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The Analysis classes. | Objects of this classes implement the analysis procedures |
The Common classes | Defines type of the floating point calculations used in. Defines timer object to calculate CPU time used in the execution of code snippets |
The Geometric approximation classes | The geometry classes are responsible for the aproximation of the geometry of the problem and for keeping track of the topology of the mesh |
The Numerical Integration classes. | Defines integration rules for lines, quadrilaterals, triangles, cubes, tetrahedra, pyramids and prisms |
The Material Classes | Classes which implement the weak statement of the differential equation within the PZ environment. TPZMaterial is the Base Class |
▼The Matrix classes | This module groups a collection of all matrix classes and solvers available in the PZ environment |
The matrix utility classes | Implements helper classes for matrices |
The Solver classes | This module contains all classes that represent a matrix inversion procedure. Representing a inversion procedure as an object gives the user great flexibility to combine solution procedures |
The Frontal Matrix classes | This module contains all classes involved in the frontal process |
▼Generation of an aproximation space | Classes which define the aproximation space combine the geometric aproximation, definition of the element, shape functions, integration rules, and variational statement to build the element stiffness matrices the finite elements within this tree are also responsible to generate C0 compatible interpolation spaces |
The Computational Mesh classes | The computational mesh classes are responsible for the organize mesh data structure |
The Computational Element classes | The computational element classes are responsible for the organize element data structure |
The Post Processing classes. | The porpouse is to generate graphics output files for post processing interfacing for various graphical packages. The graphical mesh represents a logically refined version of the computational mesh This logical refinement means that the refined element object are not actually created They only exist in the output file. Actually, neopz considerer output format for openDX, MVGraph, 3D Image Visualization and VTK environment |
The Getting Mesh classes. | Groups intermediate classes to facilitate the opening of an input stream and define the methods used to read or to generate a grid(generally initial mesh) |
The Refine classes. | Objects of this class implement the uniform h refinement of an element |
Classes supporting persistency | Persistency within the PZ environment is implemented by deriving a class from the TPZSavable class and implementing the Read and Write method |
The shape functions classes | The shape functions are implemented in static classes, i.e. classes whose methods are not associated with a given object. This should facilitate their reuse in existing finite element codes In the future, all element features which are object independent will be transferred to these classes There is no base class of the Shape classes in order to improve efficiency (no virtual call mechanisms) |
The Structural Matrix classes | This module contains all classes which defines Structural Matrices Structural matrix classes make the link between the Computational meshes and the Matrix classes. A structural matrix object extracts from the computational mesh the information needed to create a matrix object. It also implements the method for assembling the matrix object |
The matrix divided in sub structure classes | This module contains all classes which defines Matrices divided in sub structures. Was implemented Dohrmann algorithm and preconditioner |
▼The master element topology classes. | Defines the structure of the master elements |
The utilities for topology classes. | Utilities classes operating on data related to master element |
The Utility classes. | The utility classes define general purpose classes such as vectors, stacks, binary trees and chunk vectors. All classes in the utility package are templated in order to improve strong type checking. The class will perform a bounds checking on the operator arguments |