![]() |
This is the complete list of members for pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism, including all inherited members.
BlendFactorForSide(const int &side, const TPZVec< T > &xi, T &blendFactor, TPZVec< T > &corrFactorDxi) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
CenterPoint(int side, TPZVec< REAL > ¢er) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
CheckProjectionForSingularity(const int &side, const TPZVec< T > &xiInterior) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
ClassId() const override | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | virtual |
ClassIdMap() | TPZSavable | inlinestatic |
Compare(TPZSavable *copy, bool override=false) | TPZSavable | virtual |
Compare(TPZSavable *copy, bool override=false) const | TPZSavable | virtual |
ComputeDirections(int side, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &gradx, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &directions, TPZVec< int > &sidevectors) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
ComputeHCurlDirections(TPZFMatrix< TVar > &gradx, TPZFMatrix< TVar > &directions, const TPZVec< int > &transformationIds) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
ComputeHDivDirections(TPZFMatrix< TVar > &gradx, TPZFMatrix< TVar > &directions) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
ContainedSideLocId(int side, int c) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
CreateInstance(const int &classId) | TPZSavable | static |
CreateSideIntegrationRule(int side, int order) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
Dimension enum value | pztopology::TPZPrism | |
FaceNodes | pztopology::TPZPrism | protectedstatic |
fNodeIndexes | pzgeom::TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism > | |
fPermutations | pztopology::TPZPrism | protectedstatic |
GetSideHDivDirections(TPZVec< int > &sides, TPZVec< int > &dir, TPZVec< int > &bilinearounao) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
GetSideHDivDirections(TPZVec< int > &sides, TPZVec< int > &dir, TPZVec< int > &bilinearounao, TPZVec< int > &sidevectors) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
GetSideHDivPermutation(int transformationid, TPZVec< int > &permgather) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
GetTransformId(TPZVec< int64_t > &id) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
GetTransformId(int side, TPZVec< int64_t > &id) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
GradX(const TPZFMatrix< REAL > &nodes, TPZVec< T > &loc, TPZFMatrix< T > &gradx) | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | inlinestatic |
GraphElType typedef | pztopology::TPZPrism | |
HigherDimensionSides(int side, TPZStack< int > &high) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
Initialize(TPZVec< int64_t > &nodeindexes) | pzgeom::TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism > | inline |
Initialize(TPZGeoEl *) | pzgeom::TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism > | inline |
InsertExampleElement(TPZGeoMesh &gmesh, int matid, TPZVec< REAL > &lowercorner, TPZVec< REAL > &size) | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | static |
IntruleType typedef | pztopology::TPZPrism | |
IsGeoBlendEl() const | pzgeom::TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism > | inline |
IsInParametricDomain(const TPZVec< REAL > &pt, REAL tol=pztopology::gTolerance) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
IsLinearMapping(int side) | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | inlinestatic |
TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism >::IsLinearMapping() const | pzgeom::TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism > | |
LowerDimensionSides(int side, TPZStack< int > &smallsides) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
LowerDimensionSides(int side, TPZStack< int > &smallsides, int DimTarget) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
MapToSide(int side, TPZVec< T > &InternalPar, TPZVec< T > &SidePar, TPZFMatrix< T > &JacToSide) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
NBilinearSides() | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
NContainedSides(int side) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
NCornerNodes enum value | pztopology::TPZPrism | |
NeoPZVersion() | TPZSavable | static |
NFaces enum value | pztopology::TPZPrism | |
NNodes enum value | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | |
NPermutations enum value | pztopology::TPZPrism | |
NSideNodes(int side) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
NSides enum value | pztopology::TPZPrism | |
NumSides() | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
NumSides(int dimension) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
ParametricDomainNodeCoord(int node, TPZVec< REAL > &nodeCoord) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
Print(std::ostream &out) const | pzgeom::TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism > | inline |
RandomPoint(TPZVec< REAL > &pt) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
Read(TPZStream &buf, void *context) override | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | virtual |
RefElVolume() | pztopology::TPZPrism | inlinestatic |
Register(TPZRestoreClassBase *restore) | TPZSavable | static |
RegisterClassId(int classid, TPZRestore_t fun) | TPZSavable | static |
ResetBlendConnectivity(const int64_t &side, const int64_t &index) | pzgeom::TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism > | inline |
RestoreClassSet() | TPZSavable | inlinestatic |
SetNeighbourInfo(int side, TPZGeoElSide &neigh, TPZTransform<> &trans) | pzgeom::TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism > | inlinevirtual |
Shape(TPZVec< REAL > &loc, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphi) | pztopology::TPZPrism | inlinestatic |
ShapeFaceId | pztopology::TPZPrism | protectedstatic |
SideDimension(int side) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
SideNodeLocId(int side, int node) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
SideNodes | pztopology::TPZPrism | protectedstatic |
SideToSideTransform(int sidefrom, int sideto) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
Top typedef | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | |
TPZGeoPrism(TPZVec< int64_t > &nodeindexes) | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | inline |
TPZGeoPrism() | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | inline |
TPZGeoPrism(const TPZGeoPrism &cp, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcNdMap) | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | inline |
TPZGeoPrism(const TPZGeoPrism &cp) | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | inline |
TPZGeoPrism(const TPZGeoPrism &cp, TPZGeoMesh &) | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | inline |
TPZNodeRep(TPZVec< int64_t > &nodeindexes) | pzgeom::TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism > | inline |
TPZNodeRep() | pzgeom::TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism > | inline |
TPZNodeRep(const TPZNodeRep &cp, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcNdMap) | pzgeom::TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism > | |
TPZNodeRep(const TPZNodeRep< N, pztopology::TPZPrism > &cp) | pzgeom::TPZNodeRep< 6, pztopology::TPZPrism > | inline |
TPZPrism() | pztopology::TPZPrism | inline |
TPZRegisterClassId(int(T::*)() const) | TPZRegisterClassId | inline |
TPZRegisterClassId()=default | TPZRegisterClassId | |
TPZSavable() | TPZSavable | inline |
TransformElementToSide(int side) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
TransformSideToElement(int side) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
TShape(const TPZVec< T > &loc, TPZFMatrix< T > &phi, TPZFMatrix< T > &dphi) | pztopology::TPZPrism | inlinestatic |
Type() | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
Type(int side) | pztopology::TPZPrism | static |
TypeName() | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | inlinestatic |
Version() const | TPZSavable | virtual |
VersionHistory() const | TPZSavable | virtual |
Write(TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const override | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | virtual |
X(const TPZFMatrix< REAL > &nodes, TPZVec< T > &loc, TPZVec< T > &x) | pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism | inlinestatic |
~TPZPrism() | pztopology::TPZPrism | inlinevirtual |
~TPZSavable() | TPZSavable | inlinevirtual |