SubStruct Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for SubStruct:


file  doxsubstrmatrix.h [code]
 Creates substructure group for Doxygen documentation.
file  pzdohrstructmatrix.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZDohrStructMatrix methods.
file  pzdohrstructmatrix.h [code]
 Contains the TPZDohrStructMatrix class which implements structural matrix divided in sub structures.
file  tpzdohrassemblelist.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZDohrAssembleList methods.
file  tpzdohrassemblelist.h [code]
 Contains the TPZDohrAssembleItem and TPZDohrAssembleList structs to assembling using Dohrman algorithm.
file  tpzdohrassembly.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZDohrAssembly methods.
file  tpzdohrassembly.h [code]
 Contains the TPZDohrAssembly class which implements assembling using Dohrmann algorithm.
file  tpzdohrmatrix.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZDohrMatrix methods.
file  tpzdohrmatrix.h [code]
 Contains the TPZDohrMatrix class which implements a matrix divided into substructures.
Also contains the TPZDohrThreadMultData and TPZDohrThreadMultList structs.
file  tpzdohrprecond.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZDohrPrecond methods.
file  tpzdohrprecond.h [code]
 Contains the TPZDohrPrecond class which implements a matrix which computes the preconditioner developed by Dohrmann.
Also contains TPZDohrPrecondThreadV1Data, TPZDohrPrecondV2SubData and TPZDohrPrecondV2SubDataList structure.
file  tpzdohrsubstruct.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZDohrSubstruct methods.
file  tpzdohrsubstruct.h [code]
 Contains the TPZDohrSubstruct class which implements sub structure matrices using Dohrman algorithm.
file  tpzdohrsubstructCondense.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZDohrSubstructCondense methods.
file  tpzdohrsubstructCondense.h [code]
 Contains the TPZDohrSubstructCondense class which condenses matrix divided in sub structures.
file  TPZfTime.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZfTime methods.
file  TPZfTime.h [code]
 Contains the TPZfTime class which calculates times.
file  tpzgensubstruct.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZGenSubStruct methods.
file  tpzgensubstruct.h [code]
 Contains the TPZGenSubStruct class which is an interface to "feed" the datastructure of the Dohrmann algorithm.
file  tpzmatredstructmatrix.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZMatRedStructMatrix methods.
file  tpzmatredstructmatrix.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMatRedStructMatrix class.
file  tpzpairstructmatrix.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZPairStructMatrix methods.
file  tpzpairstructmatrix.h [code]
 Contains the TPZPairStructMatrix class.
file  tpzparallelenviroment.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZParallelEnviroment methods.
file  tpzparallelenviroment.h [code]
 Contains the TPZParallelEnviroment class which store the parallel enviroment variables.
file  TPZTimeTemp.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZTimeTemp methods.
file  TPZTimeTemp.h [code]
 Contains the TPZTimeTemp class which takes times.