REAL Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for REAL:


directory  Plasticity


file  eulerdif.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the methods related with numerical diffusivity coefficient for SUPG.
file  eulerdif.h [code]
 Contains the TEulerDiffusivity class which implements a numerical diffusivity coefficient for SUPG.
file  mixedpoisson.cpp [code]
 Contains the methods of the TPZMixedPoisson class (multiphysics environment)
file  mixedpoisson.h [code]
file  pzartdiff.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZArtDiff methods.
file  pzartdiff.h [code]
 Contains the TPZArtDiff class which implements a numerical diffusivity coefficient.
file  pzausmflux.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZAUSMFlux methods.
file  pzausmflux.h [code]
 Contains the TPZAUSMFlux class.
file  pzbctension.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZBCTension methods.
file  pzbctension.h [code]
 Contains the TPZBCTension class which implements a tension boundary condition.
file  pzbiharmonic.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZBiharmonic methods.
file  pzbiharmonic.h [code]
 Contains the TPZBiharmonic class which implements a discontinuous Galerkin formulation for the bi-harmonic equation.
file  pzblackoil2p3d.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZBlackOil2P3D methods.
file  pzblackoil2p3d.h [code]
 Contains the TPZBlackOil2P3D class which implements a 3D two-phase (oil-water) black-oil flow.
file  pzburger.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZBurger methods.
file  pzburger.h [code]
 Contains the TPZBurger class which implements a linear convection equation using a burger flux.
file  pzconvectionproblem.cpp [code]
file  pzconvectionproblem.h [code]
file  pzcoupledtransportdarcy.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZCoupledTransportDarcy methods.
file  pzcoupledtransportdarcy.h [code]
 Contains the TPZCoupledTransportDarcy class which implements two equations to transport problem.(Jorge?)
file  pzcoupledtransportdarcyBC.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZCoupledTransportDarcyBC methods.
file  pzcoupledtransportdarcyBC.h [code]
 Contains the TPZCoupledTransportDarcyBC class.
file  pzelasAXImat.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZElasticityAxiMaterial methods.
file  pzelasAXImat.h [code]
 Contains the TPZElasticityAxiMaterial class which implements a two dimensional elastic material in plane stress or strain.
file  pzelasmat.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZElasticityMaterial methods.
file  pzelasmat.h [code]
 Contains the TPZElasticityMaterial class which implements a two dimensional elastic material in plane stress or strain.
file  pzelast3d.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZElasticity3D methods.
file  pzelast3d.h [code]
 Contains the TPZElasticity3D class which implements a 3D isotropic elasticity material.
file  pzelasthybrid.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZElasticityMaterial methods.
file  pzelasthybrid.h [code]
 Contains the TPZElasticityHybridMaterial class which implements a two dimensional elastic material to hybrid method.
file  pzeuler.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZEulerEquation methods.
file  pzeuler.h [code]
 Contains the TPZEulerEquation class which implements the weak statement of the compressible euler equations.
file  pzeulerconslaw.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZEulerConsLaw methods.
file  pzeulerconslaw.h [code]
 Contains the TPZEulerConsLaw class which implements the weak statement of the compressible euler equations.
file  pzgradientflux.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZGradientFlux methods.
file  pzgradientflux.h [code]
 Contains the TPZGradientFlux class.
file  pzincnskeps.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZIncNavierStokesKEps methods.
file  pzincnskeps.h [code]
 Contains the TPZIncNavierStokesKEps class which implements an imcompressible Navier-Stokes formulation with modified KEpsilon turbulence model.
file  pzmaterialcoupling.cpp [code]
file  pzmaterialcoupling.h [code]
file  pzmathyperelastic.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZMatHyperElastic methods.
file  pzmathyperelastic.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMatHyperElastic class which implements a hyper elasticity material.
file  pzmatmixedpoisson3d.cpp [code]
file  pzmatmixedpoisson3d.h [code]
file  pzmatorthotropic.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZMatOrthotropic methods.
file  pzmatorthotropic.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMatOrthotropic class.
file  pzmatplaca2.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZMatPlaca2 methods.
file  pzmatplaca2.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMatPlaca2 class.
file  pzmattest.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZMaterialTest methods.
file  pzmattest.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMaterialTest class. Test.
file  pzmattest3d.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZMaterialTest3D methods.
file  pzmattest3d.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMaterialTest3D class. Three-dimensional test.
file  pzmultiphase.cpp [code]
file  pzmultiphase.h [code]
file  pzmultplaca.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZMultPlaca methods.
file  pzmultplaca.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMultPlaca class.
file  pznlmat1d.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZNLMat1d methods. (non linear one dimensional equation)
file  pznlmat1d.h [code]
 Contains the TPZNLMat1d class which implements the structure to evaluate non linear elements.
file  pznonlinbiharmonic.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZNonLinBiharmonic methods.
file  pznonlinbiharmonic.h [code]
 Contains the TPZNonLinBiharmonic class which implements a discontinuous Galerkin formulation for the non-linear bi-harmonic equation.
file  pznonlinearpoisson3d.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZNonLinearPoisson3d methods.
file  pznonlinearpoisson3d.h [code]
 Contains the TPZNonLinearPoisson3d class.
file  pzplaca.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZPlaca methods.
file  pzplaca.h [code]
 Contains the TPZPlaca class.
file  pzpoisson3dreferred.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZMatPoisson3dReferred methods.
file  pzpoisson3dreferred.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMatPoisson3dReferred class which implements a version of TPZMatPoisson3d
(convection term is given at each integration point)
file  pzspacetimerichardseq.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZSpaceTimeRichardsEq methods.
file  pzspacetimerichardseq.h [code]
 Contains the TPZSpaceTimeRichardsEq class which implements a 1D space-time Richards' equation.
file  pzthermicelast3d.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZThermicElast3D methods.
file  pzthermicelast3d.h [code]
 Contains the TPZThermicElast3D class which implements a 3D isotropic elasticity material with thermal stress.
file  pzviscoelastic.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZViscoelastic methods.
file  pzviscoelastic.h [code]
 Contains the TPZViscoelastic class which implements an isotropic viscoelasticity material.
file  swelling.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZSwelling methods.
file  swelling.h [code]
 Contains the TPZSwelling class which implements a numerical model of swelling material coupling flow.
file  TPZConsLawTest.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementations of the TPZConsLawTest methods.
file  TPZConsLawTest.h [code]
 Contains the TPZConsLawTest class for test. Material as conservation law.
file  TPZDiffusionConsLaw.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZDiffusionConsLaw methods.
file  TPZDiffusionConsLaw.h [code]
 Contains the TPZDiffusionConsLaw class which implements a Euler equation where is introduced a diffusive term to stabilize.
file  TPZDualPoisson.cpp [code]
file  TPZDualPoisson.h [code]
file  TPZElast3Dnlinear.cpp [code]
file  TPZElast3Dnlinear.h [code]
file  TPZElasticity2dHybrid.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZElasticityMaterial methods.
file  TPZElasticity2DHybrid.h [code]
 Contains the TPZElasticityMaterial class which implements a two dimensional elastic material in plane stress or strain.
file  TPZEuler.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZEuler methods.
file  TPZEuler.h [code]
 Contains the TPZEuler class which implements a a linear scalar convection equation.
file  TPZFVHybrid.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZMatHybrid methods.
file  TPZFVHybrid.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMatHybrid class.
file  TPZLinearConvecDiff.cpp [code]
file  TPZLinearConvecDiff.h [code]
file  TPZLinearConvection.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZLinearConvection methods.
file  TPZLinearConvection.h [code]
 Contains the TPZLinearConvection class which implements a linear scalar convection equation.
file  TPZMatDualHybridPoisson.cpp [code]
file  TPZMatDualHybridPoisson.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMatLaplacian class.
file  TPZMatElasticity2D.cpp [code]
file  TPZMatElasticity2D.h [code]
file  TPZMatWithMem.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMatWithMem class which implements the memory features.
file  TPZMatWithMemTranslator.cpp [code]
file  TPZMatWithMemTranslator.h [code]
file  TPZMixedDarcyFlow.cpp [code]
file  TPZMixedDarcyFlow.h [code]
file  TPZMixedElasticityMaterial.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZMixedElasticityMaterial methods.
file  TPZMixedElasticityMaterial.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMixedElasticityMaterial class which implements a two dimensional elastic material in plane stress or strain.
file  TPZMixedPoissonParabolic.cpp [code]
 Contains the methods of the TPZMixedPoissonParabolic class (multiphysics environment)
file  TPZMixedPoissonParabolic.h [code]
file  tpzmultcamada.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZMultCamada methods.
file  tpzmultcamada.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMultCamada class.
file  TPZMulticamadaOrtho.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZMulticamadaOrthotropic methods.
file  TPZMulticamadaOrtho.h [code]
 Contains the TPZMulticamadaOrthotropic class.
file  TPZPlacaOrthotropic.cpp [code]
 Contains implementations of the TPZPlacaOrthotropic methods.
file  TPZPlacaOrthotropic.h [code]
 Contains the TPZPlacaOrthotropic class.
file  TPZPrimalPoisson.cpp [code]
file  TPZPrimalPoisson.h [code]
file  TPZTracerFlow.cpp [code]
file  TPZTracerFlow.h [code]