tpzgaussrule.cpp File Reference

Contains the implementation of the TPZGaussRule methods. More...

#include "pz_config.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <cmath>
#include "tpzgaussrule.h"
#include "tpzintrulelist.h"
#include "pzerror.h"
#include "pzvec.h"
Include dependency graph for tpzgaussrule.cpp:

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long double machinePrecision ()
long double gamma (unsigned int n)
 Evaluate the factorial of a integer. More...
long double gamma (long double x)
 Evaluates the Gamma function for a real number x, Gamma(x). The computation is based on an algorithm outlined in "An Overview of Software Development for Special Functions, in Numerical Analysis" (Dundee, 1975) by William Cody. More...

Detailed Description

Contains the implementation of the TPZGaussRule methods.

Definition in file tpzgaussrule.cpp.