Go to the documentation of this file.
6 #include "pzelasAXImat.h"
7 #include "pzelmat.h"
8 #include "pzbndcond.h"
9 #include "pzmatrix.h"
10 #include "pzfmatrix.h"
11 #include "pzerror.h"
12 #include <cmath>
13 #include <math.h>
14 #include "pzaxestools.h"
15 #include "pzlog.h"
17 #ifdef LOG4CXX
18 static LoggerPtr logger(Logger::getLogger("pz.material.axisymetric"));
19 static LoggerPtr logdata(Logger::getLogger(""));
20 #endif
22 #include <fstream>
23 using namespace std;
28 fIntegral(0.),
29 fAlpha(1.e-5),
30 f_AxisR(3,0.),
31 f_AxisZ(3,0.),
32 f_Origin(3,0.),
33 fTemperatureFunction(0) {
34  f_AxisZ[1] = 1.;
35  f_AxisR[0] = 1.;
36  fDelTemperature = 0.;
37  fE = -1.; // Young modulus
38  fnu = -1.; // poisson coefficient
39  ff[0] = 0.; // X component of the body force
40  ff[1] = 0.; // Y component of the body force
41  ff[2] = 0.; // Z component of the body force - not used for this class
42  fEover1MinNu2 = -1.; //G = E/2(1-nu);
43  fEover21PlusNu = -1.;//E/(1-nu)
45  f_c = 0.;
46  f_phi = 0.;
47  fSymmetric = 1.;
48  fPenaltyConstant = 1.;
49 }
51 TPZElasticityAxiMaterial::TPZElasticityAxiMaterial(int num, REAL E, REAL nu, REAL fx, REAL fy) :
54 {
56  f_AxisZ[1] = 1.;
57  f_AxisR[0] = 1.;
59  fE = E; // Young modulus
60  fnu = nu; // poisson coefficient
61  ff[0] = fx; // X component of the body force
62  ff[1] = fy; // Y component of the body force
63  ff[2] = 0.; // Z component of the body force - not used for this class
64  fEover1MinNu2 = E/(1-fnu*fnu); //G = E/2(1-nu);
65  fEover21PlusNu = E/(2.*(1+fnu));//E/(1-nu)
66  f_c = 0.;
67  f_phi = 0.;
68  fSymmetric = 1.;
69  fPenaltyConstant = 1.;
70 }
72 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 TPZElasticityAxiMaterial::TPZElasticityAxiMaterial(int num, REAL E, REAL nu, REAL fx, REAL fy, REAL coefTheta, REAL coefAlpha) :
75 TPZDiscontinuousGalerkin(num), fIntegral(0.), fAlpha(1.e-5), fDelTemperature(0.), f_AxisR(3,0.), f_AxisZ(3,0.),f_Origin(3,0.),
77 {
79  f_AxisZ[1] = 1.;
80  f_AxisR[0] = 1.;
81  fE = E; // Young modulus
82  fnu = nu; // poisson coefficient
83  ff[0] = fx; // X component of the body force
84  ff[1] = fy; // Y component of the body force
85  ff[2] = 0.; // Z component of the body force - not used for this class
86  fEover1MinNu2 = E/(1-fnu*fnu); //G = E/2(1-nu);
87  fEover21PlusNu = E/(2.*(1+fnu));//E/(1-nu)
88  f_c = 0.;
89  f_phi = 0.;
90  fSymmetric = coefTheta;
91  fPenaltyConstant = coefAlpha;
92 }
96 TPZDiscontinuousGalerkin(copy), fIntegral(copy.fIntegral),f_phi(copy.f_phi),f_c(copy.f_c), fE(copy.fE),
100 {
101  ff[0] = copy.ff[0];
102  ff[1] = copy.ff[1];
103  ff[2] = copy.ff[2];
104 }
108 {
109  if(Orig.size() == 3 && AxisZ.size() == 3 && AxisR.size() == 3)
110  {
111  TPZFNMatrix<6> Vecs(3,2,0.), VecsOrt(3,2,0.), JacVecsOrth(2,2,0.);
112  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
113  {
114  Vecs.PutVal(i,0,AxisR[i]);
115  Vecs.PutVal(i,1,AxisZ[i]);
116  }
117  Vecs.GramSchmidt(VecsOrt,JacVecsOrth);
119  for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
120  {
121  AxisR[j] = VecsOrt.GetVal(j,0);
122  AxisZ[j] = VecsOrt.GetVal(j,1);
123  }
124  f_Origin = Orig;
125  f_AxisZ = AxisZ;
126  f_AxisR = AxisR;
127  }
128  else
129  {
130  cout << "Invalid Origin and/or Axis vector on TPZElasticityAxiMaterial()!\n";
131  DebugStop();
132  }
133 }
136 {
137  return (x[0] - f_Origin[0])*f_AxisR[0] + (x[1] - f_Origin[1])*f_AxisR[1] + (x[2] - f_Origin[2])*f_AxisR[2];
138 }
141 {
142  return f_AxisR;
143 }
146 {
147  return f_AxisZ;
148 }
151 {
152  return f_Origin;
153 }
156 }
159  return 2;
160 }
162 void TPZElasticityAxiMaterial::Print(std::ostream &out) {
163  TPZMaterial::Print(out);
164  out << "name of material : " << Name() << "\n";
165  out << "properties : \n";
166  out << "\tE = " << fE << endl;
167  out << "\tnu = " << fnu << endl;
168  out << "\tF = " << ff[0] << ' ' << ff[1] << endl;
169 }
172 {
173  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphi = data.dphix;
174  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phi = data.phi;
175  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &axes = data.axes;
177  int64_t phc,phr,dphc,dphr,efr,efc,ekr,ekc;
178  phc = phi.Cols();
179  phr = phi.Rows();
180  dphc = dphi.Cols();
181  dphr = dphi.Rows();
182  efr = ef.Rows();
183  efc = ef.Cols();
184  ekr = ek.Rows();
185  ekc = ek.Cols();
186  if(phc != 1 || dphr != 2 || phr != dphc || ekr != phr*2 || ekc != phr*2 || efr != phr*2 || efc != 1)
187  {
188  PZError << "\nTPZElasticityMaterial.contr, inconsistent input data : \n" <<
189  "phi.Cols() = " << phi.Cols() << " dphi.Cols() = " << dphi.Cols() <<
190  " phi.Rows = " << phi.Rows() << " dphi.Rows = " <<
191  dphi.Rows() << "\nek.Rows() = " << ek.Rows() << " ek.Cols() = "
192  << ek.Cols() <<
193  "\nef.Rows() = " << ef.Rows() << " ef.Cols() = "
194  << ef.Cols() << "\n";
195  return;
196  }
197  if(fForcingFunction)
198  {
200  fForcingFunction->Execute(data.x,res);
201  ff[0] = res[0];
202  ff[1] = res[1];
203  ff[2] = res[2];
204  }
206  // R = Dot[{data.x - origin},{AxisR}] ***because AxisR is already normalized!
207  REAL R = (data.x[0] - f_Origin[0])*f_AxisR[0] + (data.x[1] - f_Origin[1])*f_AxisR[1] + (data.x[2] - f_Origin[2])*f_AxisR[2];
208  REAL Z = (data.x[0] - f_Origin[0])*f_AxisZ[0] + (data.x[1] - f_Origin[1])*f_AxisZ[1] + (data.x[2] - f_Origin[2])*f_AxisZ[2];
210  int s = (R > 0)? 1:-1;
211  R = fabs(R);
212  if(R < 1.e-10) R = 1.e-10;
214  REAL DelTemp(fDelTemperature);
215  if (fTemperatureFunction) {
216  TPZManVector<REAL,2> RZ(2);
217  RZ[0] = R;
218  RZ[1] = Z;
219  fTemperatureFunction(RZ,DelTemp);
220  }
224  // REAL nu1 = 1. - fnu;//(1-nu)
225  // REAL nu2 = (1.-2.*fnu)/2.;
226  // REAL F = fE/((1.+fnu)*(1.-2.*fnu));
228  TPZFNMatrix<4> dphiRZi(2,1), dphiRZj(2,1);
230  REAL axis0DOTr = 0., axis1DOTr = 0., axis0DOTz = 0., axis1DOTz = 0.;
231  for(int pos = 0; pos < 3; pos++)
232  {
233  axis0DOTr += axes.GetVal(0,pos) * f_AxisR[pos] * s;
234  axis1DOTr += axes.GetVal(1,pos) * f_AxisR[pos] * s;
235  axis0DOTz += axes.GetVal(0,pos) * f_AxisZ[pos];
236  axis1DOTz += axes.GetVal(1,pos) * f_AxisZ[pos];
237  }
239  REAL R2PI = 2. * M_PI * R;
241  REAL lambda = -((fE*fnu)/((1. + fnu)*(2.*fnu-1.)));
242  REAL mi = fE/(2.*(1. + fnu));
244  REAL epsT = DelTemp*fAlpha;
245  REAL TensorThermico = (3.*lambda+2.*mi)*epsT;
247  //criado para resolver o problema de Girkmann
248  fIntegral += R2PI*weight;
250  for( int64_t in = 0; in < phr; in++ )
251  {
253  //dphi_i/dr = dphi_i/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisR> + dphi_i/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisR>
254  dphiRZi.PutVal(0,0, dphi.GetVal(0,in)*axis0DOTr + dphi.GetVal(1,in)*axis1DOTr );
256  //dphi_i/dz = dphi_i/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisZ> + dphi_i/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisZ>
257  dphiRZi.PutVal(1,0, dphi.GetVal(0,in)*axis0DOTz + dphi.GetVal(1,in)*axis1DOTz );
259  ef(2*in, 0) += weight * R2PI * (ff[0] * phi(in,0) + TensorThermico*(phi(in,0)/R + dphiRZi(0,0))); // direcao x
260  ef(2*in+1, 0) += weight * R2PI * (ff[1] * phi(in,0) + TensorThermico*dphiRZi(1,0)); // direcao y
262  for( int64_t jn = 0; jn < phr; jn++ )
263  {
265  //dphi_j/dr = dphi_j/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisR> + dphi_j/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisR>
266  dphiRZj.PutVal(0,0, dphi.GetVal(0,jn)*axis0DOTr + dphi.GetVal(1,jn)*axis1DOTr );
268  //dphi_j/dz = dphi_j/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisZ> + dphi_j/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisZ>
269  dphiRZj.PutVal(1,0, dphi.GetVal(0,jn)*axis0DOTz + dphi.GetVal(1,jn)*axis1DOTz );
271  REAL term00 = dphiRZi(0,0) * (lambda + 2.*mi) * dphiRZj(0,0) +
272  dphiRZi(1,0) * mi * dphiRZj(1,0) +
273  phi(in,0) * lambda/R * dphiRZj(0,0) +
274  dphiRZi(0,0) * lambda/R * phi(jn,0) +
275  phi(in,0) * (lambda+2.*mi)/(R*R) * phi(jn,0);
277  REAL term01 = dphiRZi(1,0) * mi * dphiRZj(0,0) +
278  dphiRZi(0,0) * lambda * dphiRZj(1,0) +
279  phi(in,0) * lambda/R * dphiRZj(1,0);
281  REAL term10 = dphiRZi(1,0) * lambda * dphiRZj(0,0) +
282  dphiRZi(0,0) * mi * dphiRZj(1,0) +
283  dphiRZi(1,0) * lambda/R * phi(jn,0);
285  REAL term11 = dphiRZi(0,0) * mi * dphiRZj(0,0) +
286  dphiRZi(1,0) * (lambda + 2.*mi) * dphiRZj(1,0);
288  ek(2*in,2*jn) += weight * R2PI * term00;
289  ek(2*in,2*jn+1) += weight * R2PI * term01;
290  ek(2*in+1,2*jn) += weight * R2PI * term10;
291  ek(2*in+1,2*jn+1) += weight * R2PI * term11;
292  }
293  }
295 #ifdef LOG4CXX
296  if(logdata->isDebugEnabled())
297  {
298  std::stringstream sout;
299  ek.Print("ek = ",sout,EMathematicaInput);
300  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logdata,sout.str())
301  }
302 #endif
304 }
307 {
308  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phi = data.phi;
310  const REAL BIGNUMBER = TPZMaterial::gBigNumber;
312  int64_t phr = phi.Rows();
313  short in,jn;
314  REAL v2[2];
315  v2[0] = bc.Val2()(0,0);
316  v2[1] = bc.Val2()(1,0);
318  // R = Dot[{data.x - origin},{AxisR}] ***because AxisR is already normalized!
319  REAL R = (data.x[0] - f_Origin[0])*f_AxisR[0] + (data.x[1] - f_Origin[1])*f_AxisR[1] + (data.x[2] - f_Origin[2])*f_AxisR[2];
321  int s = (R > 0) ? 1:-1;
322  R = fabs(R);
323  double R2PI = 2. * M_PI * R;
325  static REAL accum1 = 0., accum2 = 0.;
327  switch (bc.Type())
328  {
329  case 0 :// Dirichlet condition
330  {
331  for(in = 0 ; in < phr; in++)
332  {
333  ef(2*in,0) += BIGNUMBER * v2[0]* // x displacement
334  phi(in,0) * R2PI * weight; // forced v2 displacement
336  ef(2*in+1,0) += BIGNUMBER * v2[1]* // x displacement
337  phi(in,0) * R2PI * weight; // forced v2 displacement
339  for (jn = 0 ; jn < phi.Rows(); jn++)
340  {
341  ek(2*in,2*jn) += BIGNUMBER * phi(in,0) * phi(jn,0) * R2PI * weight;
342  ek(2*in+1,2*jn+1) += BIGNUMBER * phi(in,0) * phi(jn,0) * R2PI * weight;
343  }
344  }
345  }
346  break;
348  case 1 :// Neumann condition
349  {
350  for(in = 0 ; in < phi.Rows(); in++)
351  { // componentes da tracao na direcao de v2
352  ef(2*in,0) += v2[0] * phi(in,0) * R2PI * weight; // tracao em x (ou pressao)
353  ef(2*in+1,0) += v2[1] * phi(in,0) * R2PI * weight; // tracao em y (ou pressao) , nula se n� h
354  } // ou deslocamento nulo v2 = 0
355  accum1 += v2[1] * R2PI *weight;
356 #ifdef LOG4CXX
357  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
358  {
359  std::stringstream sout;
360  sout << "Accumulated force 1 " << accum1;
361  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
362  }
363 #endif
364  }
365  break;
367  case 2 :// condicao mista
368  {
369  for(in = 0 ; in < phi.Rows(); in++)
370  {
371  ef(2*in, 0) += v2[0] * phi(in, 0) * R2PI * weight; // Neumann , Sigmaij
372  ef(2*in+1, 0) += v2[1] * phi(in, 0) * R2PI * weight; // Neumann
374  for (jn = 0 ; jn < phi.Rows(); jn++)
375  {
376  ek(2*in,2*jn) += bc.Val1()(0,0) * phi(in,0) * phi(jn,0) * R2PI * weight; // peso de contorno => integral de contorno
377  ek(2*in+1,2*jn) += bc.Val1()(1,0) * phi(in,0) * phi(jn,0) * R2PI * weight;
378  ek(2*in+1,2*jn+1) += bc.Val1()(1,1) * phi(in,0) * phi(jn,0) * R2PI * weight;
379  ek(2*in,2*jn+1) += bc.Val1()(0,1) * phi(in,0) * phi(jn,0) * R2PI * weight;
380  }
381  } // este caso pode reproduzir o caso 0 quando o deslocamento
382  }
383  break;
385  case 3 :// Neumann condition - Normal rotacionada 90 graus no sentido horário em relacao ao vetor axes (1D)
386  {
387  REAL Nxy[2],Nrz[2];
388  Nxy[0] = data.axes(0,1);
389  Nxy[1] = -data.axes(0,0);
390  Nrz[0] = s*(Nxy[0]*f_AxisR[0] + Nxy[1]*f_AxisR[1]);
391  Nrz[1] = Nxy[0]*f_AxisZ[0] + Nxy[1]*f_AxisZ[1];
393  // #ifdef LOG4CXX
394  // {
395  // std::stringstream sout;
396  // sout << "CoordX: " << data.x << " R= " << R << " Nrz = " << Nrz[0] << "," << Nrz[1] << endl;
397  // LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
398  // }
399  // #endif
401  for(in = 0 ; in < phi.Rows(); in++)
402  { // componentes da tracao normal ao contorno
403  ef(2*in,0) += v2[0] * Nrz[0] * phi(in,0) * R2PI * weight; // tracao em x (ou pressao)
404  ef(2*in+1,0) += v2[0] * Nrz[1] * phi(in,0) * R2PI * weight; // tracao em y (ou pressao) , nula se n� h
405  } // ou deslocamento nulo v2 = 0
406  accum2 += v2[0] * Nrz[1] * R2PI *weight;
407 #ifdef LOG4CXX
408  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
409  {
410  std::stringstream sout;
411  sout << "Accumulated force 2 " << accum2;
412  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
413  }
414 #endif
415  }
416  break;
417  } // �nulo introduzindo o BIGNUMBER pelos valores da condicao
418 } // 1 Val1 : a leitura �00 01 10 11
420 //---------------------------- --------------------------------------
422  REAL weight,
425  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphiL = dataleft.dphix;
426  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphiR = dataright.dphix;
427  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phiL = dataleft.phi;
428  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phiR = dataright.phi;
429  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &axesL = dataleft.axes;
430  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &axesR = dataright.axes;
432  TPZManVector<REAL,3> &normal = data.normal;
434  int &LeftPOrder=dataleft.p;
435  int &RightPOrder=dataright.p;
437  REAL &faceSize=data.HSize;
439 #ifdef LOG4CXX
440  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
441  {
442  std::stringstream sout;
443  dataleft.phi.Print("phil",sout);
444  dataright.phi.Print("phir",sout);
445  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str())
446  }
447 #endif
449 #ifdef LOG4CXX
450  if(logdata->isDebugEnabled())
451  {
452  std::stringstream sout;
453  sout << "Origin = { " << f_Origin << "};" << std::endl;
454  sout << "AxisR = { " << f_AxisR << "};" << std::endl;
455  sout << "AxisZ = { " << f_AxisZ << "};" << std::endl;
456  data.PrintMathematica(sout);
457  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logdata,sout.str())
458  }
459 #endif
461  int64_t nrowl = phiL.Rows();
462  int64_t nrowr = phiR.Rows();
463  int64_t il,jl,ir,jr;
466  REAL R = (data.x[0] - f_Origin[0])*f_AxisR[0] + (data.x[1] - f_Origin[1])*f_AxisR[1] + (data.x[2] - f_Origin[2])*f_AxisR[2];
467  int s = (R > 0)? 1:-1;
468  R = fabs(R);
471  TPZFNMatrix<16> dphiRZiL(2,1), dphiRZjL(2,1), dphiRZiR(2,1), dphiRZjR(2,1);
473  double axis0DOTrL = 0., axis1DOTrL = 0., axis0DOTzL = 0., axis1DOTzL = 0.;
474  double axis0DOTrR = 0., axis1DOTrR = 0., axis0DOTzR = 0., axis1DOTzR = 0.;
475  for(int pos = 0; pos < 3; pos++)
476  {
477  axis0DOTrL += axesL.GetVal(0,pos) * f_AxisR[pos] * s;
478  axis1DOTrL += axesL.GetVal(1,pos) * f_AxisR[pos] * s;
479  axis0DOTzL += axesL.GetVal(0,pos) * f_AxisZ[pos];
480  axis1DOTzL += axesL.GetVal(1,pos) * f_AxisZ[pos];
481  axis0DOTrR += axesR.GetVal(0,pos) * f_AxisR[pos] * s;
482  axis1DOTrR += axesR.GetVal(1,pos) * f_AxisR[pos] * s;
483  axis0DOTzR += axesR.GetVal(0,pos) * f_AxisZ[pos];
484  axis1DOTzR += axesR.GetVal(1,pos) * f_AxisZ[pos];
485  }
487  REAL R2PI = 2.0 * M_PI * R;
489  REAL symmetry = fSymmetric; //thermo of symmetry ( -1: method symmetric; 1: method not symmetric)
490  REAL penalty = fPenaltyConstant*(0.5 * (LeftPOrder*LeftPOrder + RightPOrder*RightPOrder))/faceSize;
492  REAL beta;
493  if (symmetry==1.0) {
494  beta=1.;
495  }else {
496  beta=1.0;
497  }
499  double lambda = -((fE*fnu)/((1. + fnu)*(2.*fnu-1.)));
500  double mu = fE/(2.*(1. + fnu));
502  int64_t numbersol = dataleft.dsol.size();
503  if (numbersol != 1) {
504  DebugStop();
505  }
507 #ifdef LOG4CXX
508  if (logdata->isDebugEnabled())
509  {
510  std::stringstream sout;
511  sout.precision(16);
512  sout << "Penalty = " << fPenaltyConstant << ";" << std::endl;
513  sout << "R = " << R << ";" << std::endl;
514  sout << "fE = " << fE << ";" << std::endl;
515  sout << "fnu = " << fnu << ";" << std::endl;
516  sout << "Lambda = " << lambda << ";" << std::endl;
517  sout << "Mu = " << mu << ";" << std::endl;
518  sout << "weight = " << weight << ";" << std::endl;
519  data.dsol[0].Print("dsol = ",sout,EMathematicaInput);
520  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logdata,sout.str())
521  }
522 #endif
524 #ifdef LOG4CXX
525  TPZFNMatrix<4> DSolLAxes(2,2), DSolRAxes(2,2);
526  DSolLAxes(0,0) = dataleft.dsol[0](0,0)*axis0DOTrL+dataleft.dsol[0](1,0)*axis1DOTrL;
527  DSolLAxes(1,0) = dataleft.dsol[0](0,0)*axis0DOTzL+dataleft.dsol[0](1,0)*axis1DOTzL;
528  DSolLAxes(0,1) = dataleft.dsol[0](0,1)*axis0DOTrL+dataleft.dsol[0](1,1)*axis1DOTrL;
529  DSolLAxes(1,1) = dataleft.dsol[0](0,1)*axis0DOTzL+dataleft.dsol[0](1,1)*axis1DOTzL;
531  DSolRAxes(0,0) = dataright.dsol[0](0,0)*axis0DOTrR+dataright.dsol[0](1,0)*axis1DOTrR;
532  DSolRAxes(1,0) = dataright.dsol[0](0,0)*axis0DOTzR+dataright.dsol[0](1,0)*axis1DOTzR;
533  DSolRAxes(0,1) = dataright.dsol[0](0,1)*axis0DOTrR+dataright.dsol[0](1,1)*axis1DOTrR;
534  DSolRAxes(1,1) = dataright.dsol[0](0,1)*axis0DOTzR+dataright.dsol[0](1,1)*axis1DOTzR;
536  TPZFNMatrix<9> DeformL(3,3,0.),DeformR(3,3,0.);
537  DeformL(0,0) = DSolLAxes(0,0);
538  DeformL(1,1) = DSolLAxes(1,1);
539  DeformL(0,1) = (DSolLAxes(0,1)+DSolLAxes(1,0))/2.;
540  DeformL(1,0) = DeformL(0,1);
541  DeformL(2,2) = dataleft.sol[0][0]/R;
543  DeformR(0,0) = DSolRAxes(0,0);
544  DeformR(1,1) = DSolRAxes(1,1);
545  DeformR(0,1) = (DSolRAxes(0,1)+DSolRAxes(1,0))/2.;
546  DeformR(1,0) = DeformR(0,1);
547  DeformR(2,2) = dataright.sol[0][0]/R;
549  TPZFNMatrix<9> TensorL(3,3,0.),TensorR(3,3,0.);
550  REAL TrDeformL, TrDeformR;
551  TrDeformL = DeformL(0,0)+DeformL(1,1)+DeformL(2,2);
552  TrDeformR = DeformR(0,0)+DeformR(1,1)+DeformR(2,2);
553  TensorL = REAL(2.*mu)*DeformL;
554  TensorR = REAL(2.*mu)*DeformR;
555  REAL normalCompL, normalCompR;
556  for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
557  TensorL(i,i) += lambda*TrDeformL;
558  TensorR(i,i) += lambda*TrDeformR;
559  }
560  normalCompL = TensorL(1,0)*normal[0]+TensorL(1,1)*normal[1];
561  normalCompR = TensorR(1,0)*normal[0]+TensorR(1,1)*normal[1];
562  if (logdata->isDebugEnabled() && TrDeformL != 0.)
563  {
564  std::stringstream sout;
565  sout.precision(15);
566  TensorL.Print("TensorL = ",sout,EMathematicaInput);
567  TensorR.Print("TensorR = ",sout,EMathematicaInput);
568  sout << "NormalCompL = " << normalCompL << ";" << std::endl;
569  sout << "NormalCompR = " << normalCompR << ";" << std::endl;
570  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logdata,sout.str())
571  }
572 #endif
574  //Calcule: Integrate { -[v].<sigma(u).n> + symmetry *[u].<sigma(v).n> + penalty*[u].[v] } ds
576  // 1) Matrix Band: phi_I_Left, phi_J_Left
578  for(il = 0; il< nrowl; il++ )
579  {
580  //dphiL_i/dr = dphi_i/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisR> + dphi_i/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisR>
581  dphiRZiL.PutVal(0,0, dphiL.GetVal(0,il)*axis0DOTrL + dphiL.GetVal(1,il)*axis1DOTrL );
583  //dphiL_i/dz = dphi_i/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisZ> + dphi_i/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisZ>
584  dphiRZiL.PutVal(1,0, dphiL.GetVal(0,il)*axis0DOTzL + dphiL.GetVal(1,il)*axis1DOTzL );
587  for( jl = 0; jl < nrowl; jl++ )
588  {
589  //dphiL_j/dr = dphi_j/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisR> + dphi_j/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisR>
590  dphiRZjL.PutVal(0,0, dphiL.GetVal(0,jl)*axis0DOTrL + dphiL.GetVal(1,jl)*axis1DOTrL );
592  //dphiL_j/dz = dphi_j/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisZ> + dphi_j/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisZ>
593  dphiRZjL.PutVal(1,0, dphiL.GetVal(0,jl)*axis0DOTzL + dphiL.GetVal(1,jl)*axis1DOTzL );
595  double nr = normal[0];
596  double nz = normal[1];
598  double term00 = -1.*(lambda*nr*phiL(il,0)*phiL(jl,0)/(2.*R) +
599  mu*nz*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjL(1,0)/2. +
600  lambda*nr*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjL(0,0)/2. +
601  mu*nr*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjL(0,0));
602  term00 += symmetry*(lambda*nr*phiL(il,0)*phiL(jl,0)/(2.*R) +
603  mu*nz*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiL(1,0)/2. +
604  lambda*nr*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiL(0,0)/2. +
605  mu*nr*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiL(0,0));
606  term00 += beta*penalty*phiL(il,0)*phiL(jl,0);
609  double term01 = -1.*(lambda*nr*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjL(1,0)/2. +
610  mu*nz*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjL(0,0)/2.);
611  term01 += symmetry*(lambda*nz*phiL(il,0)*phiL(jl,0)/(2.*R) +
612  mu*nr*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiL(1,0)/2. +
613  lambda*nz*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiL(0,0)/2.);
616  double term10 = -1.*(lambda*nz*phiL(il,0)*phiL(jl,0)/(2.*R) +
617  mu*nr*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjL(1,0)/2. +
618  lambda*nz*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjL(0,0)/2.);
619  term10 += symmetry*(lambda*nr*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiL(1,0)/2. +
620  mu*nz*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiL(0,0)/2.);
623  double term11 = -1.*(lambda*nz*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjL(1,0)/2. +
624  mu*nz*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjL(1,0) +
625  mu*nr*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjL(0,0)/2.);
626  term11 += symmetry*(lambda*nz*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiL(1,0)/2. +
627  mu*nz*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiL(1,0) +
628  mu*nr*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiL(0,0)/2.);
629  term11 +=beta*penalty*phiL(il,0)*phiL(jl,0);
632  ek(2*il, 2*jl) += weight*R2PI*term00;
633  ek(2*il, 2*jl+1) += weight*R2PI*term01;
634  ek(2*il+1, 2*jl) += weight*R2PI*term10;
635  ek(2*il+1, 2*jl+1) += weight*R2PI*term11;
637  }
638  }
641  // 2) Matrix Band: phi_I_Left, phi_J_Right
642  for( il = 0; il < nrowl; il++ )
643  {
644  //dphiL_i/dr = dphi_i/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisR> + dphi_i/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisR>
645  dphiRZiL.PutVal(0,0, dphiL.GetVal(0,il)*axis0DOTrL + dphiL.GetVal(1,il)*axis1DOTrL );
647  //dphiL_i/dz = dphi_i/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisZ> + dphi_i/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisZ>
648  dphiRZiL.PutVal(1,0, dphiL.GetVal(0,il)*axis0DOTzL + dphiL.GetVal(1,il)*axis1DOTzL );
650  for(jr = 0; jr < nrowr; jr++ )
651  {
652  //dphiR_j/dr = dphi_j/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisR> + dphi_j/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisR>
653  dphiRZjR.PutVal(0,0, dphiR.GetVal(0,jr)*axis0DOTrR + dphiR.GetVal(1,jr)*axis1DOTrR );
655  //dphiR_j/dz = dphi_j/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisZ> + dphi_j/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisZ>
656  dphiRZjR.PutVal(1,0, dphiR.GetVal(0,jr)*axis0DOTzR + dphiR.GetVal(1,jr)*axis1DOTzR );
659  double lambda = -((fE*fnu)/((1. + fnu)*(2.*fnu-1.)));
660  double mu = fE/(2.*(1. + fnu));
661  double nr = normal[0];
662  double nz = normal[1];
664  double term02 = -1.*(lambda*nr*phiL(il,0)*phiR(jr,0)/(2.*R) +
665  mu*nz*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjR(1,0)/2. +
666  lambda*nr*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjR(0,0)/2. +
667  mu*nr*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjR(0,0));
668  term02 += -1.*symmetry*(lambda*nr*phiL(il,0)*phiR(jr,0)/(2.*R) +
669  mu*nz*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiL(1,0)/2. +
670  lambda*nr*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiL(0,0)/2. +
671  mu*nr*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiL(0,0));
672  term02 += -1.*beta*penalty*phiL(il,0)*phiR(jr,0);
675  double term03 = -1.*(lambda*nr*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjR(1,0)/2. +
676  mu*nz*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjR(0,0)/2.);
677  term03 += -1.*symmetry*(lambda*nz*phiL(il,0)*phiR(jr,0)/(2.*R) +
678  mu*nr*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiL(1,0)/2. +
679  lambda*nz*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiL(0,0)/2.);
682  double term12 = -1.*(lambda*nz*phiL(il,0)*phiR(jr,0)/(2.*R) +
683  mu*nr*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjR(1,0)/2. +
684  lambda*nz*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjR(0,0)/2.);
685  term12 += -1.*symmetry*(lambda*nr*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiL(1,0)/2. +
686  mu*nz*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiL(0,0)/2.);
689  double term13 = -1.*(lambda*nz*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjR(1,0)/2. +
690  mu*nz*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjR(1,0) +
691  mu*nr*phiL(il,0)*dphiRZjR(0,0)/2.);
692  term13 += -1.*symmetry*(lambda*nz*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiL(1,0)/2. +
693  mu*nz*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiL(1,0) +
694  mu*nr*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiL(0,0)/2.);
695  term13 += -1.*beta*penalty*phiL(il,0)*phiR(jr,0);
697  ek(2*il, 2*jr+2*nrowl) += weight*R2PI*term02;
698  ek(2*il, 2*jr+2*nrowl+1) += weight*R2PI*term03;
699  ek(2*il+1, 2*jr+2*nrowl) += weight*R2PI*term12;
700  ek(2*il+1, 2*jr+2*nrowl+1) += weight*R2PI*term13;
702  }
703  }
705  // 3) Matrix Band: phi_I_Right, phi_J_Left
706  for( ir = 0; ir < nrowr; ir++ )
707  {
708  //dphiR_i/dr = dphi_i/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisR> + dphi_i/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisR>
709  dphiRZiR.PutVal(0,0, dphiR.GetVal(0,ir)*axis0DOTrR + dphiR.GetVal(1,ir)*axis1DOTrR );
711  //dphiR_i/dz = dphi_i/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisZ> + dphi_i/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisZ>
712  dphiRZiR.PutVal(1,0, dphiR.GetVal(0,ir)*axis0DOTzR + dphiR.GetVal(1,ir)*axis1DOTzR );
714  for( jl = 0; jl < nrowl; jl++ )
715  {
716  //dphiL_j/dr = dphi_j/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisR> + dphi_j/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisR>
717  dphiRZjL.PutVal(0,0, dphiL.GetVal(0,jl)*axis0DOTrL + dphiL.GetVal(1,jl)*axis1DOTrL );
719  //dphiL_j/dz = dphi_j/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisZ> + dphi_j/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisZ>
720  dphiRZjL.PutVal(1,0, dphiL.GetVal(0,jl)*axis0DOTzL + dphiL.GetVal(1,jl)*axis1DOTzL );
723  double lambda = -((fE*fnu)/((1. + fnu)*(2.*fnu-1.)));
724  double mu = fE/(2.*(1. + fnu));
725  double nr = normal[0];
726  double nz = normal[1];
728  double term20 = (lambda*nr*phiR(ir,0)*phiL(jl,0)/(2.*R) +
729  mu*nz*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjL(1,0)/2. +
730  lambda*nr*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjL(0,0)/2. +
731  mu*nr*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjL(0,0));
732  term20 += symmetry*(lambda*nr*phiR(ir,0)*phiL(jl,0)/(2.*R) +
733  mu*nz*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiR(1,0)/2. +
734  lambda*nr*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiR(0,0)/2. +
735  mu*nr*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiR(0,0));
736  term20 += -1.*beta*penalty*phiR(ir,0)*phiL(jl,0);
739  double term21 = (lambda*nr*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjL(1,0)/2. +
740  mu*nz*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjL(0,0)/2.);
741  term21 += symmetry*(lambda*nz*phiR(ir,0)*phiL(jl,0)/(2.*R) +
742  mu*nr*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiR(1,0)/2. +
743  lambda*nz*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiR(0,0)/2.);
746  double term30 = (lambda*nz*phiR(ir,0)*phiL(jl,0)/(2.*R) +
747  mu*nr*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjL(1,0)/2. +
748  lambda*nz*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjL(0,0)/2.);
749  term30 += symmetry*(lambda*nr*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiR(1,0)/2. +
750  mu*nz*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiR(0,0)/2.);
753  double term31 = (lambda*nz*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjL(1,0)/2. +
754  mu*nz*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjL(1,0) +
755  mu*nr*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjL(0,0)/2.);
756  term31 += symmetry*(lambda*nz*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiR(1,0)/2. +
757  mu*nz*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiR(1,0) +
758  mu*nr*phiL(jl,0)*dphiRZiR(0,0)/2.);
759  term31 += -1.*beta*penalty*phiR(ir,0)*phiL(jl,0);
761  ek(2*ir+2*nrowl, 2*jl) += weight*R2PI*term20;
762  ek(2*ir+2*nrowl, 2*jl+1) += weight*R2PI*term21;
763  ek(2*ir+2*nrowl+1, 2*jl) += weight*R2PI*term30;
764  ek(2*ir+2*nrowl+1, 2*jl+1) += weight*R2PI*term31;
766  }
767  }
769  // 4) Matrix Band: phi_I_Right, phi_J_Right
771  for(ir = 0; ir < nrowr; ir++ )
772  {
773  //dphiR_i/dr = dphi_i/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisR> + dphi_i/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisR>
774  dphiRZiR.PutVal(0,0, dphiR.GetVal(0,ir)*axis0DOTrR + dphiR.GetVal(1,ir)*axis1DOTrR );
776  //dphiR_i/dz = dphi_i/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisZ> + dphi_i/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisZ>
777  dphiRZiR.PutVal(1,0, dphiR.GetVal(0,ir)*axis0DOTzR + dphiR.GetVal(1,ir)*axis1DOTzR );
779  for( jr = 0; jr < nrowr; jr++ )
780  {
781  //dphiR_j/dr = dphi_j/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisR> + dphi_j/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisR>
782  dphiRZjR.PutVal(0,0, dphiR.GetVal(0,jr)*axis0DOTrR + dphiR.GetVal(1,jr)*axis1DOTrR );
784  //dphiR_j/dz = dphi_j/axis0 <axes0,f_AxisZ> + dphi_j/axis1 <axes1,f_AxisZ>
785  dphiRZjR.PutVal(1,0, dphiR.GetVal(0,jr)*axis0DOTzR + dphiR.GetVal(1,jr)*axis1DOTzR );
787  double lambda = -((fE*fnu)/((1. + fnu)*(2.*fnu-1.)));
788  double mu = fE/(2.*(1. + fnu));
789  double nr = normal[0];
790  double nz = normal[1];
792  double term22 = (lambda*nr*phiR(ir,0)*phiR(jr,0)/(2.*R) +
793  mu*nz*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjR(1,0)/2. +
794  lambda*nr*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjR(0,0)/2. +
795  mu*nr*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjR(0,0));
796  term22 += -1.*symmetry*(lambda*nr*phiR(ir,0)*phiR(jr,0)/(2.*R) +
797  mu*nz*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiR(1,0)/2. +
798  lambda*nr*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiR(0,0)/2. +
799  mu*nr*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiR(0,0));
800  term22 += beta*penalty*phiR(ir,0)*phiR(jr,0);
803  double term23 = (lambda*nr*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjR(1,0)/2. +
804  mu*nz*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjR(0,0)/2.);
805  term23 += -1.*symmetry*(lambda*nz*phiR(ir,0)*phiR(jr,0)/(2.*R) +
806  mu*nr*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiR(1,0)/2. +
807  lambda*nz*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiR(0,0)/2.);
810  double term32 = (lambda*nz*phiR(ir,0)*phiR(jr,0)/(2.*R) +
811  mu*nr*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjR(1,0)/2. +
812  lambda*nz*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjR(0,0)/2.);
813  term32 += -1.*symmetry*(lambda*nr*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiR(1,0)/2. +
814  mu*nz*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiR(0,0)/2.);
817  double term33 = (lambda*nz*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjR(1,0)/2. +
818  mu*nz*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjR(1,0) +
819  mu*nr*phiR(ir,0)*dphiRZjR(0,0)/2.);
820  term33 += -1.*symmetry*(lambda*nz*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiR(1,0)/2. +
821  mu*nz*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiR(1,0) +
822  mu*nr*phiR(jr,0)*dphiRZiR(0,0)/2.);
823  term33 += beta*penalty*phiR(ir,0)*phiR(jr,0);
826  ek(2*ir+2*nrowl, 2*jr+2*nrowl) += weight*R2PI*term22;
827  ek(2*ir+2*nrowl, 2*jr+2*nrowl+1) += weight*R2PI*term23;
828  ek(2*ir+2*nrowl+1, 2*jr+2*nrowl) += weight*R2PI*term32;
829  ek(2*ir+2*nrowl+1, 2*jr+2*nrowl+1) += weight*R2PI*term33;
831  }
832  }
833 #ifdef LOG4CXX
834  if(logdata->isDebugEnabled())
835  {
836  std::stringstream sout;
837  ek.Print("ek = ",sout,EMathematicaInput);
838  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logdata,sout.str())
839  }
840 #endif
841 }
843 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
846 int TPZElasticityAxiMaterial::VariableIndex(const std::string &name)
847 {
848  if(!strcmp("Eigenvector1",name.c_str())) return 9;
849  if(!strcmp("Eigenvector2",name.c_str())) return 1;
850  if(!strcmp("Eigenvector3",name.c_str())) return 2;
851  if(!strcmp("Sigmarr",name.c_str())) return 3;
852  if(!strcmp("Sigmazz",name.c_str())) return 4;
853  if(!strcmp("Sigmatt",name.c_str())) return 5;
854  if(!strcmp("Taurz",name.c_str())) return 6;
855  if(!strcmp("displacement",name.c_str())) return 7;
856  if(!strcmp("MohrCoulomb",name.c_str())) return 8;
858  return TPZMaterial::VariableIndex(name);
859  return -1;
860 }
865 {
866  switch(var) {
867  case 9:
868  return 3;
869  case 1:
870  return 3;
871  case 2:
872  return 3;
873  case 3:
874  return 1;
875  case 4:
876  return 1;
877  case 5:
878  return 1;
879  case 6:
880  return 1;
881  case 7:
882  return 3;
883  case 8:
884  return 1;
885  default:
887  return 0;
888  }
889 }
894 {
895  if(var == 0)
896  {
897  TPZMaterial::Solution(data,var,Solout);
898  return;
899  }
900  int64_t numbersol = data.dsol.size();
901  if (numbersol != 1) {
902  DebugStop();
903  }
905  TPZFMatrix<REAL> &axes = data.axes;
906  TPZVec<STATE> &SolAxes = data.sol[0];
907  TPZFMatrix<STATE> &DSolAxes = data.dsol[0];
909  // R = Dot[{data.x - origin},{AxisR}] ***because AxisR is already normalized!
910  REAL R = (data.x[0] - f_Origin[0])*f_AxisR[0] + (data.x[1] - f_Origin[1])*f_AxisR[1] + (data.x[2] - f_Origin[2])*f_AxisR[2];
911  REAL Z = (data.x[0] - f_Origin[0])*f_AxisZ[0] + (data.x[1] - f_Origin[1])*f_AxisZ[1] + (data.x[2] - f_Origin[2])*f_AxisZ[2];
913  int s = (R > 0)? 1:-1;
914  R = fabs(R);
915  if(R < 1.e-10) R = 1.e-10;
917  REAL DelTemp(fDelTemperature);
919  if (fTemperatureFunction) {
920  TPZManVector<REAL,2> RZ(2);
921  RZ[0] = R;
922  RZ[1] = Z;
923  fTemperatureFunction(RZ,DelTemp);
924  }
927  double axis0DOTr = 0., axis1DOTr = 0., axis0DOTz = 0., axis1DOTz = 0.;
928  for(int pos = 0; pos < 3; pos++)
929  {
930  axis0DOTr += axes.GetVal(0,pos) * f_AxisR[pos] * s;
931  axis1DOTr += axes.GetVal(1,pos) * f_AxisR[pos] * s;
932  axis0DOTz += axes.GetVal(0,pos) * f_AxisZ[pos];
933  axis1DOTz += axes.GetVal(1,pos) * f_AxisZ[pos];
934  }
935  TPZFNMatrix<9> DSolrz(2,2,0.);
936  DSolrz.PutVal(0,0, DSolAxes(0,0)*axis0DOTr + DSolAxes(1,0)*axis1DOTr );
937  DSolrz.PutVal(0,1, DSolAxes(0,0)*axis0DOTz + DSolAxes(1,0)*axis1DOTz );
938  DSolrz.PutVal(1,0, DSolAxes(0,1)*axis0DOTr + DSolAxes(1,1)*axis1DOTr );
939  DSolrz.PutVal(1,1, DSolAxes(0,1)*axis0DOTz + DSolAxes(1,1)*axis1DOTz );
942 #ifdef LOG4CXX
943  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
944  {
945  std::stringstream sout;
946  sout << "Point " << data.x << std::endl;
947  sout << "Solution " << data.sol << std::endl;
948  DSolrz.Print("Derivatives of the solution\n",sout);
949  sout << "Radius " << R << std::endl;
950  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
951  }
952 #endif
954  //Infinitesimal Tensor
955  TPZFNMatrix<9> Einf(3,3,0.);
956  Einf.PutVal(0,0,DSolrz(0,0));
957  Einf.PutVal(0,1,0.5*(DSolrz(0,1) + DSolrz(1,0)));
958  Einf.PutVal(1,0,0.5*(DSolrz(0,1) + DSolrz(1,0)));
959  Einf.PutVal(1,1,DSolrz(1,1));
960  Einf.PutVal(2,2,data.sol[0][0]/R);
962 #ifdef LOG4CXX
963  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
964  {
965  std::stringstream sout;
966  Einf.Print("Deformation tensor",sout);
967  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
968  }
969 #endif
971  double lambda = -((fE*fnu)/((1. + fnu)*(2.*fnu-1.)));
972  double mi = fE/(2.*(1. + fnu));
973  double trE = Einf(0,0) + Einf(1,1) + Einf(2,2);
975 #ifdef LOG4CXX
976  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
977  {
978  std::stringstream sout;
979  sout << "E = " << fE << " fnu = " << fnu << " mi = " << mi << " lambda = " << lambda << " trE = " << trE;
980  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
981  }
982 #endif
984  //Stress Tensor
985  TPZFNMatrix<9> T(3,3,0.);
986  double cte = lambda*trE;
987  REAL epsT = DelTemp*fAlpha;
988  REAL TensorThermico = (3.*lambda+2.*mi)*epsT;
991  //T = + 2.mi.E
992  T.PutVal(0,0,cte + 2.*mi*Einf(0,0)-TensorThermico);
993  T.PutVal(0,1, 2.*mi*Einf(0,1));
994  T.PutVal(0,2, 2.*mi*Einf(0,2));
995  T.PutVal(1,0, 2.*mi*Einf(1,0));
996  T.PutVal(1,1,cte + 2.*mi*Einf(1,1)-TensorThermico);
997  T.PutVal(1,2, 2.*mi*Einf(1,2));
998  T.PutVal(2,0, 2.*mi*Einf(2,0));
999  T.PutVal(2,1, 2.*mi*Einf(2,1));
1000  T.PutVal(2,2,cte + 2.*mi*Einf(2,2)-TensorThermico);
1002 #ifdef LOG4CXX
1003  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
1004  {
1005  std::stringstream sout;
1006  T.Print("Stress tensor",sout);
1007  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
1008  }
1009 #endif
1011  switch(var)
1012  {
1013  case 9: //Solout = 1stEigenvalue * {1stEigenvector}
1014  {
1015  int64_t NumIt = 1000;
1016  REAL tol = 1.E-5;
1017  TPZVec<REAL> EigValues(3,0.);
1018  TPZFNMatrix<9,REAL> EigVectors(3,3,0.);
1019  bool EigenWorks;
1020  EigenWorks = T.SolveEigensystemJacobi(NumIt, tol, EigValues, EigVectors);
1021  if(EigenWorks)
1022  {
1023  Solout.Resize(3);
1024  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) Solout[i] = EigValues[0] * EigVectors(0,i);
1025  }
1026  else cout << "TPZElasticityAxiMaterial::Solution Error -> case 0\n";
1027 #ifdef LOG4CXX
1028  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
1029  {
1030  std::stringstream sout;
1031  sout << "First eigenvector " << std::endl;
1032  sout << Solout;
1033  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
1034  }
1035 #endif
1036  }
1037  break;
1039  case 1: //Solout = 2ndEigenvalue * {2ndEigenvector}
1040  {
1041  int64_t NumIt = 1000;
1042  REAL tol = 1.E-5;
1043  TPZVec<REAL> EigValues(3,0.);
1044  TPZFNMatrix<9,REAL> EigVectors(3,3,0.);
1045  bool EigenWorks;
1046  EigenWorks = T.SolveEigensystemJacobi(NumIt, tol, EigValues, EigVectors);
1047  if(EigenWorks)
1048  {
1049  Solout.Resize(3);
1050  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) Solout[i] = EigValues[1] * EigVectors(1,i);
1051  }
1052  else cout << "TPZElasticityAxiMaterial::Solution Error -> case 1\n";
1053 #ifdef LOG4CXX
1054  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
1055  {
1056  std::stringstream sout;
1057  sout << "Second eigenvector " << std::endl;
1058  sout << Solout;
1059  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
1060  }
1061 #endif
1062  }
1063  break;
1065  case 2: //Solout = 3rdEigenvalue * {3rdEigenvector}
1066  {
1067  int64_t NumIt = 1000;
1068  REAL tol = 1.E-5;
1069  TPZVec<REAL> EigValues(3,0.);
1070  TPZFNMatrix<9,REAL> EigVectors(3,3,0.);
1071  bool EigenWorks;
1072  EigenWorks = T.SolveEigensystemJacobi(NumIt, tol, EigValues, EigVectors);
1073  if(EigenWorks)
1074  {
1075  Solout.Resize(3);
1076  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) Solout[i] = EigValues[2] * EigVectors(2,i);
1077  }
1078  else cout << "TPZElasticityAxiMaterial::Solution Error -> case 2\n";
1079 #ifdef LOG4CXX
1080  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
1081  {
1082  std::stringstream sout;
1083  sout << "Third eigenvector " << std::endl;
1084  sout << Solout;
1085  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
1086  }
1087 #endif
1088  }
1089  break;
1091  case 3: //Solout = Sigma_r,r
1092  {
1093  Solout.Resize(1);
1094  Solout[0] = T(0,0);
1095 #ifdef LOG4CXX
1096  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
1097  {
1098  std::stringstream sout;
1099  sout << "Sigma r " << T(0,0);
1100  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
1101  }
1102 #endif
1103  }
1104  break;
1106  case 4: //Solout = Sigma_z,z
1107  {
1108  Solout.Resize(1);
1109  Solout[0] = T(1,1);
1110 #ifdef LOG4CXX
1111  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
1112  {
1113  std::stringstream sout;
1114  sout << "Sigma z " << T(1,1);
1115  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
1116  }
1117 #endif
1118  }
1119  break;
1121  case 5: //Solout = Sigma_theta,theta
1122  {
1123  Solout.Resize(1);
1124  Solout[0] = T(2,2);
1125 #ifdef LOG4CXX
1126  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
1127  {
1128  std::stringstream sout;
1129  sout << "Sigma theta " << T(2,2);
1130  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
1131  }
1132 #endif
1133  }
1134  break;
1136  case 6: //Solout = Tau_r,z
1137  {
1138  Solout.Resize(1);
1139  Solout[0] = T(0,1);
1140 #ifdef LOG4CXX
1141  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
1142  {
1143  std::stringstream sout;
1144  sout << "Sigma rz " << T(0,1);
1145  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
1146  }
1147 #endif
1148  }
1149  break;
1151  case 7: //Solout = Displacement
1152  {
1153  Solout.Resize(3);
1154  Solout[0] = SolAxes[0];
1155  Solout[1] = SolAxes[1];
1156  Solout[2] = SolAxes[2];
1157  }
1158  break;
1160  case 8: //MohrCoulomb plasticity criteria
1161  {
1162  Solout.Resize(1);
1163  REAL i1, i2, i3, j1, j2, j3;
1165  i1 = T(0,0) + T(1,1) + T(2,2);
1166  TPZFMatrix<REAL> T2(3,3,0.);
1167  T.Multiply(T,T2);
1169  i2 = 0.5*( i1*i1 - (T2(0,0) + T2(1,1) + T2(2,2)) );
1171  i3 = T(0,0)*T(1,1)*T(2,2) + T(0,1)*T(1,2)*T(2,0) + T(0,2)*T(1,0)*T(2,1) - T(0,2)*T(1,1)*T(2,0) - T(1,2)*T(2,1)*T(0,0) - T(2,2)*T(0,1)*T(1,0);
1173  j1 = 0.;
1174  j2 = 1./3.*(i1*i1 - 3.*i2);
1175  j3 = 1./27.*(2.*i1*i1*i1 - 9.*i1*i2 + 27.*i3);
1177  REAL cos3theta = 3.*sqrt(3.)/2. * j3/(pow(j2,(REAL)1.5));
1179  REAL theta = acos(cos3theta)/3.;
1181  Solout[0] = 1./3.*i1*sin(f_phi) + sqrt(i2)*sin(theta + M_PI/3.) + sqrt(i2/3.)*cos(theta + M_PI/3.)*sin(f_phi) - f_c*cos(f_phi);
1182 #ifdef LOG4CXX
1183  if (logger->isDebugEnabled())
1184  {
1185  std::stringstream sout;
1186  sout << "Criterio de Mohr Coulomb \ni1 " << i1 << " i2 " << i2 <<
1187  " i3 " << i3 << " \nj1 " << j1 << " j2 " << j2 << " j3 " << j3
1188  << " \nf_phi " << f_phi <<
1189  " f_c " << f_c << " theta " << theta << " MohrCoul " << Solout[0];
1190  LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,sout.str());
1191  }
1192 #endif
1193  }
1194  break;
1196  default:
1197  {
1198  cout << "TPZElasticityAxiMaterial::Solution Error -> default\n";
1199  TPZMaterial::Solution(data.sol[0],data.dsol[0],data.axes,var,Solout);
1200  }
1201  break;
1202  }
1203 }
1206 {
1207  if(fabs(axes(2,0)) >= 1.e-6 || fabs(axes(2,1)) >= 1.e-6)
1208  {
1209  cout << "TPZElasticityAxiMaterial::Flux only serves for xy configuration\n";
1210  axes.Print("axes");
1211  }
1212 }
1215  TPZVec<STATE> &u_exact,TPZFMatrix<STATE> &du_exact,TPZVec<REAL> &values)
1216 {
1217  values[0] = 0.;
1218  TPZManVector<REAL> sigma(3,0.),sigma_exact(3,0.);
1219  REAL sigx,sigy,sigxy,gamma;
1221  TPZFNMatrix<9> du;
1222  TPZFMatrix<REAL> dudaxesReal = (TPZFMatrix<REAL> &)dudaxes;
1223  TPZAxesTools<REAL>::Axes2XYZ(dudaxesReal, du, axes);
1225  //tensoes aproximadas : uma forma
1226  gamma = du(1,0)+du(0,1);
1227  sigma[0] = fEover1MinNu2*(du(0,0)+fnu*du(1,1));
1228  sigma[1] = fEover1MinNu2*(fnu*du(0,0)+du(1,1));
1229  sigma[2] = fE*0.5/(1.+fnu)*gamma;
1231  TPZMaterialData mydata;
1232  mydata.sol[0] = u;
1233  mydata.dsol[0] = (TPZFNMatrix<9,STATE> &)du;
1234  mydata.axes = axes;
1235  mydata.x = x;
1237  //tensoes aproximadas : outra forma
1238  TPZVec<STATE> sol(1);
1239  Solution(mydata,5,sol);
1240  sigma[0] = sol[0];
1241  Solution(mydata,6,sol);
1242  sigma[1] = sol[0];
1243  Solution(mydata,8,sol);
1244  sigma[2] = sol[0];
1246  //exata
1247  gamma = du_exact(1,0)+du_exact(0,1);
1248  sigma_exact[0] = fEover1MinNu2*(du_exact(0,0)+fnu*du_exact(1,1));
1249  sigma_exact[1] = fEover1MinNu2*(fnu*du_exact(0,0)+du_exact(1,1));
1250  sigma_exact[2] = fE*0.5/(1.+fnu)*gamma;
1251  sigx = (sigma[0] - sigma_exact[0]);
1252  sigy = (sigma[1] - sigma_exact[1]);
1253  sigxy = (sigma[2] - sigma_exact[2]);
1254  //values[0] = calculo do erro estimado em norma Energia
1255  values[0] = fE*(sigx*sigx + sigy*sigy + 2*fnu*sigx*sigy)/(1-fnu*fnu);
1256  values[0] = (values[0] + .5*fE*sigxy*sigxy/(1+fnu));
1258  //values[1] : erro em norma L2 em tensoes
1259  //values[1] = sigx*sigx + sigy*sigy + sigxy*sigxy;
1261  //values[1] : erro em norma L2 em deslocamentos
1262  values[1] = pow((REAL)fabs(u[0] - u_exact[0]),(REAL)2.0)+pow((REAL)fabs(u[1] - u_exact[1]),(REAL)2.0); // It is important when REAL is long double, because fabs(...) returns long double then pow() must to return long double - Jorge
1264  //values[2] : erro estimado
1265  values[2] = 0.;
1266 }
1270  return Hash("TPZElasticityAxiMaterial") ^ TPZDiscontinuousGalerkin::ClassId() << 1;
1271 }
1273 #ifndef BORLAND
1275 #endif
1278 {
1279  TPZMaterial::Read(buf,context);
1280  buf.Read(&fE,1);
1281  buf.Read(&fnu,1);
1282  buf.Read(&fEover21PlusNu,1);
1283  buf.Read(&fEover1MinNu2,1);
1285  buf.Read(ff,3);
1286 }
1288 void TPZElasticityAxiMaterial::Write(TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const
1289 {
1290  TPZMaterial::Write(buf,withclassid);
1291  buf.Write(&fE,1);
1292  buf.Write(&fnu,1);
1293  buf.Write(&fEover21PlusNu,1);
1294  buf.Write(&fEover1MinNu2,1);
1296  buf.Write(ff,3);
1297 }
Defines the interface which material objects need to implement for discontinuous Galerkin formulation...
Definition: pzdiscgal.h:20
REAL fPenaltyConstant
Penalty term.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:210
void Errors(TPZVec< REAL > &x, TPZVec< STATE > &u, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &dudx, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &axes, TPZVec< STATE > &flux, TPZVec< STATE > &u_exact, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &du_exact, TPZVec< REAL > &values) override
Computes the error due to the difference between the interpolated flux and the flux computed based o...
virtual void Solution(TPZMaterialData &data, int var, TPZVec< STATE > &Solout)
Returns the solution associated with the var index based on the finite element approximation.
virtual void Execute(const TPZVec< REAL > &x, TPZVec< TVar > &f, TPZFMatrix< TVar > &df)
Performs function computation.
Definition: pzfunction.h:38
void Print(std::ostream &out=std::cout)
Prints the structural information of the vector object to the output stream. This method will not p...
Definition: pzvec.h:482
expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ fabs
Definition: tfadfunc.h:140
int ClassId() const override
Unique identifier for serialization purposes.
Definition: pzdiscgal.cpp:110
TPZManVector< REAL, 3 > normal
normal to the element at the integration point
Contains definitions to LOGPZ_DEBUG, LOGPZ_INFO, LOGPZ_WARN, LOGPZ_ERROR and LOGPZ_FATAL, and the implementation of the inline InitializePZLOG(string) function using log4cxx library or not. It must to be called out of "#ifdef LOG4CXX" scope.
TPZManVector< REAL, 3 > x
value of the coordinate at the integration point
TPZManVector< REAL > f_AxisZ
Revolution Axis.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:201
Implements a two dimensional elastic material in plane stress or strain.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:21
REAL fAlpha
Thermal expansion coeficient.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:183
REAL fDelTemperature
Temperature difference.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:189
clarg::argBool bc("-bc", "binary checkpoints", false)
TPZManVector< REAL > f_Origin
Origin of AxisR and AxisZ.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:204
static void Axes2XYZ(const TPZFMatrix< TVar > &dudaxes, TPZFMatrix< TVar > &dudx, const TPZFMatrix< REAL > &axesv, bool colMajor=true)
Makes the basis transformation from axes basis to euclidian basis.
Definition: pzaxestools.h:61
int Type()
Definition: pzbndcond.h:249
virtual void Flux(TPZVec< REAL > &x, TPZVec< STATE > &Sol, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &DSol, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &axes, TPZVec< STATE > &flux) override
Computes the value of the flux function to be used by ZZ error estimator.
virtual void ContributeInterface(TPZMaterialData &data, TPZMaterialData &dataleft, TPZMaterialData &dataright, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ek, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ef) override
It computes a contribution to stiffness matrix and load vector at one integration point...
virtual int VariableIndex(const std::string &name)
Returns the variable index associated with the name.
Defines PZError.
virtual int ClassId() const override
Unique identifier for serialization purposes.
REAL f_phi
Mohr Coulomb Plasticity Criteria Data.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:172
void SetOrigin(TPZManVector< REAL > &Orig, TPZManVector< REAL > &AxisZ, TPZManVector< REAL > &AxisR)
Set the origin of Revolution Axis ( ), the direction of Revolution Axis ( ), and the Radius vector (...
void Write(TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const override
Saves the element data to a stream.
TPZGradSolVec dsol
vector of the derivatives of the solution at the integration point
Returns the elasticity modulus E.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:142
TPZFMatrix< STATE > & Val2(int loadcase=0)
Definition: pzbndcond.h:255
TPZFNMatrix< 220, REAL > phi
vector of shapefunctions (format is dependent on the value of shapetype)
int p
maximum polinomial order of the shape functions
Default constructor.
virtual void Write(TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const override
Saves the element data to a stream.
TPZFNMatrix< 660, REAL > dphix
values of the derivative of the shape functions
virtual void Print(std::ostream &out=std::cout)
Prints out the data associated with the material.
Contains declaration of TPZElementMatrix struct which associates an element matrix with the coeficien...
TPZManVector< REAL > GetAxisZ()
REAL fSymmetric
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:207
Contains the TPZBndCond class which implements a boundary condition for TPZMaterial objects...
int64_t size() const
Returns the number of elements of the vector.
Definition: pzvec.h:196
expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ acos
Definition: tfadfunc.h:75
virtual void Resize(const int64_t newsize, const T &object)
Resizes the vector object reallocating the necessary storage, copying the existing objects to the new...
Definition: pzvec.h:373
REAL ComputeR(TPZVec< REAL > &x)
Definition: fadfunc.h:63
static const double tol
Definition: pzgeoprism.cpp:23
void Read(TPZStream &buf, void *context) override
Reads the element data from a stream.
REAL ff[3]
Forcing vector.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:186
virtual void Write(const bool val)
Definition: TPZStream.cpp:8
virtual void Print(std::ostream &out=std::cout) override
Prints the material data.
Contains TPZMatrixclass which implements full matrix (using column major representation).
#define DebugStop()
Returns a message to user put a breakpoint in.
Definition: pzerror.h:20
TPZManVector< REAL > GetAxisR()
#define LOGPZ_DEBUG(A, B)
Define log for debug info.
Definition: pzlog.h:87
This class defines the boundary condition for TPZMaterial objects.
Definition: pzbndcond.h:29
virtual int VariableIndex(const std::string &name) override
Returns the variable index associated with the name.
void PrintMathematica(std::ostream &out) const
Prints the data in a format suitable for Mathematica.
virtual ~TPZElasticityAxiMaterial()
int64_t Rows() const
Returns number of rows.
Definition: pzmatrix.h:803
expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ expr_ sqrt
Definition: tfadfunc.h:120
TPZFNMatrix< 9, REAL > axes
axes indicating the directions of the derivatives of the shapefunctions
string res
TPZFMatrix< STATE > & Val1()
Definition: pzbndcond.h:253
virtual void Read(TPZStream &buf, void *context) override
Reads the element data from a stream.
virtual int NSolutionVariables(int var) override
Returns the number of variables associated with the variable indexed by var. var is obtained by cal...
measure of the size of the element
virtual void Solution(TPZMaterialData &data, int var, TPZVec< STATE > &Solout) override
Returns the solution associated with the var index based on the finite element approximation.
static REAL gBigNumber
Big number to penalization method, used for Dirichlet conditions.
Definition: TPZMaterial.h:83
int32_t Hash(std::string str)
Definition: TPZHash.cpp:10
long double gamma(unsigned int n)
Evaluate the factorial of a integer.
Contains TPZMatrix<TVar>class, root matrix class.
std::string Name() override
Returns the material name.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:96
REAL f_c
Mohr Coulomb Plasticity Criteria Data.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:174
virtual void Contribute(TPZMaterialData &data, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ek, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ef) override
Calculates the element stiffness matrix.
TPZFlopCounter pow(const TPZFlopCounter &orig, const TPZFlopCounter &xp)
Returns the power and increments the counter of the power.
Definition: pzreal.h:487
virtual int NSolutionVariables(int var)
Returns the number of variables associated with the variable indexed by var.
void(* fTemperatureFunction)(const TPZVec< REAL > &rz, REAL &temperature)
Function which defines the temperature.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:213
TPZAutoPointer< TPZFunction< STATE > > fForcingFunction
Pointer to forcing function, it is the right member at differential equation.
Definition: TPZMaterial.h:47
TPZManVector< REAL > GetOrigin()
Contains declaration of the TPZAxesTools class which implements verifications over axes...
int64_t Cols() const
Returns number of cols.
Definition: pzmatrix.h:809
REAL fnu
Poison coeficient.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:180
virtual void Print(std::ostream &out) const
Definition: pzmatrix.h:253
Defines the interface for saving and reading data. Persistency.
Definition: TPZStream.h:50
virtual int NStateVariables() const override
Returns the number of state variables associated with the material.
def values
virtual void ContributeBC(TPZMaterialData &data, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ek, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ef, TPZBndCond &bc) override
Applies the element boundary conditions.
Elasticity modulus.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:177
Contains the TPZElasticityAxiMaterial class which implements a two dimensional elastic material in pl...
TPZFlopCounter cos(const TPZFlopCounter &orig)
Returns the cosine in radians and increments the counter of the Cosine.
Definition: pzreal.h:514
TPZSolVec sol
vector of the solutions at the integration point
int PutVal(const int64_t row, const int64_t col, const TVar &value) override
Put values without bounds checking This method is faster than "Put" if DEBUG is defined.
Definition: pzfmatrix.h:548
const TVar & GetVal(const int64_t row, const int64_t col) const override
Get values without bounds checking This method is faster than "Get" if DEBUG is defined.
Definition: pzfmatrix.h:566
TPZManVector< REAL > f_AxisR
Direction of Surface.
Definition: pzelasAXImat.h:198
Implements an interface to register a class id and a restore function. Persistence.
Definition: TPZSavable.h:150
Non abstract class which implements full matrices with preallocated storage with (N+1) entries...
Definition: pzfmatrix.h:716
#define PZError
Defines the output device to error messages and the DebugStop() function.
Definition: pzerror.h:15
virtual void Read(bool &val)
Definition: TPZStream.cpp:91