Go to the documentation of this file.
5 #include "pz_config.h"
6 #include <math.h>
7 #include <cmath>
9 #include "tpzgaussrule.h"
10 #include "tpzintrulelist.h"
11 #include "pzerror.h"
13 #include "pzvec.h"
15 #ifdef VC
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #endif
19 using namespace std;
21 //***************************************
22 TPZGaussRule::TPZGaussRule(int order,int type,long double alpha,long double beta) {
23  // Cleaning storage
24  fLocation.Resize(0);
25  fWeight.Resize(0);
27  if(alpha <= -1.0L) alpha = 0.0L; // it is required to right computation
28  if(beta <= -1.0L) beta = 0.0L; // it is required to right computation
29  fAlpha = alpha;
30  fBeta = beta;
32  fType = type;
34  if(order < 0) {
35  PZError << "TPZGaussRule criation, order = " << order << " not allowable\n";
36  fNumInt = 0;
37  fLocation.Resize(0);
38  fWeight.Resize(0);
39  return;
40  }
41  switch (fType) {
42  case 1: // Lobatto
43  {
44  // Computing the points and weights for the symmetric Gaussian quadrature (using Legendre polynomials)
45  fOrder = ComputingGaussLobattoQuadrature(order);
46  }
47  break;
48  case 2: // Jacobi
49  if(IsZero(fAlpha) && IsZero(fBeta)) fAlpha = fBeta = 1.0L; // Because fAlpha = fBeta = 0.0 is same as Gauss Legendre case
50  // Computing the points and weights for the symmetric Gaussian quadrature (using Legendre polynomials)
51  fOrder = ComputingGaussJacobiQuadrature(order,fAlpha,fBeta);
52  break;
53  case 3: // Chebyshev
54  fAlpha = fBeta = -0.5L;
55  fOrder = ComputingGaussChebyshevQuadrature(order);
56  break;
57  default: // Legendre (default)
58  // Computing the points and weights for the symmetric Gaussian quadrature (using Legendre polynomials)
59  fOrder = ComputingGaussLegendreQuadrature(order);
60  break;
61  }
62  if(fOrder<0)
63  fOrder = order;
64 }
66 TPZGaussRule::TPZGaussRule(const TPZGaussRule &copy) : fType(copy.fType), fNumInt(copy.fNumInt), fLocation(copy.fLocation),
67  fWeight(copy.fWeight), fAlpha(copy.fAlpha), fBeta(copy.fBeta), fOrder(copy.fOrder)
68 {
70 }
73 {
74  fType = copy.fType;
75  fNumInt = copy.fNumInt;
76  fLocation = copy.fLocation;
77  fWeight = copy.fWeight;
78  fAlpha = copy.fAlpha;
79  fBeta = copy.fBeta;
80  fOrder = copy.fOrder;
81  return *this;
82 }
86 //***************************************
87 //***************************************
89  fNumInt = 0;
90  fLocation.Resize(0);
91  fWeight.Resize(0);
92 }
94 //***************************************
95 //***************************************
96 long double TPZGaussRule::Loc(int i) const {
97  if (i>=0 && i<fNumInt)
98  return fLocation[i];
99  else {
100  PZError << "ERROR(TPZGaussRule::loc) Out of bounds!!\n";
101  return 0.0L;
102  }
103 }
105 //***************************************
106 //***************************************
107 long double TPZGaussRule::W(int i) const {
108  if (i>=0 && i<fNumInt)
109  return fWeight[i];
110  else {
111  PZError << "ERROR(TPZGaussRule::w) Out of bounds!!\n";
112  return 0.0L;
113  }
114 }
116 void TPZGaussRule::Print(std::ostream &out) {
117  int i;
118  out << "\nGaussian Quadrature ";
119  if(!fType) out << "(Legendre) : " << std::endl;
120  else if(fType == 1) out << "(Lobatto) : " << std::endl;
121  else if(fType == 2) out << "(Jacobi) : " << std::endl;
122  else if(fType == 3) out << "(Chebyshev) : " << std::endl;
123  else out << "(Unkown) : " << std::endl;
124  out << "\nNumber of points : " << fNumInt << std::endl;
125  for(i=0;i<fNumInt;i++) {
126  out << i << " :\t" << fLocation[i] << " \t" << fWeight[i] << std::endl;
127  }
128  out << std::endl;
129 }
131 void TPZGaussRule::SetType(int &type,int order) {
132  if(order < 0) order = 1;
133  if(type < 0 || type > 3) type = 0;
134  fLocation.Resize(0);
135  fWeight.Resize(0);
136  fType = type;
137  int neworder;
138  switch(type) {
139  case 1: // Lobatto
140  {
141  // Computing the points and weights for the symmetric Gaussian quadrature (using Legendre polynomials)
142  neworder=ComputingGaussLobattoQuadrature(order);
143  }
144  break;
145  case 2: // Jacobi
146  {
147  // Computing the points and weights for the symmetric Gaussian quadrature (using Legendre polynomials)
149  }
150  break;
151  case 3: // Chebyshev
152  {
153  neworder=ComputingGaussChebyshevQuadrature(order);
154  }
155  break;
156  default: // Legendre (default)
157  {
158  // Computing the points and weights for the symmetric Gaussian quadrature (using Legendre polynomials)
159  neworder=ComputingGaussLegendreQuadrature(order);
160  }
161  break;
162  }
163  if(neworder < 0)
164  DebugStop();
165 }
169 // Compute the points and weights for Gauss Legendre Quadrature over the parametric 1D element [-1.0, 1.0] - This quadrature is symmetric
171  // Computing number of points appropriated to the wished order = 2*npoints - 1. Note: If odd we need increment one point more
172  fNumInt = (int)(0.51*(order+2));
173  if(fNumInt < 1)
174  fNumInt = 1;
178  order = (fNumInt-1)*2;
180  return order;
181 }
182 // Compute the points and weights for Gauss Legendre Quadrature over the parametric 1D element [-1.0, 1.0] - This quadrature is symmetric
184  long double tol = machinePrecision();
185  long double z1, z, pp, p3, p2, p1, dif, den;
186  int i, j;
187  int64_t iteration;
189  // Cleaning vector to storage
190  Location.Resize(0);
191  Weight.Resize(0);
192  Location.Resize((*npoints),0.0L);
193  Weight.Resize((*npoints),0.0L);
195  int m = ((*npoints)+1)/2;
196  long double weight;
198  for(i=0;i<m;i++) {
199  p1 = ((long double)(i))+(0.75L);
200  p2 = ((long double)((*npoints)))+0.5L;
201  z = cosl((M_PI*p1)/p2); // p2 never is zero
202  iteration = 0L;
203  do {
204  iteration++;
205  p1 = 1.0L;
206  p2 = 0.0L;
207  for(j=0;j<(*npoints);j++) {
208  p3 = p2;
209  p2 = p1;
210  p1 = (((2.0L)*((long double)(j))+(1.0L))*z*p2-(((long double)(j))*p3))/(((long double)(j))+(1.0L)); // denominator never will be zero
211  }
212  den = (z*z)-(1.0L);
213  if(fabs(den)<1.e-16L)
214  z = 0.5L;
215  pp = ((long double)(*npoints))*(z*p1-p2)/den;
216  z1 = z;
217  if(fabs(pp)<1.e-16L)
218  z = 0.5L;
219  else z = z1-p1/pp;
220  dif = fabs(z - z1);
221  }while(fabs(dif) > tol && iteration < PZINTEGRAL_MAXITERATIONS_ALLOWED);
223  // If the maxime number of iterations is reached then the computing is stopped
225  std::cout << "Reached maxime number of iterations for NPOINTS = " << (*npoints) << ".\n";
226  (*npoints) = 0;
227  Location.Resize(0);
228  Weight.Resize(0);
229  break;
230  }
231  // Philippe Order
232  weight = 2.0L/((1.0L-z*z)*pp*pp);
233  Location[2*i] = -z;
234  Weight[2*i] = weight;
235  if((2*i+1)<(*npoints)) {
236  Location[2*i+1] = z;
237  Weight[2*i+1] = weight;
238  }
239  }
240 }
243  // Computing number of points appropriated to the wished order = 2*npoints - 1. Note: If odd we need increment one point more
244  fNumInt = (int)(0.51*(order+2));
245  if(fNumInt < 0)
246  fNumInt = 1;
248  // Cleaning vector to storage
249  fLocation.Resize(0);
250  fWeight.Resize(0);
251  fLocation.Resize(fNumInt, 0.0L);
252  fWeight.Resize(fNumInt, 0.0L);
254  for(int i=0;i<fNumInt;i++) {
255  fLocation[i] = cosl(M_PI*(long double)(i+0.5L)/((long double)(fNumInt)));
256  fWeight[i] = M_PI/((long double)(fNumInt));
257  }
258  return order;
259 }
261 // To compute the polinomial Jacobi on x point, n is the order, alpha and beta are the exponents as knowed
262 long double TPZGaussRule::JacobiPolinomial(long double x,int alpha,int beta,unsigned int n) {
263  // the Jacobi polynomial is evaluated
264  // using a recursion formula.
265  TPZVec<long double> p(n+1);
266  int v, a1, a2, a3, a4;
268  // initial values P_0(x), P_1(x):
269  p[0] = 1.0L;
270  if(n==0) return p[0];
271  p[1] = (((long double)(alpha+beta+2.0L))*x + ((long double)(alpha-beta)))/2.0L;
272  if(n==1) return p[1];
274  for(unsigned int i=1; i<=(n-1); ++i) {
275  v = 2*i + alpha + beta;
276  a1 = 2*(i+1)*(i + alpha + beta + 1)*v;
277  a2 = (v + 1)*(alpha*alpha - beta*beta);
278  a3 = v*(v + 1)*(v + 2);
279  a4 = 2*(i+alpha)*(i+beta)*(v + 2);
281  p[i+1] = static_cast<long double>( (((long double)(a2)) + ((long double)(a3))*x)*p[i] - ((long double)(a4))*p[i-1])/((long double)(a1));
282  } // for
283  return p[n];
284 }
286 using namespace std;
289  // Computing number of points appropriated to the wished order = 2*npoints - 1. Note: If odd we need increment one point more
290  fNumInt = (int)(0.51*(order+2));
291  fNumInt++;
293  if(fNumInt < 2)
294  fNumInt = 2;
298  order = 2*(fNumInt-1);
299  // Cleaning vector to storage
300  fLocation.Resize(0);
301  fWeight.Resize(0);
302  fLocation.Resize(fNumInt, 0.0L);
303  fWeight.Resize(fNumInt, 0.0L);
305  // Process to compute inner integration points at [-1.,1.]
306  const unsigned int m = fNumInt - 2; // no. of inner points
308  unsigned int counter = 0;
309  // compute quadrature points with a Newton algorithm.
311  // Set tolerance.
312  const long double eps = 1.09e-19L;
313  long double deps = 2.23e-16L;
315  // check whether long double is more accurate than double, and
316  // set tolerances accordingly
317  const long double tol = ((1.L + eps) != 1.L ? max(deps/(100.0L), eps*5.0L) : deps*5.0L);
319  // it take the zeros of the Chebyshev polynomial (alpha=beta=-0.5) as initial values:
320  unsigned int i, k;
321  for(i=0; i<m; ++i)
322  fLocation[i] = - cosl(((2.0L*((long double)(i))+1.0L)/(2.0L*((long double)(m))))*M_PI);
324  long double r, s, J_x, f, delta;
326  for(k=0; k<m; ++k) {
327  r = fLocation[k];
328  if(k>0) r = (r + fLocation[k-1])/2.0L;
329  do {
330  counter++;
331  s = 0.0L;
332  for (i=0; i<k; ++i)
333  s += 1.0L/(r - fLocation[i]);
335  J_x = 0.5L*((long double)(m + 3.0L))*JacobiPolinomial(r,2,2, m-1);
336  f = JacobiPolinomial(r,1,1, m);
337  delta = f/(f*s- J_x);
338  r += delta;
339  }
340  while (fabs(delta) >= tol && counter < PZINTEGRAL_MAXITERATIONS_ALLOWED);
342  // If maxime iterations is reached, clean all points
344  fNumInt = 0;
345  fWeight.Resize(0);
346  fLocation.Resize(0);
347  cout << "Maxime number of iterations allowed in quadrature GaussLobatto. \n" ;
348  return -1; // to compile in linux
349  }
351  fLocation[k] = r;
352  }
354  int ii;
355  for(ii=m-1;ii>-1;ii--)
356  fLocation[ii+1] = fLocation[ii];
358  fLocation[0] = -1.0L;
359  fLocation[fNumInt-1] = 1.0L;
361  // Process to compute the weights to corresponding integration points
362  s = 0.L;
363  i = (unsigned int) fNumInt;
364  f = gamma(i);
365  r = gamma(i+1);
366  const long double factor = 2.L*f*f / (((long double)(fNumInt-1))*f*r);
368  fWeight.Resize(fNumInt,0.0L);
370  for(ii=0; ii < fNumInt; ++ii)
371  {
372  s = JacobiPolinomial(fLocation[ii],0,0, fNumInt-1);
373  fWeight[ii] = factor/(s*s);
374  }
375  return order;
376 }
379 int TPZGaussRule::ComputingGaussJacobiQuadrature(int order,long double alpha, long double beta) {
380  // Computing number of points appropriated to the wished order = 2*npoints - 1. Note: If odd we return -1;need increment one point more
381  fNumInt = (int)(0.51*(order+2));
382  if(fNumInt < 0)
383  fNumInt = 1;
386  return order;
387 }
390 void TPZGaussRule::ComputingGaussJacobiQuadrature(int *npoints,long double alpha, long double beta,TPZVec<long double> &Location,TPZVec<long double> &Weight) {
391  // Computing number of points appropriated to the wished order = 2*npoints - 1. Note: If odd we need increment one point more
392  long double an, bn;
395  long double cc, delta, dp2;
396  int i;
397  long double p1, prod, r1, r2, r3, temp, x0 = 0.0;
399  Location.Resize((*npoints),0.0L);
400  Weight.Resize((*npoints),0.0L);
402  b.Resize((*npoints),0.0L);
403  c.Resize((*npoints),0.0L);
405  // This method permit only alpha > -1.0 and beta > -1.0
406  if(alpha <= -1.0L) {
407  std::cerr << "\nJACOBI_COMPUTE - Fatal error!\n -1.0 < ALPHA is required.\n";
408  std::exit ( 1 );
409  }
410  if(beta <= -1.0L) {
411  std::cerr << "\nJACOBI_COMPUTE - Fatal error!\n -1.0 < BETA is required.\n";
412  std::exit ( 1 );
413  }
415  // Set the recursion coefficients.
416  for(i=1;i<=(*npoints);i++) {
417  if(alpha + beta == 0.0L || beta - alpha == 0.0L) {
418  b[i-1] = 0.0L;
419  }
420  else {
421  b[i-1] = ( alpha + beta ) * ( beta - alpha ) /
422  ( ( alpha + beta + ( 2.0L * ((long double)(i)) ) )
423  * ( alpha + beta + ( 2.0L * ((long double)(i)) - 2.0L ) ) );
424  }
425  if(i==1) {
426  c[i-1] = 0.0L;
427  }
428  else {
429  c[i-1] = 4.0L * ( ((long double)(i)) - 1.0L ) * ( alpha + ( ((long double)(i)) - 1.0L ) ) * ( beta + ( ((long double)(i)) - 1.0L ) )
430  * ( alpha + beta + ( ((long double)(i)) - 1.0L ) ) /
431  ( ( alpha + beta + ( 2.0L * ((long double)(i)) - 1.0L ) ) * (std::pow(alpha + beta + (2.0L*((long double)(i)) - 2.0L),2.0L))
432  * ( alpha + beta + ( 2.0L * ((long double)(i)) - 3.0L ) ) );
433  }
434  }
436  delta = (gamma(alpha + 1.0L) * gamma(beta + 1.0L)) / gamma(alpha + beta + 2.0L);
438  prod = 1.0L;
439  for(i=2;i <= (*npoints);i++)
440  prod = prod * c[i-1];
441  cc = delta * std::pow( 2.0L, alpha + beta + 1.0L ) * prod;
443  for(i=1;i<=(*npoints);i++) {
444  if(i==1) {
445  an = alpha / (long double)((*npoints));
446  bn = beta / (long double)((*npoints));
448  r1 = ( 1.0L + alpha ) * ( 2.78L / ( 4.0L + (long double)((*npoints)*(*npoints))) + 0.768L * an / (long double)((*npoints)));
449  r2 = 1.0L + 1.48L * an + 0.96L * bn + 0.452L * an * an + 0.83L * an * bn;
451  x0 = ( r2 - r1 ) / r2;
452  }
453  else if(i==2) {
454  r1 = ( 4.1L + alpha ) / ( ( 1.0L + alpha ) * ( 1.0L + 0.156L * alpha ) );
456  r2 = 1.0L + 0.06L * ((long double)((*npoints)) - 8.0L) * (1.0L + 0.12L * alpha) / (long double)((*npoints));
457  r3 = 1.0L + 0.012L * beta * (1.0L + 0.25L * fabsl(alpha)) / (long double)((*npoints));
459  x0 = x0 - r1*r2*r3*(1.0L - x0);
460  }
461  else if(i==3) {
462  r1 = ( 1.67L + 0.28L * alpha ) / ( 1.0L + 0.37L * alpha );
463  r2 = 1.0L + 0.22L * ( (long double)((*npoints)) - 8.0L) / (long double)((*npoints));
464  r3 = 1.0L + 8.0L * beta / ( ( 6.28L + beta ) * (long double)((*npoints)*(*npoints)));
466  x0 = x0 - r1 * r2 * r3 * ( Location[0] - x0 );
467  }
468  else if(i<(*npoints)-1) {
469  x0 = 3.0L * Location[i-2] - 3.0L * Location[i-3] + Location[i-4];
470  }
471  else if(i==(*npoints)-1) {
472  r1 = ( 1.0L + 0.235L * beta ) / (0.766L + 0.119L * beta);
473  r2 = 1.0L / ( 1.0L + 0.639L * ((long double)((*npoints)) - 4.0L)
474  / ( 1.0L + 0.71L * ((long double)((*npoints)) - 4.0L)));
476  r3 = 1.0L / ( 1.0L + 20.0L * alpha / ( ( 7.5L + alpha ) *
477  (long double)((*npoints)*(*npoints))));
479  x0 = x0 + r1 * r2 * r3 * ( x0 - Location[i-3] );
480  }
481  else if(i==(*npoints)) {
482  r1 = ( 1.0L + 0.37L * beta ) / ( 1.67L + 0.28L * beta );
484  r2 = 1.0L / ( 1.0L + 0.22L * ( (long double)((*npoints)) - 8.0L )
485  / (long double)((*npoints)));
487  r3 = 1.0L / ( 1.0L + 8.0L * alpha /
488  ( ( 6.28L + alpha ) * (long double)((*npoints)*(*npoints))));
490  x0 = x0 + r1 * r2 * r3 * ( x0 - Location[i-3] );
491  }
493  // Improving the root of the Jacobi polinomial
494  long double d;
495  long double precision;
496  int itera, itera_max = 10;
498  precision = machinePrecision();
500  for(itera=1;itera<=itera_max;itera++) {
501  d = JacobiPolinomial(x0,(*npoints),alpha,beta,b,c,&dp2,&p1);
502  d /= dp2;
503  x0 = x0 - d;
504  if(fabsl(d) <= precision*(fabsl(x0) + 1.0L)) {
505  break;
506  }
507  }
508  Location[i-1] = x0;
509  Weight[i-1] = cc/(dp2*p1);
510  }
512  // inverting the position of the points
513  for(i=1;i<=(*npoints)/2;i++) {
514  temp = Location[i-1];
515  Location[i-1] = Location[(*npoints)-i];
516  Location[(*npoints)-i] = temp;
517  }
518  // inverting the position of the weights
519  for(i=1;i<=(*npoints)/2;i++) {
520  temp = Weight[i-1];
521  Weight[i-1] = Weight[(*npoints)-i];
522  Weight[(*npoints)-i] = temp;
523  }
524 }
527 long double TPZGaussRule::JacobiPolinomial(long double x, int order,long double alpha, long double beta,
528  TPZVec<long double> &b, TPZVec<long double> &c,long double *dp2, long double *p1 )
529 {
530  long double p2, p0, dp0, dp1;
531  int i;
533  *p1 = 1.0L;
534  dp1 = 0.0L;
535  p2 = x + (alpha - beta)/(alpha + beta + 2.0L);
536  *dp2 = 1.0L;
538  for(i=2;i<=order;i++) {
539  p0 = *p1;
540  dp0 = dp1;
542  *p1 = p2;
543  dp1 = *dp2;
545  p2 = (x - b[i-1])*(*p1) - c[i-1]*p0;
546  *dp2 = (x - b[i-1])*dp1 + (*p1) - c[i-1]*dp0;
547  }
548  return p2;
549 }
552 long double machinePrecision() {
553  long double precision = 1.0L;
554  int iterations = 0;
556  while ( 1.0L < (long double) (1.0L + precision) && iterations < PZINTEGRAL_MAXITERATIONS_ALLOWED) {
557  precision = precision / 2.0L;
559  cout << "\nMaxime iterations reached - epsilon() \n";
560  return 2.0*precision;
561  }
562  }
563  return 2.0L*precision;
564 }
567 long double gamma(unsigned int n) {
568  long double fatorial = (long double)(n - 1);
569  for (int i=n-2; i>1; --i)
570  fatorial *= (long double)i;
571  return fatorial;
572 }
575 long double gamma(long double x) {
576  // Coefficients for minimax approximation over (see reference).
577  long double c[7] = { -1.910444077728E-03L, 8.4171387781295E-04L, -5.952379913043012E-04L,
578  7.93650793500350248E-04L, -2.777777777777681622553E-03L, 8.333333333333333331554247E-02L,
579  5.7083835261E-03L };
580  long double precision = 2.22E-16L;
581  long double fact, half = 0.5L;
582  int i, n;
583  long double p[8] = { -1.71618513886549492533811E+00L, 2.47656508055759199108314E+01L,
584  -3.79804256470945635097577E+02L, 6.29331155312818442661052E+02L, 8.66966202790413211295064E+02L,
585  -3.14512729688483675254357E+04L, -3.61444134186911729807069E+04L, 6.64561438202405440627855E+04L };
586  bool parity;
587  long double q[8] = { -3.08402300119738975254353E+01L, 3.15350626979604161529144E+02L,
588  -1.01515636749021914166146E+03L, -3.10777167157231109440444E+03L, 2.25381184209801510330112E+04L,
589  4.75584627752788110767815E+03L, -1.34659959864969306392456E+05L, -1.15132259675553483497211E+05L };
590  long double res, xnum, y, y1, ysq, z;
591  long double sqrtpi = 0.9189385332046727417803297L;
592  long double sum, value, xbig = 171.624L;
593  long double xden, xinf = 1.79E+308L;
594  long double xminin = 2.23E-308L;
596  parity = false;
597  fact = 1.0L;
598  n = 0;
599  y = x;
601  // When the argument is negative
602  if(y <= 0.0) {
603  y = - x;
604  y1 = (long double)((int)(y)); // take the integer part
605  res = y - y1;
606  if(res != 0.0) {
607  if( y1 != (long double)(((int)(y1*half))*2.0L)) {
608  parity = true;
609  }
610  fact = - M_PI/sinl(M_PI*res);
611  y = y + 1.0L;
612  }
613  else {
614  res = xinf;
615  value = res;
616  return value;
617  }
618  }
620  // When the argument is positive but lower than precision
621  if(y < precision) {
622  if(xminin <= y) res = 1.0L/y;
623  else {
624  res = xinf;
625  value = res;
626  return value;
627  }
628  }
629  // When the argument is positive but lower than 12.0L
630  else if(y < 12.0L) {
631  y1 = y;
632  if(y < 1.0L) {
633  z = y;
634  y = y + 1.0L;
635  }
636  else { // note the value is not higher than 12.0L
637  n = (int)(y) - 1;
638  y = y - (long double)(n);
639  z = y - 1.0L;
640  }
641  xnum = 0.0;
642  xden = 1.0L;
643  for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
644  xnum = (xnum + p[i])*z;
645  xden = xden*z + q[i];
646  }
647  res = xnum/xden + 1.0L;
648  if(y1 < y) {
649  res = res/y1;
650  }
651  else if(y < y1) {
652  for(i=1;i<=n;i++) {
653  res = res*y;
654  y = y + 1.0L;
655  }
656  }
657  }
658  // When the argument is higher than 12.0L
659  else {
660  if(y <= xbig) {
661  ysq = y * y;
662  sum = c[6];
663  for(i=0;i<6;i++) {
664  sum = sum / ysq + c[i];
665  }
666  sum = sum / y - y + sqrtpi;
667  sum = sum + (y-half)*log(y);
668  res = exp(sum);
669  }
670  else {
671  res = xinf;
672  value = res;
673  return value;
674  }
675  }
676  // Adjusting
677  if(parity) res = - res;
678  if(fact != 1.0L) res = fact/res;
680  return res;
681 }
long double JacobiPolinomial(long double x, int order, long double alpha, long double beta, TPZVec< long double > &b, TPZVec< long double > &c, long double *dp2, long double *p1)
Evaluates the Jacobi polinomial for real x.
expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ fabs
Definition: tfadfunc.h:140
void SetType(int &type, int order)
Sets a gaussian quadrature: 0 - Gauss Legendre, 1 - Gauss Lobatto, 2 - Gauss Jacobi with alpha = beta...
bool IsZero(long double a)
Returns if the value a is close Zero as the allowable tolerance.
Definition: pzreal.h:668
long double W(int i) const
Returns weight for the ith point.
TPZVec< long double > fWeight
Weight of the integration point.
Definition: tpzgaussrule.h:39
Templated vector implementation.
Defines PZError.
int ComputingGaussLobattoQuadrature(int order)
Computes the points and weights for Gauss Lobatto Quadrature over the parametric 1D element It is to...
int fOrder
order of the integration rule
Definition: tpzgaussrule.h:47
int ComputingGaussJacobiQuadrature(int order, long double alpha, long double beta)
Computes the points and weights for Gauss Lobatto Quadrature over the parametric 1D element It is to...
int ComputingGaussChebyshevQuadrature(int order)
Computes the points and weights for Gauss Chebyshev Quadrature over the parametric 1D element [-1...
Definition: tpzgaussrule.h:11
TPZGaussRule & operator=(const TPZGaussRule &copy)
virtual void Resize(const int64_t newsize, const T &object)
Resizes the vector object reallocating the necessary storage, copying the existing objects to the new...
Definition: pzvec.h:373
static const double tol
Definition: pzgeoprism.cpp:23
#define DebugStop()
Returns a message to user put a breakpoint in.
Definition: pzerror.h:20
int fNumInt
Number of integration points for this object.
Definition: tpzgaussrule.h:35
string res
long double fBeta
BETA is the exponent of (1+X) in the quadrature rule: weight = (1-X)^ALPHA * (1+X)^BETA.
Definition: tpzgaussrule.h:44
TPZGaussRule(int order, int type=0, long double alpha=0.0L, long double beta=0.0L)
Constructor of quadrature rule.
long double gamma(unsigned int n)
Evaluate the factorial of a integer.
TPZFlopCounter pow(const TPZFlopCounter &orig, const TPZFlopCounter &xp)
Returns the power and increments the counter of the power.
Definition: pzreal.h:487
void Print(std::ostream &out=std::cout)
Prints the number of integration points, all points and weights (as one dimension) ...
Contains the TPZIntRuleList class which creates instances of all integration rules for rapid selectio...
expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ log
Definition: tfadfunc.h:130
Default destructor.
expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ exp
Definition: tfadfunc.h:125
long double fAlpha
ALPHA is the exponent of (1-X) in the quadrature rule: weight = (1-X)^ALPHA * (1+X)^BETA.
Definition: tpzgaussrule.h:42
TPZVec< long double > fLocation
Location of the integration point.
Definition: tpzgaussrule.h:37
long double machinePrecision()
int fType
fType = 1 (Gauss Lobatto quadrature), fType = 2 (Gauss Jacobi quadrature) for any alpha and beta the ...
Definition: tpzgaussrule.h:26
Contains the TPZGaussRule class which implements the Gaussian quadrature.
clarg::argString m("-m", "input matrix file name (text format)", "matrix.txt")
long double Loc(int i) const
Returns location of the ith point.
Implements the Gaussian quadrature. Numerical Integration Abstract class.
Definition: tpzgaussrule.h:19
int ComputingGaussLegendreQuadrature(int order)
Computes the points and weights for Gauss Legendre Quadrature over the parametric 1D element [-1...
#define PZError
Defines the output device to error messages and the DebugStop() function.
Definition: pzerror.h:15