Go to the documentation of this file.
5 #include "TPZConsLawTest.h"
6 #include "pzelmat.h"
7 #include "pzbndcond.h"
8 #include "pzmatrix.h"
9 #include "pzfmatrix.h"
10 #include "pzerror.h"
11 #include <math.h>
12 #include <cmath>
14 using namespace std;
17 TPZConsLawTest::TPZConsLawTest(int nummat, TPZVec<STATE> B,int artdiff,STATE delta_t,int dim,STATE delta,int test) : TPZConservationLaw(nummat,delta_t,dim), fXf(1,1,0.), fB(dim) {
19  if(artdiff<0 || artdiff>3){
20  PZError << "TPZConsLawTest::TPZConsLawTest artificial diffusion parameter, default 1\n";
21  artdiff = 1;
22  }
23  if(B.NElements() != dim){
24  PZError << "TPZConsLawTest::TPZConsLawTest error in dimension of B, default dimension " << dim << endl;
25  B.Resize(dim);
26  int i;
27  for(i=0;i<dim;i++) B[i] = 0.;
28  B[dim-1] = 1.0;
29  }
30  int i;
31  for(i=0;i<dim;i++) fB[i] = B[i];
32  fArtificialDiffusion = artdiff;//SUPG, SL or Bornhauss
33  fDelta = delta;
34  fTest = test;
35 }
38 }
41  return 1;
42 }
44 void TPZConsLawTest::Print(std::ostream &out) {
45  out << "name of material : " << Name() << "\n";
46  out << "properties : \n";
47  TPZMaterial::Print(out);
48 }
51  REAL weight,
53  TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ef) {
55  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphi = data.dphix;
56  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphiL = data.dphixl;
57  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphiR = data.dphixr;
58  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phi = data.phi;
59  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phiL = data.phil;
60  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phiR = data.phir;
61  // TPZManVector<REAL,3> &normal = data.normal;
62  TPZManVector<REAL,3> &x = data.x;
63  // int &POrder=data.p;
64  // int &LeftPOrder=data.leftp;
65  // int &RightPOrder=data.rightp;
66  int numbersol = data.sol.size();
67  if (numbersol != 1) {
68  DebugStop();
69  }
71  TPZVec<STATE> &sol=data.sol[0];
72  // TPZVec<REAL> &solL=data.soll;
73  // TPZVec<REAL> &solR=data.solr;
74  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dsol=data.dsol;
75  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dsolL=data.dsoll;
76  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dsolR=data.dsolr;
77  // REAL &faceSize=data.HSize;
78  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &daxesdksi=data.daxesdksi;
79  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &axes=data.axes;
81  int phr = phi.Rows();// phi(in, 0) = phi_in , dphi(i,jn) = dphi_jn/dxi
83  if(fForcingFunction) {
85  fForcingFunction->Execute(x,res);//fXf(0,0) = res[0];//if(!sol[0])
86  sol[0] = res[0];//solu�o inicial, na itera�o 0 sol = 0 e res != 0
87  } //nas itera�es > 0 sol != 0 e res = 0
88  int dim = dphi.Rows();
89  if(Dimension() != dim)
90  PZError << "TPZConsLawTest::Contribute dimension error, dimension = " << dim;
92  STATE sum1 = 0.,sum2=0.;
93  int i;
94  STATE time = TimeStep();
95  for( int in = 0; in < phr; in++ ) {
96  //primeira parcela
97  sum1 = phi(in, 0) * sol[0];
98  //segunda parcela
99  sum2 = 0.;
100  for(i=0;i<dim;i++) sum2 += B(i,x) * dphi(i,in);//F = (B0*u.B1*u,B2*u)
101  sum2 *= time * sol[0];
102  //terceira parcela: contribui� do elemento interface: feita na classe TPZInterfaceElement
103  //contribui� final
104  ef(in, 0) += weight *(sum1+sum2);//* fXf(0,0);
106  for( int jn = 0; jn < phr; jn++ ) {
107  //primeira parcela
108  ek(in,jn) += weight * phi(in,0) * phi(jn,0);
109  for(int ki=0; ki<dim; ki++) {
110  for(int kj=0; kj<dim; kj++) {
111  //segunda parcela
112  ek(in,jn) += weight * time * Delta() * T(ki,x) * B(kj,x) * ( dphi(kj,in) * dphi(ki,jn) );
113  }
114  }
115  }
116  }
117 }
121  return fDelta;
122 }
126  //REAL cfl = CFL(1);
127  //REAL delta = ( (10./3.)*cfl*cfl - (2./3.)*cfl + 1./10. );
128  return 0.0;//delta;
129 }
133  return (1.0/(2.0*degree+1.0));
134 }
138  if(fTest==0) return fB[i];
140  if(fTest==1){
141  if(i==0) return -x[1];
142  if(i==1) return x[0];
143  if(i==2) return 0.0;
144  }
145  if(fTest==2){
146  if(i==0) return -x[1];
147  if(i==1) return x[0];
148  if(i==2) return 0.;
149  }
150  return 0.;
151 }
155  //SUPG
156  if(fArtificialDiffusion == 1){
157  int i;
158  STATE norm = 0;
159  int dim = Dimension();
160  for(i=0;i<dim;i++) norm += B(i,x)*B(i,x);
161  norm = sqrt(norm);
162  if(jn==0) return B(0,x)/norm;
163  if(jn==1) return B(1,x)/norm;
164  if(jn==2) return B(2,x)/norm;
165  }
166  //LS
167  if(fArtificialDiffusion == 2){
168  cout << "TPZConsLawTest::T artificial diffusion LS not implemented\n";
169  return 0;
170  }
171  //Bornhaus
172  if(fArtificialDiffusion == 3){
173  cout << "TPZConsLawTest::T artificial diffusion Bornhaus not implemented\n";
174  return 0;
175  }
176  cout << "TPZConsLawTest::T case not implemented, case = " << jn << endl;
177  return 0.0;
178 }
181  REAL weight,
182  TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ek,
183  TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ef){
185  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphi = data.dphix;
186  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphiL = data.dphixl;
187  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphiR = data.dphixr;
188  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phi = data.phi;
189  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phiL = dataleft.phi;
190  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phiR = dataright.phi;
191  TPZManVector<REAL,3> &normal = data.normal;
192  TPZManVector<REAL,3> &x = data.x;
193  // int &POrder=data.p;
194  // int &LeftPOrder=data.leftp;
195  // int &RightPOrder=data.rightp;
196  // TPZVec<REAL> &sol=data.sol;
197  int numbersol = dataleft.sol.size();
198  if (numbersol != 1) {
199  DebugStop();
200  }
202  TPZVec<STATE> &solL=dataleft.sol[0];
203  TPZVec<STATE> &solR=dataright.sol[0];
204  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dsol=data.dsol;
205  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dsolL=data.dsoll;
206  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dsolR=data.dsolr;
207  // REAL &faceSize=data.HSize;
208  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &daxesdksi=data.daxesdksi;
209  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &axes=data.axes;
212  int phrl = phiL.Rows();
213  int phrr = phiR.Rows();
215  if(fForcingFunction) { // phi(in, 0) = phi_in
216  TPZManVector<STATE> res(1);// dphi(i,j) = dphi_j/dxi
217  fForcingFunction->Execute(x,res);
218  if(phrl) solL[0] = res[0];//solu�o inicial interior (t=0), na itera�o 0 sol = 0 e res != 0
219  if(phrr) solR[0] = res[0];//nas itera�es > 0 sol != 0 e res = 0
220  }
222  STATE Bn=0.0;
223  //a normal est�imersa no mesmo espao da malha: R, R, R
224  int dim = Dimension(),i;
225  for(i=0;i<dim;i++) Bn += B(i,x)*normal[i];
226  //contribui� do elemento interface
227  REAL time = TimeStep();
228  int efc = 0;
229  if(Bn > 0){
230  //a normal �interface sempre aponta do seu elemento esquerdo para o seu direito
231  for( int in = 0; in < phrl; in++ ) {
232  ef(efc , 0) += -time * weight * solL[0] * phiL(in, 0) * Bn;//0 2 4 ..
233  efc++;
234  }
235  for( int in = 0; in < phrr; in++ ) {
236  ef(efc, 0) += -time * weight * solL[0] * phiR(in, 0) * -Bn;//1 3 5 ..
237  efc++;
238  }
239  } else {
240  for( int in = 0; in < phrl; in++ ) {
241  ef(efc , 0) += -time * weight * solR[0] * phiL(in, 0) * Bn;//0 2 4 ..
242  efc++;
243  }
244  for( int in = 0; in < phrr; in++ ) {
245  ef(efc, 0) += -time * weight * solR[0] * phiR(in, 0) * -Bn;//1 3 5 ..
246  efc++;
247  }
248  }
249 }
252  REAL weight,
253  TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ek,
254  TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ef,
255  TPZBndCond &bc) {
257  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphi = data.dphix;
258  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphiL = data.dphixl;
259  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphiR = data.dphixr;
260  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phi = data.phi;
261  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phiL = data.phil;
262  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phiR = data.phir;
263  // TPZManVector<REAL,3> &normal = data.normal;
264  // TPZManVector<REAL,3> &x = data.x;
265  // int &POrder=data.p;
266  // int &LeftPOrder=data.leftp;
267  // int &RightPOrder=data.rightp;
268  // TPZVec<REAL> &sol=data.sol;
269  // TPZVec<REAL> &solL=data.soll;
270  // TPZVec<REAL> &solR=data.solr;
271  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dsol=data.dsol;
272  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dsolL=data.dsoll;
273  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dsolR=data.dsolr;
274  // REAL &faceSize=data.HSize;
275  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &daxesdksi=data.daxesdksi;
276  // TPZFMatrix<REAL> &axes=data.axes;
278  int phr = phi.Rows();
279  short in,jn;
280  STATE v2[1];
281  v2[0] = bc.Val2()(0,0);
283  switch (bc.Type()) {
284  case 0 : // Dirichlet condition
285  for(in = 0 ; in < phr; in++) {
286  ef(in,0) += gBigNumber * v2[0] * phi(in,0) * weight;
287  for (jn = 0 ; jn < phr; jn++) {
288  ek(in,jn) += gBigNumber * phi(in,0) * phi(jn,0) * weight;
289  }
290  }
291  break;
292  case 1 : // Neumann condition
293  for(in = 0 ; in < phi.Rows(); in++) {
294  ef(in,0) += v2[0] * phi(in,0) * weight;
295  }
296  break;
297  case 2 : // condi�o mista
298  for(in = 0 ; in < phi.Rows(); in++) {
299  ef(in, 0) += v2[0] * phi(in, 0) * weight;
300  for (jn = 0 ; jn < phi.Rows(); jn++) {
301  ek(in,jn) += bc.Val1()(0,0) * phi(in,0) *
302  phi(jn,0) * weight; // peso de contorno => integral de contorno
303  }
304  }
305  }
306 }
309 int TPZConsLawTest::VariableIndex(const std::string &name){
310  if(!strcmp("Solution",name.c_str())) return 1;
311  if(!strcmp("Derivate",name.c_str())) return 2;
312  cout << "TPZConsLawTest::VariableIndex Error\n";
313  return -1;
314 }
318  if(var == 1) return 1;
319  if(var == 2) return Dimension();
320  cout << "TPZConsLawTest::NSolutionVariables Error\n";
321  return 0;
322 }
326  if(var == 0 || var == 1) Solout[0] = Sol[0];//function
327  if(var == 2) {
328  Solout[0] = DSol(0,0);//derivate
329  Solout[1] = DSol(1,0);//derivate
330  Solout[2] = DSol(2,0);//derivate
331  }
332 }
334 void TPZConsLawTest::Flux(TPZVec<REAL> &/*x*/, TPZVec<STATE> &/*Sol*/, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &/*DSol*/, TPZFMatrix<REAL> &/*axes*/, TPZVec<STATE> &/*flux*/) {
335  //Flux(TPZVec<REAL> &x, TPZVec<REAL> &Sol, TPZFMatrix<REAL> &DSol, TPZFMatrix<REAL> &axes, TPZVec<REAL> &flux)
336 }
339  TPZFMatrix<STATE> &dudx, TPZFMatrix<REAL> &axes, TPZVec<STATE> &/*flux*/,
340  TPZVec<STATE> &u_exact,TPZFMatrix<STATE> &du_exact,TPZVec<REAL> &values) {
342  TPZVec<STATE> sol(1),dsol(3);
343  Solution(u,dudx,axes,1,sol);
344  Solution(u,dudx,axes,2,dsol);
345  REAL dx = dsol[0]*axes(0,0)+dsol[1]*axes(1,0)+dsol[2]*axes(2,0);
346  REAL dy = dsol[0]*axes(0,1)+dsol[1]*axes(1,1)+dsol[2]*axes(2,1);
347  REAL dz = dsol[0]*axes(0,2)+dsol[1]*axes(1,2)+dsol[2]*axes(2,2);
348  //values[1] : eror em norma L2
349  values[1] = pow(sol[0] - u_exact[0],(STATE)2.0);
350  //values[2] : erro em semi norma H1
351  values[2] = (dx - du_exact(0,0))*(dx - du_exact(0,0));
352  values[2] += ((dy - du_exact(1,0))*(dy - du_exact(1,0)));
353  values[2] += ((dz - du_exact(2,0))*dz - du_exact(2,0));
354  //values[0] : erro em norma H1 <=> norma Energia
355  values[0] = values[1]+values[2];
356 }
360  if(!bcleft){
361  PZError << "TPZConsLawTest::ComputeSolLeft null bundary condition return\n";
362  return;
363  }
364  //int nstate = NStateVariables();
365  TPZFMatrix<REAL> jacinv(0,0),axes(0,0);
366  switch (bcleft->Type()){
367  case 0://Dirichlet
368  case 1://Neumann
369  case 2://Mista
370  PZError << "TPZConsLawTest::ComputeSolLeft boundary condition error\n";
371  break;
372  case 3://Dirichlet: nada a fazer a CC �a correta
373  break;
374  case 4://recuperar valor da solu� MEF direita: saida livre
375  soll[0] = solr[0];
376  break;
377  default:
378  PZError << "TPZConsLawTest::ContributeInterface Boundary Condition Type Not Exists\n";
379  }
380 }
385  if(!bcright){
386  PZError << "TPZConsLawTest::ComputeSolLeft null bundary condition return\n";
387  return;
388  }
389  //int nstate = NStateVariables();
390  TPZFMatrix<REAL> jacinv(0,0),axes(0,0);
391  switch (bcright->Type()){
392  case 0://Dirichlet
393  case 1://Neumann
394  case 2://Mista
395  PZError << "TPZConsLawTest::ComputeSolLeft boundary condition error\n";
396  break;
397  case 3://Dirichlet: nada a fazer a CC �a correta
398  break;
399  case 4://recuperar valor da solu� MEF esquerda: saida livre
400  solr[0] = soll[0];
401  break;
402  default:
403  PZError << "TPZConsLawTest::ContributeInterface Boundary Condition Type Not Exists\n";
404  }
405 }
virtual void Execute(const TPZVec< REAL > &x, TPZVec< TVar > &f, TPZFMatrix< TVar > &df)
Performs function computation.
Definition: pzfunction.h:38
int fTest
Integer for integration degree of the initial solution.
TPZManVector< REAL, 3 > normal
normal to the element at the integration point
TPZManVector< REAL, 3 > x
value of the coordinate at the integration point
clarg::argBool bc("-bc", "binary checkpoints", false)
int Type()
Definition: pzbndcond.h:249
int Dimension() const override
Returns the dimension of the problem.
Definition: pzconslaw.h:276
Defines PZError.
void ComputeSolRight(TPZVec< STATE > &solr, TPZVec< STATE > &soll, TPZVec< REAL > &normal, TPZBndCond *bcright)
void degree(int root, int adj_num, int adj_row[], int adj[], int mask[], int deg[], int *iccsze, int ls[], int node_num)
Definition: rcm.cpp:875
virtual void ContributeInterface(TPZMaterialData &data, TPZMaterialData &dataleft, TPZMaterialData &dataright, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ek, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ef) override
Contributes to the residual vector and tangent matrix the face-based quantities.
virtual void Contribute(TPZMaterialData &data, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ek, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ef) override
Contributes to the residual vector and tangent matrix the volume-based quantities.
TPZFMatrix< STATE > & Val2(int loadcase=0)
Definition: pzbndcond.h:255
TPZFNMatrix< 220, REAL > phi
vector of shapefunctions (format is dependent on the value of shapetype)
virtual int NStateVariables() const override
Number of state variables according to the dimension.
virtual int VariableIndex(const std::string &name) override
virtual void Solution(TPZVec< STATE > &Sol, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &DSol, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &axes, int var, TPZVec< STATE > &Solout) override
TPZFNMatrix< 660, REAL > dphix
values of the derivative of the shape functions
virtual void Print(std::ostream &out=std::cout)
Prints out the data associated with the material.
Contains declaration of TPZElementMatrix struct which associates an element matrix with the coeficien...
virtual void Print(std::ostream &out) override
Prints the state of internal variables.
REAL TimeStep()
Returns the value of the time step.
Definition: pzconslaw.h:307
Contains the TPZBndCond class which implements a boundary condition for TPZMaterial objects...
void ComputeSolLeft(TPZVec< STATE > &solr, TPZVec< STATE > &soll, TPZVec< REAL > &normal, TPZBndCond *bcleft)
int64_t size() const
Returns the number of elements of the vector.
Definition: pzvec.h:196
virtual void Resize(const int64_t newsize, const T &object)
Resizes the vector object reallocating the necessary storage, copying the existing objects to the new...
Definition: pzvec.h:373
expr_ dx(i) *cos(expr_.val())
virtual void Flux(TPZVec< REAL > &x, TPZVec< STATE > &Sol, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &DSol, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &axes, TPZVec< STATE > &flux) override
Compute the value of the flux function to be used by ZZ error estimator.
STATE B(int i, TPZVec< REAL > &x)
Contains TPZMatrixclass which implements full matrix (using column major representation).
#define DebugStop()
Returns a message to user put a breakpoint in.
Definition: pzerror.h:20
This class defines the boundary condition for TPZMaterial objects.
Definition: pzbndcond.h:29
TPZConsLawTest(int nummat, TPZVec< STATE > B, int artdiff, STATE delta_t, int dim, STATE delta, int test=0)
int64_t Rows() const
Returns number of rows.
Definition: pzmatrix.h:803
expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ sqrt
Definition: tfadfunc.h:120
string res
TPZFMatrix< STATE > & Val1()
Definition: pzbndcond.h:253
static REAL gBigNumber
Big number to penalization method, used for Dirichlet conditions.
Definition: TPZMaterial.h:83
Contains TPZMatrix<TVar>class, root matrix class.
virtual ~TPZConsLawTest()
STATE T(int jn, TPZVec< REAL > &x)
Implements the interface for conservation laws, keeping track of the timestep as well.
Definition: pzconslaw.h:71
void Errors(TPZVec< REAL > &x, TPZVec< STATE > &u, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &dudx, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &axes, TPZVec< STATE > &flux, TPZVec< STATE > &u_exact, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &du_exact, TPZVec< REAL > &values) override
Computes the error due to the difference between the interpolated flux and the flux computed based o...
TPZFlopCounter pow(const TPZFlopCounter &orig, const TPZFlopCounter &xp)
Returns the power and increments the counter of the power.
Definition: pzreal.h:487
Returns the CFL number.
Definition: pzconslaw.h:281
Contains the TPZConsLawTest class for test. Material as conservation law.
TPZAutoPointer< TPZFunction< STATE > > fForcingFunction
Pointer to forcing function, it is the right member at differential equation.
Definition: TPZMaterial.h:47
int64_t NElements() const
Returns the number of elements of the vector.
Definition: pzvec.h:190
def values
TPZSolVec sol
vector of the solutions at the integration point
virtual int NSolutionVariables(int var) override
Returns the number of variables associated with the variable indexed by var.
virtual std::string Name() override
Returns the material name.
virtual void ContributeBC(TPZMaterialData &data, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ek, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ef, TPZBndCond &bc) override
Contributes to the residual vector the boundary conditions.
#define PZError
Defines the output device to error messages and the DebugStop() function.
Definition: pzerror.h:15