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TPZSandlerExtended Class Reference

#include <TPZSandlerExtended.h>

Inheritance diagram for TPZSandlerExtended:
Collaboration diagram for TPZSandlerExtended:

Public Types

enum  { NYield }

Public Member Functions

 Constructor, with all parameters which define the Sandler DiMaggio model. More...
 TPZSandlerExtended (const TPZSandlerExtended &copy)
 Copy constructor. More...
 TPZSandlerExtended ()
 Empty constructor. More...
TPZSandlerExtendedoperator= (const TPZSandlerExtended &source)
virtual ~TPZSandlerExtended ()
 Desctructor. More...
void Firstk (STATE &epsp, STATE &k) const
 Compute k as a function of epsp using Newton iterations. More...
TPZElasticResponse GetElasticResponse ()
void SetElasticResponse (const TPZElasticResponse &ER)
virtual TPZElasticResponse GetElasticResponse () const
virtual void YieldFunction (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigma, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &yield) const override
virtual int GetNYield () const override
virtual void Print (std::ostream &out) const override
template<class T >
F (const T x) const
template<class T >
DF (const T x) const
STATE GetF (STATE x) const
virtual int ClassId () const override
 Define the class id associated with the class. More...
void Read (TPZStream &buf, void *context) override
 read objects from the stream More...
void Write (TPZStream &buf, int withclassid) const override
 Writes this object to the TPZStream buffer. Include the classid if withclassid = true. More...
REAL InitialDamage (const TPZVec< REAL > &stress_p) const
 Compute initial damage variable from the given principal stress state. More...
void Phi (TPZVec< REAL > sigma, STATE alpha, TPZVec< STATE > &phi) const
void SurfaceParamF1 (TPZVec< STATE > &sigproj, STATE &xi, STATE &beta) const
void SurfaceParamF2 (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigproj, const STATE k, STATE &theta, STATE &beta) const
STATE NormalFunctionToF1 (STATE &I1, STATE &k) const
void ProjectApex (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj) const
void ProjectF1 (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj) const
void ProjectF2 (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj) const
void ProjectCapVertex (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj) const
void ProjectCapCoVertex (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj) const
void ProjectCoVertex (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj) const
void ProjectVertex (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj) const
void ProjectRing (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj) const
void ProjectBetaConstF2 (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj) const
void ApplyStrainComputeSigma (TPZVec< STATE > &epst, TPZVec< STATE > &epsp, STATE &kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &epspnext, TPZVec< STATE > &stressnext, STATE &knext, TPZFMatrix< REAL > *tangent=NULL) const
void ComputeI1 (TPZVec< STATE > stress, STATE &I1) const
void ComputeJ2 (TPZVec< STATE > stress, STATE &J2) const
void ApplyStrainComputeElasticStress (TPZVec< STATE > &strain, TPZVec< STATE > &stress) const
void ApplyStressComputeElasticStrain (TPZVec< STATE > &stress, TPZVec< STATE > &strain) const
void ProjectSigma (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigmatrial, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &sigmaproj, STATE &kproj, int &m_type, TPZFMatrix< REAL > *gradient=NULL) const
void ProjectSigmaDep (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigmatrial, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &sigmaproj, STATE &kproj, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &GradSigma) const
void TaylorCheckDistF1 (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigmatrial, STATE xi, STATE beta, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
void TaylorCheckDDistF1 (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigmatrial, STATE xi, STATE beta, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
void TaylorCheckDDistF1DSigtrial (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigmatrial, STATE xi, STATE beta, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
void TaylorCheckDistF2 (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigmatrial, STATE theta, STATE beta, STATE k, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
void TaylorCheckDDistF2 (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigmatrial, STATE theta, STATE beta, STATE k, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
void TaylorCheckDDistF2DSigtrial (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigmatrial, STATE theta, STATE beta, STATE k, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
 teste da derivada D(ResF2)/D(sigtrial) More...
void TaylorCheckDF1Cart (STATE xi, STATE beta, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
void TaylorCheckDF2Cart (STATE theta, STATE beta, STATE k, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
void TaylorCheckParamF1Sigtrial (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigtrial, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
 verifies the validity of dxi/dsigtrial and dbeta/dsigtrial More...
void TaylorCheckProjectF1 (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigtrial, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
void TaylorCheckDtbkDsigtrial (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigtrial, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
 verify D(theta,beta,k)/D(sigtrial) More...
void TaylorCheckProjectF2 (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigtrial, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
void ComputeCapTangent (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj, TPZFMatrix< REAL > *gradient) const
 Compute the derivative of the projected stresses respect to trial stresses (tangent) over the cap. More...
void ComputeCapVertexTangent (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj, TPZFMatrix< REAL > *gradient) const
 Compute the derivative of the projected stresses respect to trial stresses (tangent) over the cap. More...
void ComputeCapCoVertexTangent (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj, TPZFMatrix< REAL > *gradient) const
 Compute the derivative of the projected stresses respect to trial stresses (tangent) over the cap. More...
void ComputeFailureTangent (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &projected_stress, STATE &kproj, TPZFMatrix< REAL > *gradient) const
 Compute the derivative of the projected stresses respect to trial stresses (tangent) over the failure. More...
void TaylorCheckProjectSigma (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm) const
 Compute the approximation rate for the derivative of the projected stresses respect to trial stresses. More...
void SetInitialDamage (STATE kappa_0)
void SetA (STATE A)
void SetB (STATE B)
void SetC (STATE C)
STATE Poisson ()
STATE InitialDamage ()
STATE Apex () const
STATE X_0 () const
STATE CPerturbation () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from TPZSavable
 TPZSavable ()
virtual ~TPZSavable ()
virtual std::list< std::map< std::string, uint64_t > > VersionHistory () const
virtual std::pair< std::string, uint64_t > Version () const
virtual bool Compare (TPZSavable *copy, bool override=false)
 Compares the object for identity with the object pointed to, eventually copy the object. More...
virtual bool Compare (TPZSavable *copy, bool override=false) const
 Compares the object for identity with the object pointed to, eventually copy the object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TPZRegisterClassId
template<typename T >
 TPZRegisterClassId (int(T::*)() const)
 TPZRegisterClassId ()=default

Static Public Member Functions

static void ConvergenceRate (TPZVec< STATE > &xnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &errnorm, TPZVec< STATE > &convergence)
static void CheckCoordinateTransformation (TPZVec< STATE > &cart)
static void MCormicRanchSand (TPZSandlerExtended &mat)
static void ReservoirSandstone (TPZSandlerExtended &mat)
static void SalemLimestone (TPZSandlerExtended &mat)
static void PreSMat (TPZSandlerExtended &mat)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TPZSavable
static std::set< TPZRestoreClassBase * > & RestoreClassSet ()
 This static function guarantees that the gMap object is available when needed. More...
static std::map< int, TPZRestore_t > & ClassIdMap ()
 This static function guarantees that the gMap object is available when needed. More...
static std::pair< std::string, uint64_t > NeoPZVersion ()
static void Register (TPZRestoreClassBase *restore)
static void RegisterClassId (int classid, TPZRestore_t fun)
static TPZSavableCreateInstance (const int &classId)

Public Attributes

STATE ftol

Private Member Functions

template<class T >
X (const T k) const
 The function which defines the plastic surface. More...
template<class T >
EpsEqX (T X) const
 compute the damage variable as a function of the X function More...
template<class T >
EpsEqk (const T k) const
 Compute the damage variable as a function of the position of the cap k. More...
template<class T >
ResLF2 (const TPZVec< T > &pt, T theta, T beta, T k, STATE kprev) const
 Compute the residual of the equation which defines the update of the damage variable. More...
template<class T >
ResLF2IJ (const TPZVec< T > &sigtrIJ, T theta, T k, STATE kprev) const
 Compute the residual of the equation which defines the update of the damage variable. More...
STATE NormalToF1 (STATE I1, STATE I1_ref) const
 Compute the normal function to the failure surface based on a reference point (I1_ref,f1(I1_ref)) More...
STATE ResLF1 (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigtrial, const TPZVec< STATE > &sigproj, const STATE k, const STATE kprev) const
 Compute the residual of the equation which defines the update of the damage variable. More...
STATE DistF1 (const TPZVec< STATE > &pt, const STATE xi, const STATE beta) const
 Compute the distance of sigtrial to the point on the yield surface. More...
STATE DistF2 (const TPZVec< STATE > &pt, const STATE theta, const STATE beta, const STATE k) const
 Compute the distance of sigtrial to the point on the cap. More...
STATE DistF2IJ (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigtrialIJ, STATE theta, STATE k) const
 Compute the distance considering the sigtrial is given as a funcion of I1, sqJ2. More...
void DDistFunc1 (const TPZVec< STATE > &pt, STATE xi, STATE beta, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &ddistf1) const
 Compute the derivative of the distance function to the yield surface as a function of xi and beta. More...
template<class T >
void Res1 (const TPZVec< T > &trial_stress, T i1, T beta, T k, T kprev, TPZVec< T > &residue_1) const
 Compute the derivative of the distance function to the failure function and the result of Residue 1 (failure) More...
template<class T >
void Res2 (const TPZVec< T > &trial_stress, T theta, T beta, T k, T kprev, TPZVec< T > &residue_2) const
 Compute the derivative of the distance function to the cap function and the result of Residue 2 (Cap) More...
template<class T >
void Res2CoVertex (const TPZVec< T > &trial_stress, T beta, T k, T kprev, TPZVec< T > &residue_covertex) const
 Compute the derivative of the distance function to the covertex cap function and the result of covertex Residue. More...
template<class T >
void Res2Vertex (const TPZVec< T > &trial_stress, T k, T kprev, T &residue_vertex) const
 Compute the derivative of the distance function to the vertex cap function and the result of vertex Residue. More...
template<class T >
void DDistF2IJ (TPZVec< T > &sigtrialIJ, T theta, T L, STATE Lprev, TPZVec< T > &ddistf2) const
 Compute the value of the equation which determines the orthogonality of the projection. More...
void D2DistFunc1 (const TPZVec< STATE > &pt, STATE xi, STATE beta, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &d2distf1) const
 Compute the second derivative of the distance as a function of xi and beta. More...
void Jacobianf1 (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE i1, STATE beta, STATE k, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &jacobianf1) const
 Compute the jacobian function of the f1 (failure) distance as a function of i1, beta and k. More...
void Jacobianf2 (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE theta, STATE beta, STATE k, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &jacobianf2) const
 Compute the jacobian function of the f2 (cap) distance as a function of theta, beta and k. More...
void Jacobianf2CoVertex (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE beta, STATE k, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &jacobianf2_covertex) const
 Compute the jacobian function of the f2 (cap) distance as a function of beta and k. More...
void Jacobianf2Vertex (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE k, STATE &jacobianf2_vertex) const
 Compute the jacobian function of the vertex on f2 (cap) distance as a function of k. More...
void JacobianVertex (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE k, STATE &jacobian_vertex) const
 Compute the jacobian of the distance function to the cap vertex function and the result of Vertex residue (Cap) More...
void JacobianCoVertex (const TPZVec< STATE > &trial_stress, STATE beta, STATE k, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &jacobian_covertex) const
 Compute the jacobian of the distance function to the cap covertex function and the result of Covertex Residue (Cap intersection with Failure) More...
void DResLF2 (const TPZVec< STATE > &pt, STATE theta, STATE beta, STATE k, STATE kprev, TPZVec< STATE > &dresl) const
 Compute the derivative of the equation which determines the evolution of k. More...
STATE DResLF1 (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigtrial, const TPZVec< STATE > &sigproj, const STATE k, const STATE kprev) const
 Compute the derivative of the equation which determines the evolution of k. More...
template<class T >
void FromThetaKToSigIJ (const T &theta, const T &K, TPZVec< T > &sigIJ) const
void DF1Cart (STATE xi, STATE beta, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &DF1) const
 Compute the derivative of the stress (principal s;tresses) as a function of xi and beta. More...
void DF2Cart (STATE theta, STATE beta, STATE k, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &DF1) const
 Compute the derivative of the stress (principal s;tresses) as a function of xi and beta. More...
void GradF1SigmaTrial (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigtrial, STATE xi, STATE beta, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &deriv) const
 Compute the derivative of the residual with respect to sigtrial. More...
void GradF2SigmaTrial (const TPZVec< STATE > &sigtrial, STATE theta, STATE beta, STATE k, STATE kprev, TPZFMatrix< STATE > &deriv) const
 Compute the derivative of the F2 residual with respecto do sigtrial. More...
void F1Cyl (STATE xi, STATE beta, TPZVec< STATE > &f1cyl) const
 Compute the point on F1 in HW Cylindrical coordinates. More...
void F2Cyl (const STATE theta, const STATE beta, const STATE k, TPZVec< STATE > &f2cyl) const

Private Attributes

STATE fkappa_0
TPZElasticResponse fElasticResponse

Detailed Description

Definition at line 18 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 21 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TPZSandlerExtended() [1/3]

TPZSandlerExtended::TPZSandlerExtended ( STATE  A,
STATE  kappa_0 

Constructor, with all parameters which define the Sandler DiMaggio model.

Definition at line 46 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References fE, fElasticResponse, fG, fK, fnu, ftol, and TPZElasticResponse::SetEngineeringData().

◆ TPZSandlerExtended() [2/3]

TPZSandlerExtended::TPZSandlerExtended ( const TPZSandlerExtended copy)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 27 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fElasticResponse, fG, fK, fkappa_0, fN, fnu, fPhi, fPsi, fR, ftol, and fW.

◆ TPZSandlerExtended() [3/3]

TPZSandlerExtended::TPZSandlerExtended ( )

Empty constructor.

Definition at line 24 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

◆ ~TPZSandlerExtended()

TPZSandlerExtended::~TPZSandlerExtended ( )


Definition at line 56 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

Referenced by operator=().

Member Function Documentation

◆ A()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::A ( )

Definition at line 318 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References fA.

Referenced by GetNYield(), MCormicRanchSand(), PreSMat(), ReservoirSandstone(), SalemLimestone(), SetA(), and SetUp().

◆ Apex()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::Apex ( ) const

Definition at line 381 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References fA, fB, fC, and log.

Referenced by ProjectApex(), and ProjectSigma().

◆ ApplyStrainComputeElasticStress()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ApplyStrainComputeElasticStress ( TPZVec< STATE > &  strain,
TPZVec< STATE > &  stress 
) const

Definition at line 1699 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References fG, and fK.

Referenced by ApplyStrainComputeSigma(), and GetNYield().

◆ ApplyStrainComputeSigma()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ApplyStrainComputeSigma ( TPZVec< STATE > &  epst,
TPZVec< STATE > &  epsp,
STATE &  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  epspnext,
TPZVec< STATE > &  stressnext,
STATE &  knext,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > *  tangent = NULL 
) const

Imposes the specified strain tensor and returns the correspondent stress state.

[in]epsTotalImposed total strain tensor
[out]sigmaResultant stress

Definition at line 1735 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References ApplyStrainComputeElasticStress(), ApplyStressComputeElasticStrain(), TPZMatrix< TVar >::Cols(), ComputeI1(), DebugStop, ProjectF1(), ProjectF2(), ProjectRing(), TPZMatrix< TVar >::Rows(), and YieldFunction().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ ApplyStressComputeElasticStrain()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ApplyStressComputeElasticStrain ( TPZVec< STATE > &  stress,
TPZVec< STATE > &  strain 
) const

Definition at line 1714 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References fG, and fK.

Referenced by ApplyStrainComputeSigma(), and GetNYield().

◆ B()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::B ( )

Definition at line 327 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References fB.

Referenced by GetNYield(), MCormicRanchSand(), PreSMat(), ReservoirSandstone(), SalemLimestone(), SetB(), and SetUp().

◆ C()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::C ( )

Definition at line 336 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References fC.

Referenced by GetNYield(), MCormicRanchSand(), PreSMat(), ReservoirSandstone(), SalemLimestone(), SetC(), and SetUp().

◆ CheckCoordinateTransformation()

void TPZSandlerExtended::CheckCoordinateTransformation ( TPZVec< STATE > &  cart)

◆ ClassId()

int TPZSandlerExtended::ClassId ( ) const

Define the class id associated with the class.

This id has to be unique for all classes A non unique id is flagged at the startup of the program

Implements TPZSavable.

Definition at line 3176 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References Hash().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ ComputeCapCoVertexTangent()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ComputeCapCoVertexTangent ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > *  gradient 
) const

Compute the derivative of the projected stresses respect to trial stresses (tangent) over the cap.

Definition at line 2054 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References TPZHWTools::A2x2Inverse(), atan2(), CG(), cos(), exp, F(), fA, fB, fC, fE, fnu, fPsi, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCyl(), TPZHWTools::GetRotMatrix(), Jacobianf2CoVertex(), TPZMatrix< TVar >::Multiply(), pow(), sin, and sqrt.

Referenced by GetNYield(), and ProjectSigma().

◆ ComputeCapTangent()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ComputeCapTangent ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > *  gradient 
) const

Compute the derivative of the projected stresses respect to trial stresses (tangent) over the cap.

Definition at line 1913 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References TPZHWTools::A3x3Inverse(), acos, atan2(), CG(), ComputeCapVertexTangent(), cos(), exp, F(), fA, fabs, fB, fC, fE, fnu, fPsi, fR, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCyl(), ftol, TPZHWTools::GetRotMatrix(), Jacobianf2(), TPZMatrix< TVar >::Multiply(), pow(), sin, and sqrt.

Referenced by GetNYield(), and ProjectSigma().

◆ ComputeCapVertexTangent()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ComputeCapVertexTangent ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > *  gradient 
) const

Compute the derivative of the projected stresses respect to trial stresses (tangent) over the cap.

Definition at line 2008 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References CG(), cos(), exp, F(), fB, fC, fE, fnu, fR, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCyl(), TPZHWTools::GetRotMatrix(), Jacobianf2Vertex(), TPZMatrix< TVar >::Multiply(), and sqrt.

Referenced by ComputeCapTangent(), and GetNYield().

◆ ComputeFailureTangent()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ComputeFailureTangent ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > *  gradient 
) const

Compute the derivative of the projected stresses respect to trial stresses (tangent) over the failure.

Definition at line 2127 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References TPZHWTools::A3x3Inverse(), atan2(), CG(), cos(), exp, F(), fA, fB, fC, fE, fnu, fPsi, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCyl(), TPZHWTools::GetRotMatrix(), Jacobianf1(), TPZMatrix< TVar >::Multiply(), pow(), sin, and sqrt.

Referenced by GetNYield(), and ProjectSigma().

◆ ComputeI1()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ComputeI1 ( TPZVec< STATE >  stress,
STATE &  I1 
) const

Definition at line 1680 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

Referenced by ApplyStrainComputeSigma(), and GetNYield().

◆ ComputeJ2()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ComputeJ2 ( TPZVec< STATE >  stress,
STATE &  J2 
) const

Definition at line 1689 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References pow().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ ConvergenceRate()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ConvergenceRate ( TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  convergence 

Definition at line 2566 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References log, TPZVec< T >::resize(), and TPZVec< T >::size().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ CPerturbation()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::CPerturbation ( ) const

◆ D()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::D ( )

Definition at line 345 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References fD.

Referenced by GetNYield(), MCormicRanchSand(), PreSMat(), ReservoirSandstone(), SalemLimestone(), and SetUp().

◆ D2DistFunc1()

void TPZSandlerExtended::D2DistFunc1 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  pt,
STATE  xi,
STATE  beta,
TPZFMatrix< STATE > &  d2distf1 
) const

Compute the second derivative of the distance as a function of xi and beta.

Definition at line 505 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), DF(), exp, F(), fB, fC, fG, fK, fPsi, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), pow(), TPZFMatrix< TVar >::Resize(), sin, and sqrt.

Referenced by GetNYield(), ProjectSigmaDep(), TaylorCheckDDistF1(), TaylorCheckParamF1Sigtrial(), and TaylorCheckProjectF1().

◆ DDistF2IJ()

template<class T >
void TPZSandlerExtended::DDistF2IJ ( TPZVec< T > &  sigtrialIJ,
TPZVec< T > &  ddistf2 
) const

Compute the value of the equation which determines the orthogonality of the projection.

compute the value of the equation which determines the orthogonality of the projection

Definition at line 460 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), F(), fK, fR, LOGPZ_DEBUG, ResLF2IJ(), and sin.

Referenced by GetNYield(), and ProjectSigmaDep().

◆ DDistFunc1()

void TPZSandlerExtended::DDistFunc1 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  pt,
STATE  xi,
STATE  beta,
TPZFMatrix< STATE > &  ddistf1 
) const

Compute the derivative of the distance function to the yield surface as a function of xi and beta.

Definition at line 478 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), DF(), F(), fG, fK, fPsi, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), gamma(), TPZFMatrix< TVar >::Resize(), sin, and sqrt.

Referenced by GetNYield(), TaylorCheckDDistF1(), TaylorCheckDDistF1DSigtrial(), and TaylorCheckDistF1().

◆ DF()

template<class T >
T TPZSandlerExtended::DF ( const T  x) const

Definition at line 66 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References exp, fB, fC, and fPhi.

Referenced by D2DistFunc1(), DDistFunc1(), and GetNYield().

◆ DF1Cart()

void TPZSandlerExtended::DF1Cart ( STATE  xi,
STATE  beta,
TPZFMatrix< STATE > &  DF1 
) const

Compute the derivative of the stress (principal s;tresses) as a function of xi and beta.

Definition at line 2686 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), Cos, exp, fA, fB, fC, fN, fPhi, fPsi, TPZFMatrix< TVar >::Resize(), sin, Sin, and sqrt.

Referenced by GetNYield(), ProjectSigmaDep(), TaylorCheckDF1Cart(), and TaylorCheckProjectF1().

◆ DF2Cart()

void TPZSandlerExtended::DF2Cart ( STATE  theta,
STATE  beta,
TPZFMatrix< STATE > &  DF1 
) const

Compute the derivative of the stress (principal s;tresses) as a function of xi and beta.

Compute the derivative of the stress (principal stresses) as a function of xi and beta.

Definition at line 2713 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), Cos, exp, fA, fB, fC, fN, fPhi, fPsi, fR, TPZFMatrix< TVar >::Resize(), sin, Sin, and sqrt.

Referenced by GetNYield(), ProjectSigmaDep(), TaylorCheckDF2Cart(), and TaylorCheckProjectF2().

◆ DistF1()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::DistF1 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  pt,
const STATE  xi,
const STATE  beta 
) const

Compute the distance of sigtrial to the point on the yield surface.

Definition at line 414 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References F1Cyl(), fG, fK, TPZHWTools::FromHWCylToHWCart(), and TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart().

Referenced by GetNYield(), SurfaceParamF1(), and TaylorCheckDistF1().

◆ DistF2()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::DistF2 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  pt,
const STATE  theta,
const STATE  beta,
const STATE  k 
) const

Compute the distance of sigtrial to the point on the cap.

Definition at line 426 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References F2Cyl(), fG, fK, TPZHWTools::FromHWCylToHWCart(), and TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart().

Referenced by GetNYield(), ProjectBetaConstF2(), ProjectRing(), SurfaceParamF2(), and TaylorCheckDistF2().

◆ DistF2IJ()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::DistF2IJ ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigtrialIJ,
STATE  theta,
) const

Compute the distance considering the sigtrial is given as a funcion of I1, sqJ2.

Definition at line 437 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), F(), fG, fK, fR, test::res, and sin.

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ DResLF1()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::DResLF1 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigtrial,
const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigproj,
const STATE  k,
const STATE  kprev 
) const

Compute the derivative of the equation which determines the evolution of k.

Definition at line 319 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References exp, fA, fB, fC, fD, fK, fR, and fW.

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ DResLF2()

void TPZSandlerExtended::DResLF2 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  pt,
STATE  theta,
STATE  beta,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  dresl 
) const

Compute the derivative of the equation which determines the evolution of k.

Definition at line 329 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), exp, fA, fB, fC, fD, fK, fPhi, fR, fW, and sin.

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ E()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::E ( )

Definition at line 365 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References fE.

Referenced by MCormicRanchSand(), PreSMat(), ReservoirSandstone(), and SalemLimestone().

◆ EpsEqk()

template<class T >
T TPZSandlerExtended::EpsEqk ( const T  k) const

Compute the damage variable as a function of the position of the cap k.

Definition at line 172 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References EpsEqX(), and X().

Referenced by Firstk(), GetNYield(), ResLF1(), ResLF2(), and ResLF2IJ().

◆ EpsEqX()

template<class T >
T TPZSandlerExtended::EpsEqX ( X) const

compute the damage variable as a function of the X function

Definition at line 166 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References CPerturbation(), exp, fD, and fW.

Referenced by EpsEqk(), and GetNYield().

◆ F()

template<class T >
T TPZSandlerExtended::F ( const T  x) const

◆ F1Cyl()

void TPZSandlerExtended::F1Cyl ( STATE  xi,
STATE  beta,
TPZVec< STATE > &  f1cyl 
) const

Compute the point on F1 in HW Cylindrical coordinates.

Definition at line 347 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References F(), fPsi, gamma(), sin, and sqrt.

Referenced by DistF1(), GetNYield(), ProjectF1(), and TaylorCheckDF1Cart().

◆ F2Cyl()

void TPZSandlerExtended::F2Cyl ( const STATE  theta,
const STATE  beta,
const STATE  k,
TPZVec< STATE > &  f2cyl 
) const

◆ Firstk()

void TPZSandlerExtended::Firstk ( STATE &  epsp,
STATE &  k 
) const

Compute k as a function of epsp using Newton iterations.

Definition at line 176 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References EpsEqk(), exp, test::f, fA, fB, fC, fD, fR, ftol, fW, and sqrt.

Referenced by operator=().

◆ FromThetaKToSigIJ()

template<class T >
void TPZSandlerExtended::FromThetaKToSigIJ ( const T &  theta,
const T &  K,
TPZVec< T > &  sigIJ 
) const

Definition at line 450 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), F(), fR, and sin.

Referenced by GetNYield(), and ProjectSigmaDep().

◆ G()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::G ( )

Definition at line 361 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References fG.

Referenced by GetNYield(), MCormicRanchSand(), PreSMat(), ReservoirSandstone(), SalemLimestone(), and SetUp().

◆ GetElasticResponse() [1/2]

TPZElasticResponse TPZSandlerExtended::GetElasticResponse ( )

Definition at line 157 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References fElasticResponse.

Referenced by operator=().

◆ GetElasticResponse() [2/2]

TPZElasticResponse TPZSandlerExtended::GetElasticResponse ( ) const

Definition at line 115 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References fElasticResponse.

◆ GetF()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::GetF ( STATE  x) const

Definition at line 70 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References F().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ GetNYield()

virtual int TPZSandlerExtended::GetNYield ( ) const

Implements TPZPlasticCriterion.

Definition at line 71 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References A(), ApplyStrainComputeElasticStress(), ApplyStrainComputeSigma(), ApplyStressComputeElasticStrain(), as_integer(), B(), C(), CheckCoordinateTransformation(), ClassId(), ComputeCapCoVertexTangent(), ComputeCapTangent(), ComputeCapVertexTangent(), ComputeFailureTangent(), ComputeI1(), ComputeJ2(), ConvergenceRate(), D(), D2DistFunc1(), DDistF2IJ(), DDistFunc1(), DF(), DF1Cart(), DF2Cart(), DistF1(), DistF2(), DistF2IJ(), DResLF1(), DResLF2(), EpsEqk(), EpsEqX(), F(), F1Cyl(), F2Cyl(), FromThetaKToSigIJ(), G(), GetF(), GradF1SigmaTrial(), GradF2SigmaTrial(), InitialDamage(), JacobianCoVertex(), Jacobianf1(), Jacobianf2(), Jacobianf2CoVertex(), Jacobianf2Vertex(), JacobianVertex(), K(), MCormicRanchSand(), N(), NormalFunctionToF1(), NormalToF1(), NYield, Phi(), PreSMat(), Print(), ProjectApex(), ProjectBetaConstF2(), ProjectCapCoVertex(), ProjectCapVertex(), ProjectCoVertex(), ProjectF1(), ProjectF2(), ProjectRing(), ProjectSigma(), ProjectSigmaDep(), ProjectVertex(), R(), Read(), Res1(), Res2(), Res2CoVertex(), Res2Vertex(), ReservoirSandstone(), ResLF1(), ResLF2(), ResLF2IJ(), SalemLimestone(), SetInitialDamage(), SetUp(), SurfaceParamF1(), SurfaceParamF2(), TaylorCheckDDistF1(), TaylorCheckDDistF1DSigtrial(), TaylorCheckDDistF2(), TaylorCheckDDistF2DSigtrial(), TaylorCheckDF1Cart(), TaylorCheckDF2Cart(), TaylorCheckDistF1(), TaylorCheckDistF2(), TaylorCheckDtbkDsigtrial(), TaylorCheckParamF1Sigtrial(), TaylorCheckProjectF1(), TaylorCheckProjectF2(), TaylorCheckProjectSigma(), W(), Write(), and X().

◆ GetR()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::GetR ( )

Definition at line 161 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References fR.

Referenced by operator=().

◆ GetX()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::GetX ( STATE  k)

Definition at line 79 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References X().

Referenced by operator=().

◆ GradF1SigmaTrial()

void TPZSandlerExtended::GradF1SigmaTrial ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigtrial,
STATE  xi,
STATE  beta,
TPZFMatrix< STATE > &  deriv 
) const

Compute the derivative of the residual with respect to sigtrial.

Definition at line 2448 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), Cos, exp, fA, fB, fC, fG, fK, fN, fPhi, fPsi, TPZFMatrix< TVar >::Redim(), sin, Sin, and sqrt.

Referenced by GetNYield(), ProjectSigmaDep(), TaylorCheckDDistF1DSigtrial(), TaylorCheckParamF1Sigtrial(), and TaylorCheckProjectF1().

◆ GradF2SigmaTrial()

void TPZSandlerExtended::GradF2SigmaTrial ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigtrial,
STATE  theta,
STATE  beta,
STATE  kprev,
TPZFMatrix< STATE > &  deriv 
) const

Compute the derivative of the F2 residual with respecto do sigtrial.

Compute the derivative of the F2 residual with respect to sigtrial.

Definition at line 2471 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), Cos, exp, fA, fB, fC, fG, fK, fN, fPhi, fPsi, fR, TPZFMatrix< TVar >::Redim(), sin, Sin, and sqrt.

Referenced by GetNYield(), ProjectSigmaDep(), TaylorCheckDDistF2DSigtrial(), TaylorCheckDtbkDsigtrial(), and TaylorCheckProjectF2().

◆ InitialDamage() [1/2]

REAL TPZSandlerExtended::InitialDamage ( const TPZVec< REAL > &  stress_p) const

Compute initial damage variable from the given principal stress state.

Definition at line 210 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References exp, test::f, fA, fabs, fB, fC, fR, ftol, IsZero(), pow(), test::res, X(), and YieldFunction().

◆ InitialDamage() [2/2]

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::InitialDamage ( )

Definition at line 377 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References fkappa_0.

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ JacobianCoVertex()

void TPZSandlerExtended::JacobianCoVertex ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  beta,
TPZFMatrix< STATE > &  jacobian_covertex 
) const

Compute the jacobian of the distance function to the cap covertex function and the result of Covertex Residue (Cap intersection with Failure)

Definition at line 977 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References CG(), cos(), CPerturbation(), exp, fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fnu, fPsi, fR, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), fW, pow(), TPZFMatrix< TVar >::Resize(), sin, sqrt, and X_0().

Referenced by GetNYield(), and ProjectCoVertex().

◆ Jacobianf1()

void TPZSandlerExtended::Jacobianf1 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  i1,
STATE  beta,
TPZFMatrix< STATE > &  jacobianf1 
) const

Compute the jacobian function of the f1 (failure) distance as a function of i1, beta and k.

Definition at line 674 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References CG(), cos(), CPerturbation(), exp, fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fnu, fPsi, fR, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), fW, pow(), TPZFMatrix< TVar >::Resize(), sin, sqrt, and X_0().

Referenced by ComputeFailureTangent(), GetNYield(), and ProjectF1().

◆ Jacobianf2()

void TPZSandlerExtended::Jacobianf2 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  theta,
STATE  beta,
TPZFMatrix< STATE > &  jacobianf2 
) const

Compute the jacobian function of the f2 (cap) distance as a function of theta, beta and k.

Definition at line 758 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References CG(), cos(), CPerturbation(), exp, fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fnu, fPsi, fR, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), fW, pow(), TPZFMatrix< TVar >::Resize(), sin, sqrt, and X_0().

Referenced by ComputeCapTangent(), GetNYield(), ProjectBetaConstF2(), ProjectF2(), ProjectRing(), ProjectSigmaDep(), TaylorCheckDDistF2(), TaylorCheckDtbkDsigtrial(), and TaylorCheckProjectF2().

◆ Jacobianf2CoVertex()

void TPZSandlerExtended::Jacobianf2CoVertex ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  beta,
TPZFMatrix< STATE > &  jacobianf2_covertex 
) const

Compute the jacobian function of the f2 (cap) distance as a function of beta and k.

Definition at line 886 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References CG(), cos(), CPerturbation(), exp, fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fnu, fPsi, fR, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), fW, pow(), TPZFMatrix< TVar >::Resize(), sin, sqrt, and X_0().

Referenced by ComputeCapCoVertexTangent(), GetNYield(), and ProjectCapCoVertex().

◆ Jacobianf2Vertex()

void TPZSandlerExtended::Jacobianf2Vertex ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE &  jacobianf2_vertex 
) const

Compute the jacobian function of the vertex on f2 (cap) distance as a function of k.

Definition at line 950 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), CPerturbation(), exp, fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fnu, fR, fW, and X_0().

Referenced by ComputeCapVertexTangent(), GetNYield(), and ProjectCapVertex().

◆ JacobianVertex()

void TPZSandlerExtended::JacobianVertex ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE &  jacobian_vertex 
) const

Compute the jacobian of the distance function to the cap vertex function and the result of Vertex residue (Cap)

Definition at line 964 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References CG(), cos(), CPerturbation(), exp, fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fnu, fR, fW, and X_0().

Referenced by GetNYield(), and ProjectVertex().

◆ K()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::K ( )

◆ MCormicRanchSand()

void TPZSandlerExtended::MCormicRanchSand ( TPZSandlerExtended mat)

Definition at line 3078 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References A(), B(), C(), D(), E(), fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fElasticResponse, fG, fK, fN, fnu, fPhi, fPsi, fR, fW, G(), K(), N(), R(), TPZElasticResponse::SetEngineeringData(), and W().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ N()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::N ( )

Definition at line 369 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References fN.

Referenced by GetNYield(), MCormicRanchSand(), PreSMat(), ReservoirSandstone(), SalemLimestone(), and SetUp().

◆ NormalFunctionToF1()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::NormalFunctionToF1 ( STATE &  I1,
STATE &  k 
) const

Definition at line 1123 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References exp, fA, fB, fC, pow(), and sqrt.

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ NormalToF1()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::NormalToF1 ( STATE  I1,
STATE  I1_ref 
) const

Compute the normal function to the failure surface based on a reference point (I1_ref,f1(I1_ref))

Definition at line 198 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References exp, fA, fB, fC, and pow().

Referenced by GetNYield(), and ProjectSigma().

◆ operator=()

TPZSandlerExtended& TPZSandlerExtended::operator= ( const TPZSandlerExtended source)

◆ Phi()

void TPZSandlerExtended::Phi ( TPZVec< REAL >  sigma,
STATE  alpha,
TPZVec< STATE > &  phi 
) const

Definition at line 1109 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References YieldFunction().

Referenced by GetNYield(), and SetUp().

◆ Poisson()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::Poisson ( )

Definition at line 373 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References fnu.

◆ PreSMat()

void TPZSandlerExtended::PreSMat ( TPZSandlerExtended mat)

Definition at line 3151 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References A(), B(), C(), D(), E(), fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fElasticResponse, fG, fK, fN, fnu, fPhi, fPsi, fR, fW, G(), K(), N(), R(), TPZElasticResponse::SetEngineeringData(), and W().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ Print()

void TPZSandlerExtended::Print ( std::ostream &  out) const

Reimplemented from TPZPlasticCriterion.

Definition at line 1097 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References fA, fB, fC, fD, fkappa_0, fR, and fW.

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ ProjectApex()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ProjectApex ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj 
) const

◆ ProjectBetaConstF2()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ProjectBetaConstF2 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj 
) const

◆ ProjectCapCoVertex()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ProjectCapCoVertex ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj 
) const

◆ ProjectCapVertex()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ProjectCapVertex ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj 
) const

◆ ProjectCoVertex()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ProjectCoVertex ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj 
) const

◆ ProjectF1()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ProjectF1 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj 
) const

◆ ProjectF2()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ProjectF2 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj 
) const

◆ ProjectRing()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ProjectRing ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj 
) const

◆ ProjectSigma()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ProjectSigma ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigmatrial,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  sigmaproj,
STATE &  kproj,
int &  m_type,
TPZFMatrix< REAL > *  gradient = NULL 
) const

◆ ProjectSigmaDep()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ProjectSigmaDep ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigmatrial,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  sigmaproj,
STATE &  kproj,
TPZFMatrix< STATE > &  GradSigma 
) const

◆ ProjectVertex()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ProjectVertex ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  projected_stress,
STATE &  kproj 
) const

◆ R()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::R ( )

Definition at line 357 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References fR.

Referenced by GetNYield(), MCormicRanchSand(), PreSMat(), ReservoirSandstone(), SalemLimestone(), and SetUp().

◆ Read()

void TPZSandlerExtended::Read ( TPZStream buf,
void *  context 

read objects from the stream

Reimplemented from TPZSavable.

Definition at line 119 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fElasticResponse, fG, fK, fkappa_0, fN, fnu, fPhi, fPsi, fR, ftol, fW, TPZElasticResponse::Read(), and TPZStream::Read().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ Res1()

template<class T >
void TPZSandlerExtended::Res1 ( const TPZVec< T > &  trial_stress,
TPZVec< T > &  residue_1 
) const

Compute the derivative of the distance function to the failure function and the result of Residue 1 (failure)

Definition at line 550 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References CG(), cos(), CPerturbation(), exp, fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fnu, fPsi, fR, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), fW, pow(), TPZVec< T >::Resize(), sin, sqrt, and X_0().

Referenced by GetNYield(), and ProjectF1().

◆ Res2()

template<class T >
void TPZSandlerExtended::Res2 ( const TPZVec< T > &  trial_stress,
TPZVec< T > &  residue_2 
) const

Compute the derivative of the distance function to the cap function and the result of Residue 2 (Cap)

Definition at line 586 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References CG(), cos(), CPerturbation(), exp, fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fnu, fPsi, fR, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), fW, pow(), TPZVec< T >::Resize(), sin, sqrt, and X_0().

Referenced by GetNYield(), ProjectBetaConstF2(), ProjectF2(), ProjectRing(), TaylorCheckDDistF2(), TaylorCheckDDistF2DSigtrial(), and TaylorCheckDistF2().

◆ Res2CoVertex()

template<class T >
void TPZSandlerExtended::Res2CoVertex ( const TPZVec< T > &  trial_stress,
TPZVec< T > &  residue_covertex 
) const

Compute the derivative of the distance function to the covertex cap function and the result of covertex Residue.

Definition at line 629 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References CG(), cos(), CPerturbation(), exp, fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fnu, fPsi, fR, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), fW, pow(), TPZVec< T >::Resize(), sin, sqrt, and X_0().

Referenced by GetNYield(), ProjectCapCoVertex(), and ProjectCoVertex().

◆ Res2Vertex()

template<class T >
void TPZSandlerExtended::Res2Vertex ( const TPZVec< T > &  trial_stress,
T &  residue_vertex 
) const

Compute the derivative of the distance function to the vertex cap function and the result of vertex Residue.

Definition at line 658 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), CPerturbation(), exp, fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fnu, fR, TPZHWTools::FromPrincipalToHWCart(), fW, sqrt, and X_0().

Referenced by GetNYield(), ProjectCapVertex(), and ProjectVertex().

◆ ReservoirSandstone()

void TPZSandlerExtended::ReservoirSandstone ( TPZSandlerExtended mat)

Definition at line 3102 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References A(), B(), C(), D(), E(), fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fElasticResponse, fG, fK, fN, fnu, fPhi, fPsi, fR, fW, G(), K(), N(), R(), TPZElasticResponse::SetEngineeringData(), and W().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ ResLF1()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::ResLF1 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigtrial,
const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigproj,
const STATE  k,
const STATE  kprev 
) const

Compute the residual of the equation which defines the update of the damage variable.

Definition at line 308 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References EpsEqk(), and fK.

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ ResLF2()

template<class T >
T TPZSandlerExtended::ResLF2 ( const TPZVec< T > &  pt,
STATE  kprev 
) const

Compute the residual of the equation which defines the update of the damage variable.

Definition at line 290 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), EpsEqk(), F(), fK, and fR.

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ ResLF2IJ()

template<class T >
T TPZSandlerExtended::ResLF2IJ ( const TPZVec< T > &  sigtrIJ,
STATE  kprev 
) const

Compute the residual of the equation which defines the update of the damage variable.

Definition at line 298 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References cos(), EpsEqk(), F(), fK, and fR.

Referenced by DDistF2IJ(), and GetNYield().

◆ SalemLimestone()

void TPZSandlerExtended::SalemLimestone ( TPZSandlerExtended mat)

Definition at line 3127 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References A(), B(), C(), D(), E(), fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fElasticResponse, fG, fK, fN, fnu, fPhi, fPsi, fR, fW, G(), K(), N(), R(), TPZElasticResponse::SetEngineeringData(), and W().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ SetA()

void TPZSandlerExtended::SetA ( STATE  A)

Definition at line 322 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References A(), and fA.

◆ SetB()

void TPZSandlerExtended::SetB ( STATE  B)

Definition at line 331 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References B(), and fB.

◆ SetC()

void TPZSandlerExtended::SetC ( STATE  C)

Definition at line 340 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References C(), and fC.

◆ SetElasticResponse()

void TPZSandlerExtended::SetElasticResponse ( const TPZElasticResponse ER)

◆ SetInitialDamage()

void TPZSandlerExtended::SetInitialDamage ( STATE  kappa_0)

Definition at line 103 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References fkappa_0.

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ SetUp()

void TPZSandlerExtended::SetUp ( STATE  A,

Definition at line 83 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References A(), B(), C(), D(), fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fElasticResponse, fG, fK, fN, fnu, fPhi, fPsi, fR, fW, G(), K(), N(), Phi(), R(), TPZElasticResponse::SetEngineeringData(), and W().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ SurfaceParamF1()

void TPZSandlerExtended::SurfaceParamF1 ( TPZVec< STATE > &  sigproj,
STATE &  xi,
STATE &  beta 
) const

◆ SurfaceParamF2()

void TPZSandlerExtended::SurfaceParamF2 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigproj,
const STATE  k,
STATE &  theta,
STATE &  beta 
) const

◆ TaylorCheckDDistF1()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckDDistF1 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigmatrial,
STATE  xi,
STATE  beta,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

◆ TaylorCheckDDistF1DSigtrial()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckDDistF1DSigtrial ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigmatrial,
STATE  xi,
STATE  beta,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

◆ TaylorCheckDDistF2()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckDDistF2 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigmatrial,
STATE  theta,
STATE  beta,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

◆ TaylorCheckDDistF2DSigtrial()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckDDistF2DSigtrial ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigmatrial,
STATE  theta,
STATE  beta,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

teste da derivada D(ResF2)/D(sigtrial)

Definition at line 2639 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References GradF2SigmaTrial(), TPZMatrix< TVar >::Multiply(), Norm(), Res2(), and TPZVec< T >::resize().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ TaylorCheckDF1Cart()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckDF1Cart ( STATE  xi,
STATE  beta,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

◆ TaylorCheckDF2Cart()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckDF2Cart ( STATE  theta,
STATE  beta,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

◆ TaylorCheckDistF1()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckDistF1 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigmatrial,
STATE  xi,
STATE  beta,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

Set of methods to verify if the tangent matrices are computed correctly

Definition at line 2493 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References DDistFunc1(), DistF1(), fabs, TPZVec< T >::resize(), and sqrt.

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ TaylorCheckDistF2()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckDistF2 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigmatrial,
STATE  theta,
STATE  beta,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

Definition at line 2573 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References DistF2(), fabs, Res2(), TPZVec< T >::resize(), and sqrt.

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ TaylorCheckDtbkDsigtrial()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckDtbkDsigtrial ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigtrial,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

◆ TaylorCheckParamF1Sigtrial()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckParamF1Sigtrial ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigtrial,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

verifies the validity of dxi/dsigtrial and dbeta/dsigtrial

Definition at line 2842 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References D2DistFunc1(), GradF1SigmaTrial(), Norm(), ProjectF1(), TPZVec< T >::resize(), and SurfaceParamF1().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ TaylorCheckProjectF1()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckProjectF1 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigtrial,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

◆ TaylorCheckProjectF2()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckProjectF2 ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigtrial,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

◆ TaylorCheckProjectSigma()

void TPZSandlerExtended::TaylorCheckProjectSigma ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  trial_stress,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  xnorm,
TPZVec< STATE > &  errnorm 
) const

Compute the approximation rate for the derivative of the projected stresses respect to trial stresses.

Definition at line 2808 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References TPZMatrix< TVar >::Multiply(), Norm(), ProjectSigma(), ProjectSigmaDep(), and TPZVec< T >::resize().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ W()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::W ( )

Definition at line 349 of file TPZSandlerExtended.h.

References fW.

Referenced by GetNYield(), MCormicRanchSand(), PreSMat(), ReservoirSandstone(), SalemLimestone(), and SetUp().

◆ Write()

void TPZSandlerExtended::Write ( TPZStream buf,
int  withclassid 
) const

Writes this object to the TPZStream buffer. Include the classid if withclassid = true.

Writes this object to the TPZStream buffer. Include the classid if withclassid = true

Reimplemented from TPZSavable.

Definition at line 138 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fElasticResponse, fG, fK, fkappa_0, fN, fnu, fPhi, fPsi, fR, ftol, fW, TPZElasticResponse::Write(), and TPZStream::Write().

Referenced by GetNYield().

◆ X()

template<class T >
T TPZSandlerExtended::X ( const T  k) const

The function which defines the plastic surface.

Auxiliary function for Associating the position of the cap with the damage variable

Definition at line 75 of file TPZSandlerExtended.cpp.

References F(), and fR.

Referenced by EpsEqk(), GetNYield(), GetX(), InitialDamage(), X_0(), and YieldFunction().

◆ X_0()

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::X_0 ( ) const

◆ YieldFunction()

void TPZSandlerExtended::YieldFunction ( const TPZVec< STATE > &  sigma,
STATE  kprev,
TPZVec< STATE > &  yield 
) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ fA

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fA

◆ fB

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fB

◆ fC

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fC

◆ fD

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fD

◆ fE

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fE

◆ fElasticResponse

TPZElasticResponse TPZSandlerExtended::fElasticResponse

◆ fG

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fG

◆ fK

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fK

◆ fkappa_0

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fkappa_0

◆ fN

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fN

◆ fnu

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fnu

◆ fPhi

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fPhi

◆ fPsi

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fPsi

◆ fR

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fR

◆ ftol

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::ftol

◆ fW

STATE TPZSandlerExtended::fW

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