static TPZGeoEl * ChangeToQuadratic(TPZGeoMesh *Mesh, int64_t ElemIndex)
Turns an linear geoelement to quadratic.
Defines the behaviour of all geometric elements. GeometryTPZGeoEl is the common denominator for all g...
Contains the TPZGeoBlend class which implements a blending map from curved boundaries to the interior...
static bool CreateMiddleNodeAtEdge(TPZGeoMesh *Mesh, int64_t ElemIndex, int edge, int64_t &middleNodeId)
Contains the TPZNodeRep class which implements ... Clase intermediaria que guarda.
Special map. It is util to convert a linear element for quadratic element, but the same topology...
static bool NearestNode(TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZVec< REAL > &x, int64_t &meshNode, double tol)
Return if a given point x is near to some node of a given geo element.
static TPZGeoEl * ChangeToGeoBlend(TPZGeoMesh *Mesh, int64_t ElemIndex)
Turns a regular element into a geoblend.
This class implements a geometric mesh for the pz environment. Geometry.
static TPZGeoEl * ChangeToQuarterPoint(TPZGeoMesh *Mesh, int64_t ElemIndex, int targetSide)
Slide middle nodes of an quadratic geoelement to the quarterpoint with respect to a given side...