The Getting Mesh classes.

Groups intermediate classes to facilitate the opening of an input stream
and define the methods used to read or to generate a grid(generally initial mesh). More...


class  TDatafile
 TDatafile is a virtual class from which classes with different data formats can be derived. Getting Data. More...
class  TPZGenGrid
 Implements the generation of a multilayered bi-dimensional geometric grid. Getting Data. More...
class  TPZHyperPlane
 Reads a mesh in a "human readable" format, i.e. in text format and with coments. Getting Data. More...
class  TPZIdentifyRefPattern
 Identifies the refinement pattern given the father element and their sons. Getting Data. More...
struct  TSide
 To store a side and its nodes indexes. Getting data. More...
class  TPZGenPartialGrid
 Implements the generation of a geometric grid. Getting Data. More...
class  TPZReadMesh
 Virtual class that implements the interface for build a computational mesh from a file. Getting Data. More...
class  TPZReadMeshHR
 Reads a mesh in a "human readable" format, i.e. in text format and with coments. Getting Data. More...
class  TPZReadTetGen
 Implement the interface between TPZGeoMesh and the files produced by tetgen. Getting Data. More...
class  TPZExtendGridDimension
 Generates a three dimensional mesh as an extension of a two dimensional mesh. Getting Data. More...
class  TPZGenSpecialGrid
 Implements the generation of a polygonal mesh approximating a geometric element from another simple polygonal mesh. Getting Data. More...
class  TPZGMSHReadMesh
 Manages the manipulation of geometric meshes. Getting Data generated by the GMSH in order to be used for the NeoPZ. More...
class  TPZReadGIDGrid
 Implement the interface between TPZGeoMesh and the files produced by GID (version G.T. 10.0.7 ) in dump format. More...

Detailed Description

Groups intermediate classes to facilitate the opening of an input stream
and define the methods used to read or to generate a grid(generally initial mesh).