Doctoral Thesis Developed at LabMeC

Publications on Referred Journals

* DEVLOO, P. R. B.; FARIAS, A. M.; GOMES, S. M. A remark concerning divergence accuracy order for H(div)-conforming finite element flux approximations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications

* DEVLOO, P. R. B.; FARIA, C. O.; FARIAS, A. M.; GOMES, S. M.; DURAN, O. Y. An object-oriented framework for multiphysics problems combining different approximation spaces. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2018. pdf

* DEVLOO, P. R. B.; FARIA, C. O.; FARIAS, A. M.; GOMES, S. M.; LOULA, A. F. D.; MALTA, S. M. C. On continuous, discontinuous, mixed and primal hybrid finite element methods for second order elliptic problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v. 115 (9):1081-1107, 2018. pdf

*DEVLOO, P. R. B.; DURÁN, O. Y.; GOMES, S. M.; SHAUER, N. Mixed finite element approximations based on 3-D hp-adaptive curved meshes with two types of H(div)-conforming spaces. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, v. 113, p. 1045-1060, 2018. pdf

* FARIAS, AGNALDO M. ; DEVLOO, PHILIPPE R.B. ; GOMES, SÔNIA M. ; DE SIQUEIRA, DENISE ; CASTRO, DOUGLAS A.. Two dimensional mixed finite element approximations for elliptic problems with enhanced accuracy for the potential and flux divergence. COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, v. 74, p. 3283-3295, 2017. pdf

* FORTI, TIAGO L.D. ; FARIAS, AGNALDO M. ; DEVLOO, PHILIPPE R.B. ; GOMES, SÔNIA M.. A comparative numerical study of different finite element formulations for 2D model elliptic problems: Continuous and discontinuous Galerkin, mixed and hybrid methods. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, v. 115, p. 9-20, 2016. pdf

* CASTRO, DOUGLAS A. ; DEVLOO, PHILIPPE R.B. ; FARIAS, AGNALDO M. ; M. GOMES, SONIA ; DURÁN, OMAR. Hierarchical high order finite element bases for H(div) spaces based on curved meshes for two-dimensional regions or manifolds. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, v. 301, p. 241-258, 2016. pdf

* DEVLOO, P. R. B.; FARIAS, A. M. ; GOMES, SÔNIA M. ; SIQUEIRA, D. Two-dimensional hp adaptive finite element spaces for mixed formulations. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, v. 126, p. 104-122, 2016. pdf

* CASTRO, D. A. ; DEVLOO, P. R. B. ; FARIAS, A. M.; GOMES, S. M.; SIQUEIRA, D. ; DURÁN, O. Y. Three dimensional hierarchical mixed finite element approximations with enhanced primal variable accuracy. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v. 306, p. 479-502, 2016. pdf

* CECÍLIO, D. L.; DEVLOO, P. R. B.; GOMES, S. M.; SANTOS, E. R. S.; SHAUER, N. An improved numerical integration algorithm for elastoplastic constitutive equations. Computers and Geotechnics, v. 64, p. 1-9, 2015. pdf

* BORIN, E.; DEVLOO, P. R. B.; VIEIRA, G. S.; SHAUER, N. Accelerating engineering software on modern multi-core processors. Advances in Engineering Software (1992), v. 84, p. 77-84, 2015. pdf

* CALLE, J. L. D.; DEVLOO, P. R. B. ; GOMES, S. M. Implementation of continuous hp-adaptive finite element spaces without limitations on hanging sides and distribution of approximation orders. Computers & Mathematics with Applications (1987), v. 70, p. 1051-1069, 2015. pdf

* AYALA, B. C. M. A.; PAVANELLO, R.; DEVLOO, P. R. B.; Calle, J. L. D. Definition of a P-interpolating space of hierarchical bases of finite elements on the pyramid. Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 460, p. 174-204, 2014. pdf

* DEVLOO, P. R. B.; FARIAS, A. M. ; GOMES, S. M. ; GONÇALVES, J. L. Application of a combined continuous-discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the solution of the Girkmann problem. Computers & Mathematics with Applications (1987), v. 65, p. 1786-1794, 2013. pdf

* GONÇALVES, J. L; GOMES, S. M.; DEVLOO, P. R. B. A goal-oriented hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin approach for biharmonic problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v. 97, p. 274–297, 2013. pdf

* SIQUEIRA, D.; DEVLOO, P. R. B.; GOMES, S. M. A new procedure for the construction of hierarchical high order Hdiv and Hcurl finite element spaces. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, v. 236, p. 204-214, 2012. pdf

* DEVLOO, P. R. B.; BRAVO, C. M. A. A.; RYLO, E. C. Systematic and generic construction of shape functions for p-adaptive meshes of multidimensional finite elements. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v. 198, p. 1716-1725, 2009. pdf


CECILIO, D.; DEVLOO, P. R. B.; GOMES, S. M.; SANTOS, E. S. R. An adaptive finite element model for well-bore breakout simulation report

SIQUEIRA, D.; FARIAS, A. M.; DEVLOO, P. R. B.; GOMES, S. M. Mixed finite element approximations of a singular elliptic problem based on some anisotropic and hp-adaptive curved quarter-point elements report

DURAN, O. Y.; DEVLOO, P. R. B.; GOMES, S. M.; VALENTIN, F. A multiscale hybrid method for Darcy's problems using mixed finite element local solvers report

DEVLOO, P. R. B.; DURAN, O. Y.; FARIAS, A. M.; GOMES, S. M. Effects of mesh deformation on the accuracy of mixed finite element approximations for 3D Darcy's flows report

CARVALHO, P. G.; DEVLOO, P. R. B.; GOMES, S. M. On the use of balanced H(div)-L2 pair of approximation spaces for divergence-free simulations of Stokes and coupled Stokes-Darcy equations report

DEVLOO, P. R. B., GOMES S. G., QUINELATO, T., TIAN, S. Enriched two dimensional mixed finite element models for linear elasticity with weak stress symmetry report

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