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TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE > Class Template Reference

This class implements a "generic" computational element to HDiv scope. Computational Element. More...

#include <pzhdivpressure.h>

Inheritance diagram for TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >:
Collaboration diagram for TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >:

Public Member Functions

 TPZCompElHDivPressure (TPZCompMesh &mesh, TPZGeoEl *gel, int64_t &index)
 TPZCompElHDivPressure (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE > &copy)
 TPZCompElHDivPressure (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE > &copy, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcConMap, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcElMap)
 Constructor used to generate patch mesh... generates a map of connect index from global mesh to clone mesh. More...
 TPZCompElHDivPressure ()
virtual ~TPZCompElHDivPressure ()
virtual TPZCompElClone (TPZCompMesh &mesh) const override
 Method for creating a copy of the element. More...
virtual TPZCompElClonePatchEl (TPZCompMesh &mesh, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcConMap, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcElMap) const override
 Create a copy of the given element. The clone copy have the connect indexes mapped to the local clone connects by the given map. More...
virtual void SetCreateFunctions (TPZCompMesh *mesh) override
 Set create function in TPZCompMesh to create elements of this type. More...
virtual MElementType Type () override
 Return the type of the element. More...
virtual int NConnects () const override
 Returns the number of connect objects of the element. More...
virtual void SetConnectIndex (int i, int64_t connectindex) override
 Sets the node pointer of node i to nod. More...
virtual int NConnectShapeF (int connect, int order) const override
 Number of shapefunctions of the connect associated. More...
virtual int Dimension () const override
 Returns the dimension of the element. More...
virtual int NCornerConnects () const override
 Returns the number of corner connects of the element. More...
virtual int64_t ConnectIndex (int node) const override
 Returns the index of the ith connectivity of the element. More...
virtual int PressureConnectIndex () const override
 returns the index of the pressure connect returns -1 if their is no pressure connect More...
virtual void SetPressureOrder (int ord)
 Identifies the interpolation order for pressure variable. More...
int DualOrder ()
 Returns the interpolation order to dual variable. More...
virtual void GetInterpolationOrder (TPZVec< int > &ord) override
 Identifies the interpolation order on the interior of the element. More...
virtual void SetPreferredOrder (int order) override
 Sets the preferred interpolation order along a side. More...
virtual int ConnectOrder (int connect) const override
virtual void InitMaterialData (TPZMaterialData &data) override
 Initialize a material data and its attributes based on element dimension, number of state variables and material definitions. More...
virtual void SideShapeFunction (int side, TPZVec< REAL > &point, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphi) override
 Computes the values of the shape function of the side. More...
virtual void ShapeDual (TPZVec< REAL > &qsi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphi)
 Compute the shape functions corresponding to the dual space. More...
void Shape (TPZVec< REAL > &pt, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphi) override
 Computes the shape function set at the point x. More...
virtual void Solution (TPZVec< REAL > &qsi, int var, TPZVec< STATE > &sol) override
 Compute the solution for a given variable. More...
virtual void ComputeSolution (TPZVec< REAL > &qsi, TPZMaterialData &data) override
 Compute shape functions based on master element in the classical FEM manne. More...
void ComputeSolutionPressureHDiv (TPZVec< REAL > &qsi, TPZMaterialData &data)
virtual void ComputeSolution (TPZVec< REAL > &qsi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphix, const TPZFMatrix< REAL > &axes, TPZSolVec &sol, TPZGradSolVec &dsol) override
 Computes solution and its derivatives in local coordinate qsi. More...
void ComputeSolutionPressureHDiv (TPZMaterialData &data)
 Compute the solution using Hdiv structure. More...
void CreateGraphicalElement (TPZGraphMesh &grafgrid, int dimension) override
 Creates corresponding graphical element(s) if the dimension matches graphical elements are used to generate output files. More...
TPZTransform TransformSideToElement (int side) override
 Returns the transformation which transform a point from the side to the interior of the element. More...
int ClassId () const override
 Returns the unique identifier for reading/writing objects to streams. More...
void Write (TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const override
 Save the element data to a stream. More...
void Read (TPZStream &buf, void *context) override
 Read the element data from a stream. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >
 TPZCompElHDiv (TPZCompMesh &mesh, TPZGeoEl *gel, int64_t &index)
 TPZCompElHDiv (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE > &copy)
 TPZCompElHDiv (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE > &copy, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcConMap, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcElMap)
 Constructor used to generate patch mesh... generates a map of connect index from global mesh to clone mesh. More...
 TPZCompElHDiv ()
virtual ~TPZCompElHDiv ()
virtual void Print (std::ostream &out=std::cout) const override
 Prints the relevant data of the element to the output stream. More...
int RestrainedFace ()
 return the first one dof restraint More...
virtual int NFluxShapeF () const
 return the number of shape for flux(just for flux) More...
virtual int NSideConnects (int side) const override
 Returns the number of dof nodes along side iside. More...
virtual int SideConnectLocId (int node, int side) const override
 return the local index for connect More...
virtual int ConnectSideLocId (int connect) const
 return the local index for side More...
virtual void AddShapeRestraint (TPZOneShapeRestraint restraint) override
 Add a shape restraint (meant to fit the pyramid to restraint. More...
virtual std::list< TPZOneShapeRestraintGetShapeRestraints () const override
 Return a list with the shape restraints. More...
virtual void ResetShapeRestraints () override
 Return a list with the shape restraints. More...
virtual int GetSideOrient (int side) override
 It returns the normal orientation of the reference element by the side. Only side that has dimension larger than zero and smaller than me. More...
virtual void SetSideOrient (int side, int sideorient) override
 It set the normal orientation of the element by the side. Only side that has dimension equal to my dimension minus one. More...
virtual void SetIntegrationRule (int ord) override
virtual int PreferredSideOrder (int iside) override
 Returns the preferred order of the polynomial along side iside. More...
virtual void SetSideOrder (int side, int order) override
 Sets the interpolation order of side to order. More...
virtual int EffectiveSideOrder (int side) const override
 Returns the actual interpolation order of the polynomial along the side. More...
int NShapeContinuous (TPZVec< int > &order)
 return the number of continuous functions More...
void FillOrder (TPZVec< int > &order) const
 Fill the polynomial order needed from the continuous shape functions. More...
virtual int MaxOrder () override
 Return the maximum order?? More...
int SideOrient (int face)
 the orientation of the face More...
virtual void ComputeRequiredData (TPZMaterialData &data, TPZVec< REAL > &qsi) override
 Compute and fill data with requested attributes. More...
void ComputeShapeIndex (TPZVec< int > &sides, TPZVec< int64_t > &shapeindex)
 Compute the correspondence between the normal vectors and the shape functions. More...
void FirstShapeIndex (TPZVec< int64_t > &Index) const
 Returns the vector index of the first index shape associate to to each side Special implementation to Hdiv. More...
void IndexShapeToVec (TPZVec< int > &VectorSide, TPZVec< std::pair< int, int64_t > > &IndexVecShape, int pressureorder)
 Returns a matrix index of the shape and vector associate to element. More...
void IndexShapeToVec (TPZVec< int > &VectorSide, TPZVec< int > &bilinear, TPZVec< int > &direction, TPZVec< std::pair< int, int64_t > > &IndexVecShape, int pressureorder)
 Returns a matrix index of the shape and vector associate to element. More...
void IndexShapeToVec2 (TPZVec< int > &VectorSide, TPZVec< int > &bilinear, TPZVec< int > &direction, TPZVec< std::pair< int, int64_t > > &IndexVecShape, int pressureorder)
void ComputeSolutionHDiv (TPZVec< REAL > &qsi, TPZMaterialData &data)
virtual void ComputeSolution (TPZVec< REAL > &qsi, TPZVec< REAL > &normal, TPZSolVec &leftsol, TPZGradSolVec &dleftsol, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &leftaxes, TPZSolVec &rightsol, TPZGradSolVec &drightsol, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &rightaxes) override
 Computes solution and its derivatives in the local coordinate qsi. More...
void ComputeSolutionHDiv (TPZMaterialData &data)
 Compute the solution using Hdiv structure. More...
virtual void PRefine (int order) override
 Refinement along the element. More...
int RestrainedFace ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE >
 TPZIntelGen (TPZCompMesh &mesh, TPZGeoEl *gel, int64_t &index)
 TPZIntelGen (TPZCompMesh &mesh, TPZGeoEl *gel, int64_t &index, int nocreate)
 TPZIntelGen (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE > &copy)
 TPZIntelGen (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE > &copy, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcConMap, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcElMap)
 Constructor used to generate patch mesh... generates a map of connect index from global mesh to clone mesh. More...
 TPZIntelGen ()
virtual ~TPZIntelGen ()
virtual void SetInterpolationOrder (int order)
 Sets the interpolation order for the interior of the element. More...
virtual const TPZIntPointsGetIntegrationRule () const override
 Returns a reference to an integration rule suitable for integrating the interior of the element. More...
virtual TPZIntPointsGetIntegrationRule () override
 Returns a reference to an integration rule suitable for integrating the interior of the element. More...
void CreateGraphicalElement (TPZGraphMesh &grafgrid, int dimension)
 Creates corresponding graphical element(s) if the dimension matches graphical elements are used to generate output files. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TPZInterpolatedElement
 TPZInterpolatedElement (TPZCompMesh &mesh, TPZGeoEl *reference, int64_t &index)
 Constructor with a mesh and geometric element as arguments. More...
 TPZInterpolatedElement (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZInterpolatedElement &copy)
 Constructor aimed at creating a copy of an interpolated element within a new mesh. More...
 TPZInterpolatedElement (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZInterpolatedElement &copy, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcElMap)
 Copy the given element into a new patch mesh. More...
 TPZInterpolatedElement ()
virtual ~TPZInterpolatedElement ()
 Destructor, does nothing. More...
int ClassId () const override
 Define the class id associated with the class. More...
void Write (TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const override
 Saves the element data to a stream. More...
void Read (TPZStream &buf, void *context) override
 Reads the element data from a stream. More...
virtual void SetInterface (int, int64_t)
 To enable to work with discontinuous element that can have interface elements. More...
virtual int Interface (int)
virtual int CanHaveInterface ()
virtual void DeleteInterfaces ()
REAL MeanSolution (int var)
 Returns total mass contained into the element. More...
void CalcIntegral (TPZElementMatrix &ef)
 Computes the integral over the finite element. More...
int NShapeF () const override
 Returns the total number of shapefunctions. More...
int NSideShapeF (int side) const
 Returns the number of shape functions on a side. More...
virtual int MidSideConnectLocId (int is) const
 Returns the local id of the connect in the middle of the side. More...
virtual TPZConnectMidSideConnect (int is) const
 Returns a reference to the connect in the middle of the side. More...
int64_t SideConnectIndex (int icon, int is) const
 Returns the index of the c th connect object along side is. More...
TPZConnectSideConnect (int icon, int is)
 Returns a pointer to the icon th connect object along side is. More...
virtual void BuildCornerConnectList (std::set< int64_t > &connectindexes) const override
 adds the connect indexes associated with base shape functions to the set More...
int AdjustPreferredSideOrder (int side, int order)
 Adjusts the preferredSideOrder for faces. More...
bool VerifyConstraintConsistency (int side, TPZCompElSide large) const
 return true if the connects associated with the side have dependency with large and if the dependency dimensions match More...
virtual void ForceSideOrder (int side, int order)
 Impose an interpolation order on a given side (without using computesideorder) More...
virtual REAL CompareElement (int var, char *matname) override
 Compare the L2 norm of the difference between the Å¡varÅ¡ solution of the current element with the Å¡varÅ¡ solution of the element which is pointed to by the geometric element. More...
void CheckConstraintConsistency (int side)
 Check the consistency of the constrained connects along a side. More...
void CheckConstraintConsistency ()
 Check the consistency of the constrained connects for all sides. More...
virtual int CheckElementConsistency ()
 Checks element data structure consistancy. More...
int CompareShapeF (int sides, int sidel, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phis, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphis, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phil, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphil, TPZTransform<> &transform)
 Compare the shape functions of sides of an element. More...
void Divide (int64_t index, TPZVec< int64_t > &sub, int interpolatesolution=0) override
 Implement the refinement of an interpolated element. More...
void PRefine (int order) override
 Changes the interpolation order of a side. Updates all constraints and block sizes
. More...
virtual void RestrainSide (int side, TPZInterpolatedElement *neighbour, int neighbourside)
 Compute the shapefunction restraints which need to be applied to the shape functions on the side of the element. More...
virtual void RemoveSideRestraintsII (MInsertMode mode)
 Delete the restraints on the nodes of the connected elements if necessary. More...
virtual void RemoveSideRestraintWithRespectTo (int side, const TPZCompElSide &neighbour)
 Removes the side restraints of the current element along side with respect to neighbour/side. More...
void RecomputeRestraints (int side)
 Will recompute the restraints of all connects which are restrained by this side. More...
virtual void BuildTransferMatrix (TPZInterpolatedElement &coarsel, TPZTransform<> &t, TPZTransfer< STATE > &transfer)
 Accumulates the transfer coefficients between the current element and the coarse element into the transfer matrix, using the transformation t. More...
virtual int64_t CreateMidSideConnect (int side)
 Verify the neighbours of the element and create a node along this side. More...
virtual void IdentifySideOrder (int side)
 Checks if the side order is consistent with the preferred side order and with the constraints and recomputes the constraints if necessary. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TPZInterpolationSpace
 TPZInterpolationSpace ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~TPZInterpolationSpace ()
 Default destructor. More...
 TPZInterpolationSpace (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZInterpolationSpace &copy)
 Puts a copy of the element in the referred mesh. More...
 TPZInterpolationSpace (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZInterpolationSpace &copy, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcElMap)
 Puts a copy of the element in the patch mesh. More...
 TPZInterpolationSpace (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZInterpolationSpace &copy, int64_t &index)
 Copy of the element in the new mesh whit alocated index. More...
 TPZInterpolationSpace (TPZCompMesh &mesh, TPZGeoEl *gel, int64_t &index)
 Create a computational element within mesh. More...
virtual void ComputeShape (TPZVec< REAL > &intpoint, TPZMaterialData &data)
 Compute shape functions based on master element in the classical FEM manne. More...
virtual void ComputeRequiredData (TPZVec< REAL > &intpointtemp, TPZVec< TPZTransform< REAL > > &trvec, TPZVec< TPZMaterialData > &datavec)
 Compute and fill data with requested attributes for each of the compels in fElementVec. More...
virtual void ComputeNormal (TPZMaterialData &data)
 Computes the proper normal vector towards the neighbour element. More...
void VectorialProd (TPZVec< REAL > &ivec, TPZVec< REAL > &jvec, TPZVec< REAL > &kvec, bool unitary=false)
 Computes the vectorial product of two vectors and normalize the result if unitary is set to true. More...
virtual void CalcStiff (TPZElementMatrix &ek, TPZElementMatrix &ef) override
 Computes the element stiffness matrix and right hand side. More...
virtual void CalcResidual (TPZElementMatrix &ef) override
 Only computes the element residual. More...
virtual void InitializeElementMatrix (TPZElementMatrix &ek, TPZElementMatrix &ef)
 Initialize element matrix in which is computed CalcStiff. More...
virtual void InitializeElementMatrix (TPZElementMatrix &ef)
 Initialize element matrix in which is computed in CalcResidual. More...
void MinMaxSolutionValues (TPZVec< STATE > &min, TPZVec< STATE > &max)
 Returns minimum and maximum values for each state variable. More...
virtual REAL InnerRadius ()
 Returns the inner radius value. More...
void InterpolateSolution (TPZInterpolationSpace &coarsel)
 Interpolates the solution into the degrees of freedom nodes from the degrees of freedom nodes from the coarse element. More...
void CreateInterfaces (bool BetweenContinuous=false)
 Create interfaces between this and its neighbours. More...
TPZInterfaceElementCreateInterface (int side, bool BetweenContinuous=false)
 Create an interface between this and the neighbour by side side. More...
int ExistsInterface (TPZGeoElSide geosd)
 Verify existence of interface. More...
void RemoveInterfaces ()
 Remove interfaces connected to this element. More...
void RemoveInterface (int side)
 Remove interface which is neighbour from side side. More...
virtual void EvaluateError (std::function< void(const TPZVec< REAL > &loc, TPZVec< STATE > &val, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &deriv)> func, TPZVec< REAL > &errors, bool store_error) override
 Performs an error estimate on the elemen. More...
virtual void ComputeError (int errorid, TPZVec< REAL > &error) override
 Computes the element error estimator. More...
virtual TPZVec< STATE > IntegrateSolution (int variable) const override
 Integrate a variable over the element. More...
virtual void Integrate (int variable, TPZVec< STATE > &value) override
 Integrates a variable over the element. More...
void ProjectFlux (TPZElementMatrix &ek, TPZElementMatrix &ef) override
 Integrate the solution over the element. More...
virtual int GetPreferredOrder ()
 Returns the prefered order for the element. More...
void BuildTransferMatrix (TPZInterpolationSpace &coarsel, TPZTransform<> &t, TPZTransfer< STATE > &transfer)
 Accumulates the transfer coefficients between the current element and the coarse element
into the transfer matrix, using the transformation t. More...
int NSideShapeF (int side) const
 Returns the number of shape functions on a side. More...
int64_t SideConnectIndex (int icon, int is) const
 Returns the index of the c th connect object along side is. More...
TPZConnectSideConnect (int icon, int is) const
 Returns a pointer to the icon th connect object along side is. More...
virtual void AdjustIntegrationRule ()
 Adjust the integration rule according to the polynomial order of shape functions. More...
virtual int ComputeIntegrationOrder () const override
 Compute integration order according to ... . More...
virtual void ComputeShape (TPZVec< REAL > &intpoint, TPZVec< REAL > &X, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &jacobian, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &axes, REAL &detjac, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &jacinv, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphidx)
 Compute shape functions based on master element in the classical FEM manner. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TPZCompEl
 TPZCompEl ()
 Simple Constructor. More...
virtual ~TPZCompEl ()
 Simple destructor. More...
 TPZCompEl (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZCompEl &copy)
 Put a copy of the element in the referred mesh. More...
 TPZCompEl (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZCompEl &copy, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcElMap)
 Put a copy of the element in the patch mesh. More...
 TPZCompEl (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZCompEl &copy, int64_t &index)
 Copy of the element in the new mesh returning allocated index. More...
 TPZCompEl (TPZCompMesh &mesh, TPZGeoEl *gel, int64_t &index)
 Creates a computational element within mesh. Inserts the element within the data structure of the mesh. More...
virtual REAL VolumeOfEl ()
 Returns the volume of the geometric element associated. More...
virtual void LoadElementReference ()
 Loads the geometric element reference. More...
virtual void Assemble ()
 Computes the element stifness matrix and right hand side in an internal data structure. Used for initializing condensed element data structures. More...
virtual bool HasMaterial (const std::set< int > &materialids) const
 Verifies if the material associated with the element is contained in the set. More...
virtual void GetMemoryIndices (TPZVec< int64_t > &indices) const
 Get the indices of the vector of element memory associated with the integration points. More...
virtual void SetMemoryIndices (TPZVec< int64_t > &indices)
 Set the indices of the vector of element memory associated with the integration points. More...
virtual void PrepareIntPtIndices ()
 Prepare the vector of the material withmem with the correct integration point indexes. More...
virtual void ForcePrepareIntPtIndices ()
 PrepareIntPtIndices initializes the material damage varibles memory in the proper material class. More...
virtual void SetFreeIntPtIndices ()
 Frees the material damage varibles memory in the proper material class. More...
virtual int NumberOfCompElementsInsideThisCompEl ()
 Return the size of the elementvec in multiphysics, if it is not multiphysics, just return 1. More...
virtual void TransferMultiphysicsElementSolution ()
virtual void SetMultiphysicsElementSolution ()
virtual TPZVec< STATE > IntegrateSolution (const std::string &varname, const std::set< int > &matids)
 Compute the integral of a variable defined by the string if the material id is included in matids. More...
virtual void BuildConnectList (std::set< int64_t > &indepconnectlist, std::set< int64_t > &depconnectlist)
 Builds the list of all connectivities related to the element including the connects pointed to by dependent connects. More...
virtual void BuildConnectList (TPZStack< int64_t > &connectlist) const
 Builds the list of all connectivities related to the element including the connects pointed to by dependent connects. More...
virtual void BuildConnectList (std::set< int64_t > &connectlist)
 Builds the list of all connectivities related to the element including the connects pointed to by dependent connects. More...
virtual int HasDependency ()
 Returns 1 if the element has at least one dependent node. Returns 0 otherwise. More...
virtual void ReduceInternalNodes ()
 Domain Decomposition.
This method will eliminate the nodes which are internal to the element from the datastructure of the grid
After calling this method, the superelement will statically condense the internal equations. More...
virtual void CalcBlockDiagonal (TPZStack< int64_t > &connectlist, TPZBlockDiagonal< STATE > &block)
 Calculates the diagonal block. More...
REAL MaximumRadiusOfEl ()
 Will return the maximum distance between the nodes of the reference element. More...
REAL LesserEdgeOfEl ()
 Will return the smallest distance between two nodes of the reference element. More...
virtual void InitializeIntegrationRule ()
virtual void SetIntegrationRule (TPZIntPoints *intrule)
 Method to set a dynamically allocated integration rule. More...
virtual int IsInterface ()
TPZGeoElReference () const
 Return a pointer to the corresponding geometric element if such exists, return 0 otherwise. More...
void SetReference (int64_t referenceindex)
virtual bool NeedsComputing (const std::set< int > &materialids)
 return true if the element has a variational statement associated with the material ids More...
virtual int NEquations ()
 Returns the number of equations of the element. More...
int64_t Index () const
 Returns element index of the mesh fELementVec list. More...
void SetIndex (int64_t index)
 Sets element index of the mesh fELementVec list. More...
virtual TPZConnectConnect (int i) const
 Returns a pointer to the ith node. More...
virtual TPZMaterialMaterial () const
 Identify the material object associated with the element. More...
TPZGeoElGetRefElPatch ()
 Returns the reference geometric element patch.
Look for a geometric element which refers to a computational element and is neighbour of the current element AND is larger than the current element. More...
virtual void LoadSolution ()
 Loads the solution within the internal data structure of the element. More...
void SetMesh (TPZCompMesh *mesh)
 Sets the grid of the element. More...
TPZCompMeshMesh () const
 Return a pointer to the grid of the element. More...
virtual void PrintSolution (TPZVec< REAL > &point, const char *VarName, std::ostream &out)
 Prints the solution - sol - for the variable "VarName" at point specified in terms of the master element coordinates. More...
virtual void PrintCoordinate (TPZVec< REAL > &point, int CoordinateIndex, std::ostream &out)
 Prints one coordinate index corresponding to the point to the output stream. More...
virtual void PrintTitle (const char *VarName, std::ostream &out)
 Prints the variables names associated with the element material. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TPZSavable
 TPZSavable ()
virtual ~TPZSavable ()
virtual std::list< std::map< std::string, uint64_t > > VersionHistory () const
virtual std::pair< std::string, uint64_t > Version () const
virtual bool Compare (TPZSavable *copy, bool override=false)
 Compares the object for identity with the object pointed to, eventually copy the object. More...
virtual bool Compare (TPZSavable *copy, bool override=false) const
 Compares the object for identity with the object pointed to, eventually copy the object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TPZRegisterClassId
template<typename T >
 TPZRegisterClassId (int(T::*)() const)
 TPZRegisterClassId ()=default

Private Member Functions

void Append (TPZFMatrix< REAL > &u1, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &u2, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &u12)
 To append vectors. More...
virtual void ComputeSolution (TPZVec< REAL > &qsi, TPZSolVec &sol, TPZGradSolVec &dsol, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &axes) override
 Computes solution and its derivatives in the local coordinate qsi. More...

Private Attributes

int fPressureOrder
 Defines the interpolation order for pressure variable. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TPZInterpolatedElement
enum  MInsertMode { EInsert, EDelete }
 Defines a flag indicating the state of creation/deletion of the element This has an impact on how constraints are being computed. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TPZInterpolationSpace
static void Convert2Axes (const TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphi, const TPZFMatrix< REAL > &jacinv, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphidx)
 convert a shapefunction derivative in xi-eta to a function derivative in axes More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TPZCompEl
static int StaticClassId ()
static void SetgOrder (int order)
 Sets the value of the default interpolation order. More...
static int GetgOrder ()
 Set the default value of the interpolation order. More...
static void SetOrthogonalFunction (void(*orthogonal)(REAL x, int num, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphi))
 Sets the orthogonal function which will be used throughout the program by default this function is the Chebyshev function. More...
static void Chebyshev (REAL x, int num, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphi)
 Implements of the orthogonal Chebyshev functions. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TPZSavable
static std::set< TPZRestoreClassBase * > & RestoreClassSet ()
 This static function guarantees that the gMap object is available when needed. More...
static std::map< int, TPZRestore_t > & ClassIdMap ()
 This static function guarantees that the gMap object is available when needed. More...
static std::pair< std::string, uint64_t > NeoPZVersion ()
static void Register (TPZRestoreClassBase *restore)
static void RegisterClassId (int classid, TPZRestore_t fun)
static TPZSavableCreateInstance (const int &classId)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >
void Append (TPZFMatrix< REAL > &u1, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &u2, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &u12)
 To append vectors. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TPZInterpolatedElement
void UpdateNeighbourSideOrder (int side, TPZVec< TPZCompElSide > &elvec)
 Updates the interpolation order of all neighbouring elements along side to have side order equal to the side order of the current element. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TPZInterpolationSpace
void ExpandShapeFunctions (TPZVec< int64_t > &connectlist, TPZVec< int > &dependencyorder, TPZVec< int > &blocksizes, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphi)
 Auxiliary method to expand a vector of shapefunctions and their derivatives to acount for constraints. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from TPZInterpolatedElement
static int ComputeSideOrder (TPZVec< TPZCompElSide > &elementset)
 Computes the minimum interpolation order of the elements contained in elementset this method is used to identify the side order of a set of equal level elements. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE >
TPZManVector< int64_t, TSHAPE::NSides > fConnectIndexes
 Indexes of the connects associated with the elements. More...
TSHAPE::IntruleType fIntRule
 Integration rule associated with the topology of the element. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TPZInterpolationSpace
int fPreferredOrder
 Preferred polynomial order. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TPZCompEl
 Computational mesh to which the element belongs. More...
int64_t fIndex
 Element index into mesh element vector. More...
 Integration rule established by the user. More...

Detailed Description

template<class TSHAPE>
class TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >

This class implements a "generic" computational element to HDiv scope. Computational Element.

By varying the classes passed as template arguments, the complete family of computational elements are implemented

Definition at line 20 of file pzhdivpressure.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TPZCompElHDivPressure() [1/4]

template<class TSHAPE >
TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressure ( TPZCompMesh mesh,
TPZGeoEl gel,
int64_t &  index 

◆ TPZCompElHDivPressure() [2/4]

template<class TSHAPE >
TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressure ( TPZCompMesh mesh,
const TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE > &  copy 

◆ TPZCompElHDivPressure() [3/4]

template<class TSHAPE >
TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressure ( TPZCompMesh mesh,
const TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE > &  copy,
std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &  gl2lcConMap,
std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &  gl2lcElMap 

Constructor used to generate patch mesh... generates a map of connect index from global mesh to clone mesh.

Definition at line 100 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder.

◆ TPZCompElHDivPressure() [4/4]

template<class TSHAPE >
TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressure ( )

◆ ~TPZCompElHDivPressure()

template<class TSHAPE >
TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::~TPZCompElHDivPressure ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Append()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::Append ( TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  u1,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  u2,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  u12 

◆ ClassId()

template<class TSHAPE >
int TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ClassId ( ) const

◆ Clone()

template<class TSHAPE>
virtual TPZCompEl* TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::Clone ( TPZCompMesh mesh) const

Method for creating a copy of the element.

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 46 of file pzhdivpressure.h.

◆ ClonePatchEl()

template<class TSHAPE>
virtual TPZCompEl* TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ClonePatchEl ( TPZCompMesh mesh,
std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &  gl2lcConMap,
std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &  gl2lcElMap 
) const

Create a copy of the given element. The clone copy have the connect indexes mapped to the local clone connects by the given map.

meshPatch clone mesh
gl2lcConMapmap the connects indexes from global element (original) to the local copy.
gl2lcElMapmap the indexes of the elements between the original element and the patch element

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 57 of file pzhdivpressure.h.

◆ ComputeSolution() [1/3]

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ComputeSolution ( TPZVec< REAL > &  qsi,
TPZSolVec sol,
TPZGradSolVec dsol,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  axes 

Computes solution and its derivatives in the local coordinate qsi.

Methods for error evaluation
Methods for computing derived post processed values (depending on the variational statement)

qsimaster element coordinate
solfinite element solution
dsolsolution derivatives
axesaxes indicating the direction of the derivatives

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 336 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References TPZMaterialData::axes, TPZInterpolationSpace::ComputeShape(), TPZGeoEl::Dimension(), TPZMaterialData::dphix, TPZMaterialData::dsol, TPZMaterialData::jacinv, TPZMaterialData::jacobian, TPZInterpolatedElement::NShapeF(), TPZMaterialData::phi, TPZCompEl::Reference(), TPZManVector< T, NumExtAlloc >::Resize(), TPZFMatrix< TVar >::Resize(), TPZMaterialData::sol, and TPZMaterialData::x.

Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::PressureConnectIndex(), and TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::Solution().

◆ ComputeSolution() [2/3]

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ComputeSolution ( TPZVec< REAL > &  qsi,
TPZMaterialData data 

Compute shape functions based on master element in the classical FEM manne.

[in]qsipoint in master element coordinates
[in]datastores all input data

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 330 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ComputeSolutionPressureHDiv().

◆ ComputeSolution() [3/3]

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ComputeSolution ( TPZVec< REAL > &  qsi,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  phi,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  dphix,
const TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  axes,
TPZSolVec sol,
TPZGradSolVec dsol 

Computes solution and its derivatives in local coordinate qsi.

qsimaster element coordinate
phimatrix containing shape functions compute in qsi point
dphixmatrix containing the derivatives of shape functions with respect of global coordinates: D[phi,x], D[phi,y], D[phi,z]
axesaxes indicating the direction of the derivatives
solfinite element solution
dsolsolution derivatives

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 322 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ComputeSolutionPressureHDiv(), and TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::InitMaterialData().

◆ ComputeSolutionPressureHDiv() [1/2]

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ComputeSolutionPressureHDiv ( TPZVec< REAL > &  qsi,
TPZMaterialData data 

◆ ComputeSolutionPressureHDiv() [2/2]

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ComputeSolutionPressureHDiv ( TPZMaterialData data)

◆ ConnectIndex()

template<class TSHAPE >
int64_t TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ConnectIndex ( int  i) const

Returns the index of the ith connectivity of the element.

iconnectivity index who want knows

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 217 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References DebugStop, TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE >::fConnectIndexes, and TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::NConnects().

Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().

◆ ConnectOrder()

template<class TSHAPE >
int TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ConnectOrder ( int  connect) const

◆ CreateGraphicalElement()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::CreateGraphicalElement ( TPZGraphMesh graphmesh,
int  dimension 

Creates corresponding graphical element(s) if the dimension matches graphical elements are used to generate output files.

graphmeshgraphical mesh where the element will be created
dimensiontarget dimension of the graphical element

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 646 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References TPZCompEl::Material().

Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::PressureConnectIndex().

◆ Dimension()

template<class TSHAPE>
virtual int TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::Dimension ( ) const

◆ DualOrder()

template<class TSHAPE >
int TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::DualOrder ( )

Returns the interpolation order to dual variable.

Definition at line 149 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder.

Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::PressureConnectIndex().

◆ GetInterpolationOrder()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::GetInterpolationOrder ( TPZVec< int > &  ord)

Identifies the interpolation order on the interior of the element.

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 208 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ConnectOrder(), TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::NConnects(), and TPZVec< T >::Resize().

Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::PressureConnectIndex().

◆ InitMaterialData()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::InitMaterialData ( TPZMaterialData data)

Initialize a material data and its attributes based on element dimension, number of state variables and material definitions.

Initialize a material data and its attributes based on element dimension, number of state variables and material definitions

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 544 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References TPZMaterialData::EVecandShape, TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder, TPZMaterialData::fShapeType, TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::InitMaterialData(), TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::NConnects(), TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::NConnectShapeF(), and TPZMaterialData::numberdualfunctions.

Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ComputeSolution(), TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::PressureConnectIndex(), and TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::Solution().

◆ NConnects()

template<class TSHAPE >
int TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::NConnects ( ) const

◆ NConnectShapeF()

template<class TSHAPE >
int TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::NConnectShapeF ( int  connect,
int  order 
) const

◆ NCornerConnects()

template<class TSHAPE>
virtual int TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects ( ) const

Returns the number of corner connects of the element.

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 81 of file pzhdivpressure.h.

References TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ConnectIndex().

◆ PressureConnectIndex()

template<class TSHAPE>
virtual int TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::PressureConnectIndex ( ) const

◆ Read()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::Read ( TPZStream buf,
void *  context 

◆ SetConnectIndex()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::SetConnectIndex ( int  i,
int64_t  connectindex 

◆ SetCreateFunctions()

template<class TSHAPE>
virtual void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions ( TPZCompMesh mesh)

◆ SetPreferredOrder()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::SetPreferredOrder ( int  order)

Sets the preferred interpolation order along a side.

This method only updates the datastructure of the element In order to change the interpolation order of an element, use the method PRefine

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 255 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References TPZInterpolationSpace::fPreferredOrder.

Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::PressureConnectIndex().

◆ SetPressureOrder()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::SetPressureOrder ( int  ord)

Identifies the interpolation order for pressure variable.

Definition at line 136 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder, and LOGPZ_DEBUG.

Referenced by TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::PRefine(), and TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::PressureConnectIndex().

◆ Shape()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::Shape ( TPZVec< REAL > &  qsi,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  phi,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  dphidxi 

Computes the shape function set at the point x.

qsipoint in master element coordinates
phivector of values of shapefunctions, dimension (numshape,1)
dphimatrix of derivatives of shapefunctions in master element coordinates, dimension (dim,numshape) This method uses the order of interpolation of the element along the sides to compute the number of shapefunctions

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 483 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::Append(), DebugStop, degree(), dimension, pzshape::TPZShapeDisc::EOrdemTotal, EQuadrilateral, pzshape::TPZShapeDisc::ETensorial, ETriangle, TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder, pzshape::TPZShapeDisc::NShapeF(), pzshape::TPZShapeDisc::Shape(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::Shape().

Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::PressureConnectIndex().

◆ ShapeDual()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ShapeDual ( TPZVec< REAL > &  qsi,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  phi,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  dphi 

Compute the shape functions corresponding to the dual space.

compute the shape functions corresponding to the dual space

Definition at line 470 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

References degree(), dimension, pzshape::TPZShapeDisc::ETensorial, TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder, and pzshape::TPZShapeDisc::Shape().

Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::PressureConnectIndex(), and TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::SideShapeFunction().

◆ SideShapeFunction()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::SideShapeFunction ( int  side,
TPZVec< REAL > &  point,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  phi,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > &  dphi 

◆ Solution()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::Solution ( TPZVec< REAL > &  qsi,
int  var,
TPZVec< STATE > &  sol 

◆ TransformSideToElement()

template<class TSHAPE >
TPZTransform TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::TransformSideToElement ( int  side)

Returns the transformation which transform a point from the side to the interior of the element.

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 534 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::PressureConnectIndex().

◆ Type()

template<class TSHAPE >
MElementType TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::Type ( )

Return the type of the element.

Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >.

Definition at line 131 of file pzhdivpressure.cpp.

Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().

◆ Write()

template<class TSHAPE >
void TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::Write ( TPZStream buf,
int  withclassid 
) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ fPressureOrder

template<class TSHAPE>
int TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: