Pre Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for Pre:


file  doxpre.h [code]
 Creates pre group for Doxygen documentation.
file  pzbuildmultiphysicsmesh.cpp [code]
file  pzbuildmultiphysicsmesh.h [code]
 Contains the declaration of the TPZBuildmultiphysicsMesh class.
file  pzdatafi.h [code]
 Contains the TDatafile class which defines the methods used to read a grid.
file  pzgengrid.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZGenGrid methods.
file  pzgengrid.h [code]
 Contains the TPZGenGrid class which implements the generation of a multilayered geometric grid (two-dimensional).
file  pzhyperplane.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZReadMeshHR methods.
file  pzhyperplane.h [code]
 Contains the TPZReadMeshHR class which reads a mesh in a "human readable" format.
file  pzidentifyrefpattern.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZIdentifyRefPattern methods.
file  pzidentifyrefpattern.h [code]
 Contains the TPZIdentifyRefPattern class which identifies the refinement pattern given the father element and their sons.
Also contains TSide structure.
file  pzpargrid.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZGenPartialGrid methods.
file  pzpargrid.h [code]
 Contains the TPZGenPartialGrid class which implements the generation of a geometric grid.
file  pzreadmesh.h [code]
 Contains the TPZReadMesh class which implements the interface for build a computational mesh from a file.
file  pzreadmeshhr.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZReadMeshHR methods.
file  pzreadmeshhr.h [code]
 Contains the TPZReadMeshHR class which reads a mesh in a "human readable" format.
file  pzreadtetgen.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZReadTetGen methods.
file  pzreadtetgen.h [code]
 Contains the TPZReadTetGen class which implement the interface between TPZGeoMesh and the files produced by tetgen.
file  TPZAcademicGeoMesh.cpp [code]
file  TPZAcademicGeoMesh.h [code]
file  TPZAnalyticSolution.cpp [code]
file  TPZAnalyticSolution.h [code]
file  TPZBuildSBFem.cpp [code]
file  TPZBuildSBFem.h [code]
file  TPZExtendGridDimension.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZExtendGridDimension methods.
file  TPZExtendGridDimension.h [code]
 Contains the TPZExtendGridDimension class which generates a three dimensional mesh as an extension of a two dimensional mesh.
file  TPZGenSpecialGrid.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the methods to generate polygonal grids approximating three dimensional special surfaces.
file  TPZGenSpecialGrid.h [code]
 Declaration of the generator of special grids class.
file  TPZGeoMeshBuilder.cpp [code]
file  TPZGeoMeshBuilder.h [code]
file  TPZGmshReader.cpp [code]
file  TPZGmshReader.h [code]
file  TPZGMSHReadMesh.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZGMSHReadMesh methods.
file  TPZGMSHReadMesh.h [code]
 Contains the TPZGMSHReadMesh class which manages the manipulation of geometric meshes.
file  tpzhierarquicalgrid.cpp [code]
file  tpzhierarquicalgrid.h [code]
file  TPZHybridizeHDiv.cpp [code]
file  TPZHybridizeHDiv.h [code]
file  TPZMHMeshControl.cpp [code]
file  TPZMHMeshControl.h [code]
file  TPZMHMixedHybridMeshControl.cpp [code]
file  TPZMHMixedHybridMeshControl.h [code]
file  TPZMHMixedMeshChannelControl.cpp [code]
file  TPZMHMixedMeshChannelControl.h [code]
file  TPZMHMixedMeshControl.cpp [code]
file  TPZMHMixedMeshControl.h [code]
file  TPZReadGIDGrid.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of the TPZReadGIDGrid methods.
file  TPZReadGIDGrid.h [code]
 Contains the TPZReadGIDGrid class which implement the interface between TPZGeoMesh and the files in dump format produced by GID.