Go to the documentation of this file.
6 #include "tpzgraphelt2dmapped.h"
7 #include "pzshapequad.h"
9 static REAL cornerco[4][2] =
10 {
11  {0.,0.},
12  {1.,0.},
13  {0.,1.},
14  {0.,1.}
15 };
18 {
19 }
22 {
23  TPZGraphElQ2dd::QsiEta(i,imax,qsieta);
24  TPZFNMatrix<8> phi(4,1,0.),dphi(2,4,0.);
25  pzshape::TPZShapeQuad::ShapeCorner(qsieta,phi,dphi);
26  REAL temp[2] = {0.,0.};
27  int is;
28  for(is=0; is<4; is++)
29  {
30  temp[0] += cornerco[is][0]*phi(is,0);
31  temp[1] += cornerco[is][1]*phi(is,0);
32  }
33  qsieta[0] = temp[0];
34  qsieta[1] = temp[1];
36 }
Default destructor.
virtual void QsiEta(TPZVec< int > &i, int imax, TPZVec< REAL > &qsieta)
This method maps the index of a point to parameter space as a function of the number of divisions...
Definition: pzgraphel.cpp:62
virtual void QsiEta(TPZVec< int > &i, int imax, TPZVec< REAL > &qsieta)
This method maps the index of a point to parameter space as a function of the number of divisions...
static void ShapeCorner(TPZVec< REAL > &pt, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphi)
Computes the corner shape functions for a quadrilateral element.
Definition: pzshapequad.cpp:36
Contains the TPZGraphElT2dMapped class which implements a graphical element for a triangle mapped int...
static REAL cornerco[4][2]
Contains TPZShapeQuad class which implements the shape functions of a quadrilateral element...
Non abstract class which implements full matrices with preallocated storage with (N+1) entries...
Definition: pzfmatrix.h:716