |
DDistance(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL L, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
DEpspDL(const T &L, T &depspdL) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | |
DFuncEpsp(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL epsp, REAL delepsp, TPZVec< REAL > &result) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
DFuncEpspL(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL L, REAL deltaL, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ, TPZVec< REAL > &result) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
DFuncEpspUsingL(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL L, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ, TPZVec< REAL > &result) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
DFuncTheta(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL epsp, REAL delepsp, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ, TPZVec< REAL > &result) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
DFuncTheta2(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL epsp, REAL delepsp, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ, TPZVec< REAL > &result) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
DFuncTheta2L(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL L, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ, TPZVec< REAL > &result) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
Distance(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL L, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
DistTheta(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL epsp, REAL delepsp, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
DistThetaL(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL L, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
EpspFromL(const T &L, T &epsp) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | |
fA | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | |
fB | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | |
fC | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | |
fD | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | |
fIsonCap | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | |
fR | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | |
FuncEpsp(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL epsp, REAL delepsp, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
FuncEpspL(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL L, REAL deltaL, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
FuncEpspUsingL(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL epspini, REAL L, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
FuncTheta(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL epsp, REAL delepsp, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
FuncTheta2(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL epsp, REAL delepsp, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
FuncTheta2L(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL L, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
FuncThetaL(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL theta, REAL L, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
fW | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | |
FZero() const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
GetForceYield() | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
GetNYield() const override | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlinevirtual |
gRefTension | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | static |
H(const TPZTensor< T > &sigma, const T &A, TPZVec< T > &h, int checkForcedYield) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
InitialDamage() | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
InitialGuess(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL epsp, TPZTensor< REAL > &sigtrial, REAL &epspproj, TPZVec< REAL > &delgamma, TPZTensor< REAL > &sigproj) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
LInitialGuess(const T &X, T &L) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
LMax() const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
LoadState(TPZFMatrix< REAL > &state) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
McCormicRanchSand(TPZYCSandlerDimaggio &material) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlinestatic |
N(const TPZTensor< T > &sigma, const T &A, TPZVec< TPZTensor< T > > &Ndir, int checkForcedYield) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
Name() const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
NeoPZVersion() | TPZSavable | static |
NewtonF1(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL &L, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
NewtonF2(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL &epsp, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
NewtonF2L(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL &L, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
NewtonF3(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL &epsp, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
NumCases() | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
NYield enum value | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | |
operator=(const TPZYCSandlerDimaggio &source) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
Print(std::ostream &out) const override | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlinevirtual |
Read(TPZStream &buf, void *context) override | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlinevirtual |
Register(TPZRestoreClassBase *restore) | TPZSavable | static |
RegisterClassId(int classid, TPZRestore_t fun) | TPZSavable | static |
Residual(TPZFMatrix< REAL > &res, int icase) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
RestoreClassSet() | TPZSavable | inlinestatic |
SetForceYield(const int forceYield) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
SetUp(REAL A, REAL B, REAL C, REAL D, REAL R, REAL W) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
SetYieldStatusMode(const TPZTensor< REAL > &sigma, const REAL &A) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
SolveL(const T &X, T &L, REAL relTol=1.e-10) const | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
TestSolveL() | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlinestatic |
TPZRegisterClassId(int(T::*)() const) | TPZRegisterClassId | inline |
TPZRegisterClassId()=default | TPZRegisterClassId | |
TPZSavable() | TPZSavable | inline |
TPZYCSandlerDimaggio() | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
TPZYCSandlerDimaggio(const TPZYCSandlerDimaggio &source) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inline |
UpdateSigtrialIJ(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL epsp, REAL theta, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
UpdateSigtrialIJL(const TPZElasticResponse &ER, REAL L, REAL theta, TPZVec< REAL > &sigtrialIJ) | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlineprotected |
Version() const | TPZSavable | virtual |
VersionHistory() const | TPZSavable | virtual |
Write(TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const override | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlinevirtual |
YieldFunction(const TPZVec< STATE > &sigma, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &yield) const override | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlinevirtual |
~TPZSavable() | TPZSavable | inlinevirtual |
~TPZYCSandlerDimaggio() | TPZYCSandlerDimaggio | inlinevirtual |