Go to the documentation of this file.
6 #include "pzviscoelastic.h"
10 TPZMatWithMem<TPZFMatrix<STATE>, TPZElasticity3D>(), fAlpha(-1), fDeltaT(-1), fLambdaV(-1.), fmuV(-1.)
11 {
13 }
17 TPZMatWithMem<TPZFMatrix<STATE>, TPZElasticity3D>(id), fAlpha(-1), fDeltaT(-1), fLambdaV(-1.), fmuV(-1.)
18 {
20 }
22 TPZViscoelastic::TPZViscoelastic(int id,STATE ElaE,STATE poissonE, STATE lambdaV, STATE muV, STATE alpha, STATE deltaT, TPZVec <STATE> &force): TPZRegisterClassId(&TPZViscoelastic::ClassId),
23 TPZMatWithMem<TPZFMatrix<STATE>, TPZElasticity3D>(id), fAlpha(alpha), fDeltaT(deltaT), fLambdaV(lambdaV), fmuV(muV)
25 {
26  STATE lambdaE = (poissonE * ElaE)/((1+poissonE)*(1-2*poissonE));
27  STATE muE = ElaE/(2*(1+poissonE));
28  STATE lambdaVE = lambdaE-(fDeltaT*lambdaV)/(1+fAlpha*fDeltaT);
29  STATE muVE = muE -(fDeltaT*muV)/(1+fAlpha*fDeltaT);
30  STATE ElaVE = muVE*(3*lambdaVE+2*muVE)/(lambdaVE+muVE);
31  STATE PoissonVE = lambdaVE/(2*(lambdaVE+muVE));
32  if (lambdaVE < 0 || muVE < 0)
33  {
34  PZError << "lambdaVE and muVE must be positive. Check your constants values\n";
35  DebugStop();
36  }
37  TPZMatWithMem<TPZFMatrix<STATE>,TPZElasticity3D>::SetMaterialDataHook(ElaVE, PoissonVE); // Creating an elastic material with the viscoelastic properties
38  SetForce(force);
39  //SetC(); already set in SetMaterialDataHook from elastic material
40 }
42 void TPZViscoelastic::SetMaterialDataHooke(STATE ElaE, STATE poissonE, STATE ElaV, STATE poissonV, STATE alpha, STATE deltaT, TPZVec <STATE> &force)
43 {
44  fAlpha = alpha;
45  fDeltaT = deltaT;
46  STATE lambdaE = (poissonE * ElaE)/((1+poissonE)*(1-2*poissonE));
47  STATE muE = ElaE/(2*(1+poissonE));
48  STATE lambdaV = (poissonV * ElaV)/((1+poissonV)*(1-2*poissonV));
49  STATE muV = ElaV/(2*(1+poissonV));
50  fLambdaV = lambdaV;
51  fmuV = muV;
52  STATE lambdaVE = lambdaE-(fDeltaT*lambdaV)/(1+fAlpha*fDeltaT);
53  STATE muVE = muE -(fDeltaT*muV)/(1+fAlpha*fDeltaT);
54  STATE ElaVE = muVE*(3*lambdaVE+2*muVE)/(lambdaVE+muVE);
55  STATE PoissonVE = lambdaVE/(2*(lambdaVE+muVE));
56  if (lambdaVE < 0 || muVE < 0)
57  {
58  PZError << "lambdaVE and muVE must be positive. Check your constants values\n";
59  DebugStop();
60  }
61  TPZMatWithMem<TPZFMatrix<STATE>,TPZElasticity3D>::SetMaterialDataHook(ElaVE, PoissonVE); // Creating an elastic material with the viscoelastic properties
62  SetForce(force);
63  //SetC(); already set in SetMaterialDataHook from elastic material
64 }
67 {
68  int nstate = this->NStateVariables();
69  int in;
70  STATE val;
71  if(fUpdateMem != 0)
72  {
73  UpdateQsi(data);
74  }
75  TPZFMatrix<REAL> dphi = data.dphix;
76  TPZFMatrix<REAL> phi = data.phi;
77  const int phr = phi.Rows();
78  int index = data.intGlobPtIndex;
80  TPZFNMatrix<6,STATE> qsi(6,1);
81  int rows = this->MemItem(index).Rows();
82  if (rows < 6 || rows > 6)
83  {
84  DebugStop(); //deve inicializar o qsi pelo SetDefaultMemory
85  }
86  else
87  {
88  qsi = this->MemItem(index);
89  }
91  for(in = 0; in < phr; in++)
92  {
93  //in: test function index. First equation
94  val = 0.;
95  val -= qsi(_XX_,0) * dphi(0,in); // |
96  val -= qsi(_XY_,0) * dphi(1,in); // fk
97  val -= qsi(_XZ_,0) * dphi(2,in); // |
98  val *= 1./(1+fAlpha*fDeltaT);
99  ef(in*nstate+0,0) += weight * val;
101  //Second equation: fb and fk
102  val = 0.;
103  val -= qsi(_XY_,0) * dphi(0,in); // |
104  val -= qsi(_YY_,0) * dphi(1,in); // fk
105  val -= qsi(_YZ_,0) * dphi(2,in); // |
106  val *= 1./(1+fAlpha*fDeltaT);
107  ef(in*nstate+1,0) += weight * val;
109  //third equation: fb and fk
110  val = 0.;
111  val -= qsi(_XZ_,0) * dphi(0,in); // |
112  val -= qsi(_YZ_,0) * dphi(1,in); // fk
113  val -= qsi(_ZZ_,0) * dphi(2,in); // |
114  val *= 1./(1+fAlpha*fDeltaT);
115  ef(in*nstate+2,0) += weight * val;
116  }
118 }
121 {
123  TPZFNMatrix<6,STATE> qsin1(6,1,0.);
124  TPZFNMatrix<9,STATE> DSolXYZ(3,3,0.);
125  TPZFNMatrix<6,STATE> Strain(6,1);
126  int index = data.intGlobPtIndex;
127  int numbersol = data.dsol.size();
128  if (numbersol != 1) {
129  DebugStop();
130  }
132  DSolXYZ = data.dsol[0];
133  qsi = this->MemItem(index);
135  Strain.Redim(6,1);
136  Strain(_XX_,0) = DSolXYZ(0,0);
137  Strain(_YY_,0) = DSolXYZ(1,1);
138  Strain(_ZZ_,0) = DSolXYZ(2,2);
139  Strain(_XY_,0) = 0.5 * ( DSolXYZ(1,0) + DSolXYZ(0,1) );
140  Strain(_XZ_,0) = 0.5 * ( DSolXYZ(2,0) + DSolXYZ(0,2) );
141  Strain(_YZ_,0) = 0.5 * ( DSolXYZ(2,1) + DSolXYZ(1,2) );
143  STATE tr;
144  tr = Strain(_XX_,0)+Strain(_YY_,0)+Strain(_ZZ_,0);
146  qsin1(_XX_,0) = (fDeltaT*(-(tr)*fLambdaV - 2*Strain(_XX_,0)*fmuV) + qsi(_XX_,0))/(1 + fAlpha*fDeltaT);
147  qsin1(_YY_,0) = (fDeltaT*(-(tr)*fLambdaV - 2*Strain(_YY_,0)*fmuV) + qsi(_YY_,0))/(1 + fAlpha*fDeltaT);
148  qsin1(_ZZ_,0) = (fDeltaT*(-(tr)*fLambdaV - 2*Strain(_ZZ_,0)*fmuV) + qsi(_ZZ_,0))/(1 + fAlpha*fDeltaT);
149  qsin1(_XY_,0) = (-2*fDeltaT*Strain(_XY_,0)*fmuV + qsi(_XY_,0))/(1 + fAlpha*fDeltaT);
150  qsin1(_XZ_,0) = (-2*fDeltaT*Strain(_XZ_,0)*fmuV + qsi(_XZ_,0))/(1 + fAlpha*fDeltaT);
151  qsin1(_YZ_,0) = (-2*fDeltaT*Strain(_YZ_,0)*fmuV + qsi(_YZ_,0))/(1 + fAlpha*fDeltaT);
153  MemItem(index) = qsin1;
154 }
157 int TPZViscoelastic::VariableIndex(const std::string &name)
158 {
159  if(!strcmp("Displacement",name.c_str())) return TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacement;
160  if(!strcmp("state",name.c_str())) return TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacement;
161  if(!strcmp("DisplacementX",name.c_str())) return TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacementX;
162  if(!strcmp("DisplacementY",name.c_str())) return TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacementY;
163  if(!strcmp("DisplacementZ",name.c_str())) return TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacementZ;
164  if(!strcmp("PrincipalStrain", name.c_str())) return TPZElasticity3D::EPrincipalStrain;
165  if(!strcmp("ViscoStressX",name.c_str())) return TPZViscoelastic::EViscoStressX;
166  if(!strcmp("ViscoStressY",name.c_str())) return TPZViscoelastic::EViscoStressY;
167  if(!strcmp("ViscoStressZ",name.c_str())) return TPZViscoelastic::EViscoStressZ;
168  return -1;
169 }
172 {
173  if(var == TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacement) return 3;
174  if(var == TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacementX) return 1;
175  if(var == TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacementY) return 1;
176  if(var == TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacementZ) return 1;
177  if(var == TPZElasticity3D::EPrincipalStrain) return 3;
178  if(var == TPZViscoelastic::EViscoStressX) return 1;
179  if(var == TPZViscoelastic::EViscoStressY) return 1;
180  if(var == TPZViscoelastic::EViscoStressZ) return 1;
181  PZError << "TPZViscoelastic::NSolutionVariables Error\n";
182  return -1;
183 }
186 {
187  int numbersol = data.dsol.size();
188  if (numbersol != 1) {
189  DebugStop();
190  }
192  TPZFNMatrix<9,STATE> Dsol = data.dsol[0];
195  const int index = data.intGlobPtIndex;
196  qsi = *MemItem(index);
197  const REAL denominador = 1 + fAlpha*fDeltaT;
198  qsi(_XX_,0)*= 1/(1+denominador);
199  qsi(_XY_,0)*= 1/(1+denominador);
200  qsi(_XZ_,0)*= 1/(1+denominador);
201  qsi(_YY_,0)*= 1/(1+denominador);
202  qsi(_YZ_,0)*= 1/(1+denominador);
203  qsi(_ZZ_,0)*= 1/(1+denominador);
205  Stress(0,0) += qsi(_XX_,0);
206  Stress(1,1) += qsi(_YY_,0);
207  Stress(2,2) += qsi(_ZZ_,0);
208  Stress(0,1) += qsi(_XY_,0);
209  Stress(0,2) += qsi(_XZ_,0);
210  Stress(1,0) += qsi(_XY_,0);
211  Stress(1,2) += qsi(_YZ_,0);
212  Stress(2,0) += qsi(_XZ_,0);
213  Stress(2,1) += qsi(_YZ_,0);
214 }
217 {
218  int numbersol = data.sol.size();
219  if (numbersol != 1) {
220  DebugStop();
221  }
224  int i;
225  for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
226  TPZVec<STATE> Sol(data.sol[0]);
227  Solout[i] = Sol[i];
228  }//for
229  return;
230  }//TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacement
233  // int i;
234  TPZVec<STATE> Sol(data.sol[0]);
235  Solout[0] = Sol[0];
236  return;
237  }//TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacementX
240  // int i;
241  TPZVec<STATE> Sol(data.sol[0]);
242  Solout[0] = Sol[1];
243  return;
244  }//TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacementY
247  // int i;
248  TPZVec<STATE> Sol(data.sol[0]);
249  Solout[0] = Sol[2];
250  return;
251  }//TPZElasticity3D::EDisplacementZ
255  TPZFNMatrix<9,STATE> StrainTensor(3,3);
256  TPZFMatrix<STATE> DSol(data.dsol[0]);
258  int64_t numiterations = 1000;
260  TPZManVector<STATE,3> eigv(3,0.);
261  bool result;
262  result = StrainTensor.SolveEigenvaluesJacobi(numiterations, tol, &eigv);
263  for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
264  Solout[i] = eigv[i];
265  }
266 #ifdef PZDEBUG
267  if (result == false){
268  PZError << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " - ERROR! - result = false - numiterations = " << numiterations << " - tol = " << tol << std::endl;
269  }
270 #endif
271  }//TPZElasticity3D::EPrincipalStrain
275  TPZFNMatrix<9,STATE> Stress(3,3);
276  this->ComputeStressTensor(Stress, data);
277  Solout[0] = Stress(0,0);
278  return;
279  }
281  TPZFMatrix<STATE> Stress(3,3);
282  this->ComputeStressTensor(Stress, data);
283  Solout[0] = Stress(1,1);
284  return;
285  }
287  TPZFMatrix<STATE> Stress(3,3);
288  this->ComputeStressTensor(Stress, data);
289  Solout[0] = Stress(2,2);
290  return;
291  }
292 }
297  data.fNeedsSol = true;
298 }
301 void TPZViscoelastic::Write(TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const
302 {
304  buf.Write(&fAlpha, 1);
305  buf.Write(&fDeltaT, 1);
306  buf.Write(&fLambdaV, 1);
307  buf.Write(&fmuV, 1);
308 }
311 void TPZViscoelastic::Read(TPZStream &buf, void *context)
312 {
314  buf.Read(&fAlpha, 1);
315  buf.Read(&fDeltaT, 1);
316  buf.Read(&fLambdaV, 1);
317  buf.Read(&fmuV, 1);
319 }
322  return Hash("TPZViscoelastic") ^ TPZMatWithMem<TPZFMatrix<STATE>, TPZElasticity3D>::ClassId() << 1;
323 }
325 #ifndef BORLAND
326 template class TPZRestoreClass<TPZViscoelastic>;
327 #endif
#define _XZ_
Definition: TPZTensor.h:29
virtual bool SolveEigenvaluesJacobi(int64_t &numiterations, REAL &tol, TPZVec< TVar > *Sort=0)
Transforms this matrix in a diagonal matrix, where the diagonal values are its eigenvalues. This method is efficient only for small matrices.
Definition: pzmatrix.cpp:1727
virtual void ComputeStressTensor(TPZFMatrix< STATE > &Stress, TPZMaterialData &data) const override
This class implements a 3D isotropic elasticity material.
Definition: pzelast3d.h:21
TPZGradSolVec dsol
vector of the derivatives of the solution at the integration point
void Write(TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const override
Saves the element data to a stream.
static STATE gTolerance
Definition: pzelast3d.h:304
REAL val(STATE &number)
Returns value of the variable.
Definition: pzartdiff.h:23
Implements an abstract class implementing the memory features.
Definition: TPZMatWithMem.h:23
TPZFNMatrix< 220, REAL > phi
vector of shapefunctions (format is dependent on the value of shapetype)
void Read(TPZStream &buf, void *context) override
Reads the element data from a stream.
TPZFNMatrix< 660, REAL > dphix
values of the derivative of the shape functions
int64_t size() const
Returns the number of elements of the vector.
Definition: pzvec.h:196
bool fUpdateMem
Flag to indicate whether the memory data are to be updated in an assemble loop.
void SetForce(TPZVec< STATE > force)
Definition: pzelast3d.h:223
static const double tol
Definition: pzgeoprism.cpp:23
virtual void Write(const bool val)
Definition: TPZStream.cpp:8
virtual void FillDataRequirements(TPZMaterialData &data)
Fill material data parameter with necessary requirements for the.
Definition: TPZMaterial.cpp:81
#define DebugStop()
Returns a message to user put a breakpoint in.
Definition: pzerror.h:20
#define _XX_
Definition: TPZTensor.h:27
#define _YZ_
Definition: TPZTensor.h:31
#define _XY_
Definition: TPZTensor.h:28
int64_t Rows() const
Returns number of rows.
Definition: pzmatrix.h:803
int NStateVariables() const override
Number of state variables.
Definition: pzelast3d.h:73
int intGlobPtIndex
global point index
#define _YY_
Definition: TPZTensor.h:30
Full matrix class. Matrix.
Definition: pzfmatrix.h:32
int Redim(const int64_t newRows, const int64_t newCols) override
Redimension a matrix and ZERO your elements.
Definition: pzfmatrix.h:616
int32_t Hash(std::string str)
Definition: TPZHash.cpp:10
void ComputeStrainTensor(TPZFMatrix< STATE > &Strain, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &DSol) const
Definition: pzelast3d.cpp:1115
#define _ZZ_
Definition: TPZTensor.h:32
int ClassId() const override
Define the class id associated with the class.
void SetMaterialDataHook(REAL Ela, REAL poisson)
Definition: pzelast3d.h:202
the stability coeficient alpha
STATE fAlpha
the stability coeficient alpha
Empty constructor.
virtual int NSolutionVariables(int var) override
Number of data of variable var.
This class implements an isotropic viscoelasticity material.
virtual void FillDataRequirements(TPZMaterialData &data) override
Fill material data parameter with necessary requirements for the Contribute method.
Contains the TPZViscoelastic class which implements an isotropic viscoelasticity material.
STATE fLambdaV
viscoelasticity coeficients
void UpdateQsi(TPZMaterialData &data)
Defines the interface for saving and reading data. Persistency.
Definition: TPZStream.h:50
virtual int VariableIndex(const std::string &name) override
Returns index of post-processing variable.
virtual void Contribute(TPZMaterialData &data, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &ek, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &ef)
virtual TPZFMatrix< STATE > & MemItem(const int i) const
TPZSolVec sol
vector of the solutions at the integration point
void SetMaterialDataHooke(STATE ElaE, STATE poissonE, STATE ElaV, STATE poissonV, STATE alpha, STATE deltaT, TPZVec< STATE > &force)
Set material Data with hooke constants.
Implements an interface to register a class id and a restore function. Persistence.
Definition: TPZSavable.h:150
virtual void Solution(TPZMaterialData &data, int var, TPZVec< STATE > &Solout) override
Returns the solution associated with the var index based on the finite element approximation.
#define PZError
Defines the output device to error messages and the DebugStop() function.
Definition: pzerror.h:15
virtual void Read(bool &val)
Definition: TPZStream.cpp:91