![]() |
The computational element classes are responsible for the organize element data structure. More...
Classes | |
class | TPZCompEl |
Defines the interface of a computational element. Computational Element. More... | |
class | TPZCompElSide |
Implements computational element and a side. Computational Element. More... | |
class | TPZCompElWithMem< TBASE > |
This class implements the TPZCompEl structure to enable material memory feature. It should be instantiated using one of TPZCompEl bottom classes as parent in the template parameter. More... | |
class | TPZCondensedCompEl |
Class which implements an element which condenses the internal connects. More... | |
class | TPZConnect |
Represents a set of shape functions associated with a computational element/side. Computational Element. More... | |
class | TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE > |
class | TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE > |
Implements a generic computational element to HDiv scope. Computational Element. More... | |
class | TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE > |
Implements a generic computational element. Computational Element. More... | |
class | TPZElementGroup |
Class which groups elements to characterize dense matrices. More... | |
class | TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE > |
This class implements a "generic" computational element to HDiv scope. Computational Element. More... | |
class | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE > |
Implements a generic computational element to HDiv-Pressure scope. Computational Element. More... | |
class | TPZInterpolatedElement |
Implements computational element based on an interpolation space. Computational Element. More... | |
class | TPZInterpolationSpace |
Implements the interfaces for TPZCompElDisc, TPZInterfaceElement and TPZInterpolatedElement. Computational element. More... | |
class | TPZReducedSpace |
class | TPZReferredCompEl< TCOMPEL > |
Template to generate computational elements. Computational Element. More... | |
class | TPZSubCompMesh |
Implements a group of computational elements as a mesh and an element. Computational Mesh. More... | |
class | TPZAgglomerateElement |
Implements an agglomerated discontinuous element. Computational Element. More... | |
class | TPZCompElDisc |
This class implements a discontinuous element (for use with discontinuous Galerkin). Computational Element. More... | |
class | TPZInterfaceElement |
Computes the contribution over an interface between two discontinuous elements. Computational Element. More... | |
class | TPZMultiphysicsInterfaceElement |
Computes the contribution over an interface between two discontinuous elements. Computational Element. More... | |
Functions | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, TPZConnect &con) |
Overload operator << to write node connect data. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateHDivLinearEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational linear element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateHDivQuadEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational quadrilateral element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateHDivTriangleEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational triangular element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateHDivCubeEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational cube element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateHDivPrismEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational prismal element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateHDivPyramEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational pyramidal element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateHDivTetraEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational tetrahedral element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateHDivBoundPointEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational point element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateHDivBoundLinearEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational linear element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateHDivBoundQuadEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational quadrilateral element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateHDivBoundTriangleEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational triangular element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateRefHDivLinearEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
TPZCompEl * | CreateRefHDivQuadEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
TPZCompEl * | CreateRefHDivTriangleEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
TPZCompEl * | CreateRefHDivCubeEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
TPZCompEl * | CreateRefHDivPrismEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
TPZCompEl * | CreateRefHDivPyramEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
TPZCompEl * | CreateRefHDivTetraEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
TPZCompEl * | CreateRefHDivBoundPointEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational point element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateRefHDivBoundLinearEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational linear element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateRefHDivBoundQuadEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational quadrilateral element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompEl * | CreateRefHDivBoundTriangleEl (TPZGeoEl *gel, TPZCompMesh &mesh, int64_t &index) |
Creates computational triangular element for HDiv approximate space. More... | |
TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressureBound (TPZCompMesh &mesh, TPZGeoEl *gel, int64_t &index) | |
TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressureBound () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressureBound (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE > ©, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcConMap, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcElMap) | |
Constructor used to generate patch mesh... Generates a map of connect index from global mesh to clone mesh. More... | |
TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressureBound (TPZCompMesh &mesh, const TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE > ©) | |
virtual | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::~TPZCompElHDivPressureBound () |
Default destructor. More... | |
virtual TPZCompEl * | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::Clone (TPZCompMesh &mesh) const override |
Method for creating a copy of the element. More... | |
virtual TPZCompEl * | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ClonePatchEl (TPZCompMesh &mesh, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcConMap, std::map< int64_t, int64_t > &gl2lcElMap) const override |
Create a copy of the given element. The clone copy have the connect indexes mapped to the local clone connects by the given map. More... | |
virtual int | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnects () const override |
Returns the number of connect objects of the element. More... | |
virtual void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SetPressureOrder (int ord) |
Identifies the interpolation order for pressure variable. More... | |
virtual void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SetConnectIndex (int i, int64_t connectindex) override |
Sets the node pointer of node i to nod. More... | |
virtual int | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnectShapeF (int connect, int order) const override |
Returns the number of shapefunctions associated with a connect. More... | |
virtual int | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SideConnectLocId (int node, int side) const override |
Returns the local node number of icon along is. More... | |
virtual void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions (TPZCompMesh *mesh) override |
Set create function in TPZCompMesh to create elements of this type. More... | |
virtual int | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::Dimension () const override |
Returns the dimension of the element. More... | |
virtual int | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects () const override |
Returns the number of corner connects of the element. More... | |
virtual void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::GetInterpolationOrder (TPZVec< int > &ord) override |
Identifies the interpolation order on the interior of the element. More... | |
virtual void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SetSideOrder (int side, int order) override |
Returns the preferred order of the polynomial along side iside. More... | |
virtual int | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::EffectiveSideOrder (int side) const override |
Returns the actual interpolation order of the polynomial along the side. More... | |
virtual int | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ConnectOrder (int connect) const override |
virtual void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::InitMaterialData (TPZMaterialData &data) override |
Initialize a material data and its attributes based on element dimension, number of state variables and material definitions. More... | |
void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ComputeShapeIndex (TPZVec< int > &sides, TPZVec< int64_t > &shapeindex) |
Compute the correspondence between the normal vectors and the shape functions. More... | |
void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::FirstShapeIndex (TPZVec< int64_t > &Index) |
Returns the vector index of the first index shape associate to element. More... | |
virtual void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SideShapeFunction (int side, TPZVec< REAL > &point, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphi) override |
Compute the values of the shape function of the side. More... | |
void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::Shape (TPZVec< REAL > &pt, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &phi, TPZFMatrix< REAL > &dphi) override |
Compute the shape function at the integration point. More... | |
void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::IndexShapeToVec (TPZVec< int > &fVectorSide, TPZVec< std::pair< int, int64_t > > &IndexVecShape) |
Returns a matrix index of the shape and vector associate to element. More... | |
int | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ClassId () const override |
Returns the unique identifier for reading/writing objects to streams. More... | |
void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::Write (TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const override |
Saves the element data to a stream. More... | |
void | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::Read (TPZStream &buf, void *context) override |
Reads the element data from a stream. More... | |
int | TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::ClassId () const override |
Returns the unique identifier for reading/writing objects to streams. More... | |
virtual void | TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions (TPZCompMesh *mesh) override |
Set create function in TPZCompMesh to create elements of this type. More... | |
int | TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::ClassId () const override |
Returns the unique identifier for reading/writing objects to streams. More... | |
Variables | |
int | TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder |
Defines the interpolation order for pressure variable. More... | |
The computational element classes are responsible for the organize element data structure.
This class implements a "generic" computational element to HDiv scope. Computational Element.
overridevirtual |
Returns the unique identifier for reading/writing objects to streams.
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 151 of file pzhdivpressurebound.h.
References TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::ClassId(), and Hash().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
overridevirtual |
Returns the unique identifier for reading/writing objects to streams.
Reimplemented from TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE >.
Reimplemented in TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 182 of file pzelchdivbound2.h.
References TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE >::ClassId(), CreateRefHDivBoundLinearEl(), CreateRefHDivBoundPointEl(), CreateRefHDivBoundQuadEl(), CreateRefHDivBoundTriangleEl(), and Hash().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ClassId(), and TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::ResetShapeRestraints().
overridevirtual |
Returns the unique identifier for reading/writing objects to streams.
Reimplemented from TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE >.
Reimplemented in TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 306 of file pzelchdiv.h.
References TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE >::ClassId(), and Hash().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >::ClassId(), TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::ComputeSolution(), TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::Read(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::Write().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Method for creating a copy of the element.
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 59 of file pzhdivpressurebound.h.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Create a copy of the given element. The clone copy have the connect indexes mapped to the local clone connects by the given map.
mesh | Patch clone mesh |
gl2lcConMap | map the connects indexes from global element (original) to the local copy. |
gl2lcElMap | map the indexes of the elements between the original element and the patch element |
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 70 of file pzhdivpressurebound.h.
References TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnects(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnectShapeF(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SetConnectIndex(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SetPressureOrder(), and TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SideConnectLocId().
void TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ComputeShapeIndex | ( | TPZVec< int > & | sides, |
TPZVec< int64_t > & | shapeindex | ||
) |
Compute the correspondence between the normal vectors and the shape functions.
Definition at line 227 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::EffectiveSideOrder(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::FirstShapeIndex(), LOGPZ_DEBUG, TPZVec< T >::NElements(), TPZInterpolatedElement::NShapeF(), and TPZVec< T >::Resize().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
overridevirtual |
return the interpolation orderof the polynomial for connect
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 203 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompEl::Connect(), TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::ConnectOrder(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnects(), and TPZConnect::Order().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::GetInterpolationOrder(), and TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
TPZCompEl* CreateHDivBoundLinearEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational linear element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 1809 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDiv(), TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivPressure(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateHDivBoundPointEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational point element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 1805 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDiv(), TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivPressure(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateHDivBoundQuadEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational quadrilateral element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 1813 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDiv(), TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivPressure(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateHDivBoundTriangleEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational triangular element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 1817 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDiv(), TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivPressure(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateHDivCubeEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational cube element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 1833 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDiv(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateHDivLinearEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational linear element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 1821 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDiv(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateHDivPrismEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational prismal element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 1837 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDiv(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateHDivPyramEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational pyramidal element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 1841 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDiv(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateHDivQuadEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational quadrilateral element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 1825 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDiv(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateHDivTetraEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational tetrahedral element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 1845 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDiv(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateHDivTriangleEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational triangular element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 1829 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDiv(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateRefHDivBoundLinearEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational linear element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 861 of file pzelchdivbound2.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::ClassId(), and TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivReferred().
TPZCompEl* CreateRefHDivBoundPointEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational point element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 857 of file pzelchdivbound2.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::ClassId(), and TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivReferred().
TPZCompEl* CreateRefHDivBoundQuadEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational quadrilateral element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 865 of file pzelchdivbound2.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::ClassId(), and TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivReferred().
TPZCompEl* CreateRefHDivBoundTriangleEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Creates computational triangular element for HDiv approximate space.
Definition at line 869 of file pzelchdivbound2.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::ClassId(), and TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivReferred().
TPZCompEl* CreateRefHDivCubeEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Definition at line 1880 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivReferred(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateRefHDivLinearEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Definition at line 1868 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivReferred(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateRefHDivPrismEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Definition at line 1884 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivReferred(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateRefHDivPyramEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Definition at line 1888 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivReferred(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateRefHDivQuadEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Definition at line 1872 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivReferred(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateRefHDivTetraEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Definition at line 1892 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivReferred(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
TPZCompEl* CreateRefHDivTriangleEl | ( | TPZGeoEl * | gel, |
TPZCompMesh & | mesh, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Definition at line 1876 of file pzelchdiv.cpp.
Referenced by TPZCreateApproximationSpace::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivReferred(), and TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::SetCreateFunctions().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Returns the dimension of the element.
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 94 of file pzhdivpressurebound.h.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnectShapeF().
overridevirtual |
Returns the actual interpolation order of the polynomial along the side.
Returns the actual interpolation order of the polynomial along the side
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 162 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References DebugStop.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ComputeShapeIndex(), and TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
void TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::FirstShapeIndex | ( | TPZVec< int64_t > & | Index | ) |
Returns the vector index of the first index shape associate to element.
Special implementation to Hdiv
Definition at line 261 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References DebugStop.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ComputeShapeIndex(), and TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
overridevirtual |
Identifies the interpolation order on the interior of the element.
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 151 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ConnectOrder(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnects(), and TPZVec< T >::Resize().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
void TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::IndexShapeToVec | ( | TPZVec< int > & | fVectorSide, |
TPZVec< std::pair< int, int64_t > > & | IndexVecShape | ||
) |
Returns a matrix index of the shape and vector associate to element.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
overridevirtual |
Initialize a material data and its attributes based on element dimension, number of state variables and material definitions.
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 218 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZMaterialData::EVecandShape, TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder, TPZMaterialData::fShapeType, TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::InitMaterialData(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnects(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnectShapeF(), and TPZMaterialData::numberdualfunctions.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
overridevirtual |
Returns the number of connect objects of the element.
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 87 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::NConnects().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ClonePatchEl(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ConnectOrder(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::GetInterpolationOrder(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::InitMaterialData(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnectShapeF(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SetSideOrder(), and TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressureBound().
overridevirtual |
Returns the number of shapefunctions associated with a connect.
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 107 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References DebugStop, TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::Dimension(), EQuadrilateral, pzshape::TPZShapeDisc::ETensorial, ETriangle, TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder, TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnects(), TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::NConnectShapeF(), and pzshape::TPZShapeDisc::NShapeF().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ClonePatchEl(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::InitMaterialData(), and TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SetSideOrder().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Returns the number of corner connects of the element.
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 98 of file pzhdivpressurebound.h.
References TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ClassId(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ComputeShapeIndex(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ConnectOrder(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::EffectiveSideOrder(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::FirstShapeIndex(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::GetInterpolationOrder(), TPZCompEl::Index(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::IndexShapeToVec(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::InitMaterialData(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::Read(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SetSideOrder(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::Shape(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SideShapeFunction(), and TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::Write().
inline |
Overload operator << to write node connect data.
Definition at line 366 of file pzconnect.h.
References TPZConnect::HasDependency(), TPZConnect::IsCondensed(), TPZConnect::NElConnected(), TPZConnect::Order(), and TPZConnect::SequenceNumber().
overridevirtual |
Reads the element data from a stream.
Read the element data from a stream
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 285 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::Read().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
overridevirtual |
Sets the node pointer of node i to nod.
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 100 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::SetConnectIndex().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ClonePatchEl().
overridevirtual |
Set create function in TPZCompMesh to create elements of this type.
Reimplemented from TPZInterpolatedElement.
Reimplemented in TPZCompElHDivPressure< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 313 of file pzelchdiv.h.
References CreateHDivBoundLinearEl(), CreateHDivBoundPointEl(), CreateHDivBoundQuadEl(), CreateHDivBoundTriangleEl(), CreateHDivCubeEl(), CreateHDivLinearEl(), CreateHDivPrismEl(), CreateHDivPyramEl(), CreateHDivQuadEl(), CreateHDivTetraEl(), CreateHDivTriangleEl(), CreateRefHDivCubeEl(), CreateRefHDivLinearEl(), CreateRefHDivPrismEl(), CreateRefHDivPyramEl(), CreateRefHDivQuadEl(), CreateRefHDivTetraEl(), CreateRefHDivTriangleEl(), and TPZCompMesh::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDiv().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDiv< TSHAPE >::ClonePatchEl().
overridevirtual |
Set create function in TPZCompMesh to create elements of this type.
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 298 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompMesh::SetAllCreateFunctionsHDivPressure().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ClonePatchEl().
virtual |
Identifies the interpolation order for pressure variable.
Definition at line 94 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ClonePatchEl().
overridevirtual |
Returns the preferred order of the polynomial along side iside.
Sets the interpolation order of side to order
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 170 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompMesh::Block(), TPZCompEl::Connect(), TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE >::fConnectIndexes, LOGPZ_DEBUG, TPZCompEl::Material(), TPZCompEl::Mesh(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnects(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnectShapeF(), TPZMaterial::NStateVariables(), PZError, TPZBlock< TVar >::Set(), TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE >::SetIntegrationRule(), and TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SideConnectLocId().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
overridevirtual |
Compute the shape function at the integration point.
Compute the shape function at the integration point
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 276 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References DebugStop.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
overridevirtual |
Returns the local node number of icon along is.
icon | connect number along side is |
is | side which is being queried |
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 137 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::SideConnectLocId().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::ClonePatchEl(), and TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SetSideOrder().
overridevirtual |
Compute the values of the shape function of the side.
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 268 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References DebugStop.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressureBound | ( | TPZCompMesh & | mesh, |
TPZGeoEl * | gel, | ||
int64_t & | index | ||
) |
Definition at line 24 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompMesh::AllocateNewConnect(), TPZCompMesh::Block(), TPZCompMesh::ConnectVec(), TPZInterpolatedElement::CreateMidSideConnect(), DebugStop, TPZCompMesh::Dimension(), TPZGeoEl::Dimension(), pzshape::TPZShapeDisc::EOrdemTotal, EQuadrilateral, pzshape::TPZShapeDisc::ETensorial, ETriangle, TPZIntelGen< TSHAPE >::fConnectIndexes, TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder, TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnects(), pzshape::TPZShapeDisc::NShapeF(), TPZManVector< T, NumExtAlloc >::Resize(), TPZConnect::SequenceNumber(), TPZBlock< TVar >::Set(), and TPZConnect::SetLagrangeMultiplier().
TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressureBound | ( | ) |
Default constructor.
Definition at line 57 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder.
TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressureBound | ( | TPZCompMesh & | mesh, |
const TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE > & | copy, | ||
std::map< int64_t, int64_t > & | gl2lcConMap, | ||
std::map< int64_t, int64_t > & | gl2lcElMap | ||
) |
Constructor used to generate patch mesh...
Generates a map of connect index from global mesh to clone mesh.
Definition at line 74 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder.
TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressureBound | ( | TPZCompMesh & | mesh, |
const TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE > & | copy | ||
) |
Definition at line 65 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::fPressureOrder.
overridevirtual |
Saves the element data to a stream.
Save the element data to a stream
Reimplemented from TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >.
Definition at line 292 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
References TPZCompElHDivBound2< TSHAPE >::Write().
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NCornerConnects().
virtual |
Default destructor.
Definition at line 82 of file pzhdivpressurebound.cpp.
private |
Defines the interpolation order for pressure variable.
Definition at line 36 of file pzhdivpressurebound.h.
Referenced by TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::InitMaterialData(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::NConnectShapeF(), TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::SetPressureOrder(), and TPZCompElHDivPressureBound< TSHAPE >::TPZCompElHDivPressureBound().